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Oh how great it would be if we could see the Carry Optics battle.....

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So Mr. Grauffel and his son are in the States, ready to battle it out at the Carry Optics Nationals against Christian, Nils, Jacob, Mason, Jay and all the other awesome CO shooters in the US...   This could become an EPIC battle....    but we won't know until afterwards... cause it's not gonna be on tv / streamed...   OR IS IT??!!!


Anybody know of anyone planning to follow the Super Squad and document this epic battle for us to see live, or at least uploaded to Youtube or something???


It just physically hurts me that this epic battle is gonna take place in the sport that I love.....  and all we're gonna get, is the results afterwards......

Edited by WFargo
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Not sure there is any way to film it that would be interesting to watch. As an r.o. when you are right with these folks that is fun to see but even when seeing it live as a spectator at the match it is pretty much just all the same until you check targets & the timer. 

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Posted (edited)

That time when Brian from Hunters HD Gold filmed the super squad was awesome!

I understand it's very difficult to actually get some updates on scores, (or maybe not with practicscore) but the way Brian did it was awesome. And also what Shooting USA did, is great. But that of course takes a lot of editing and means it's not gonna be live....

Hell, I even enjoyed the USPSA static cameras streaming live at a few nationals....

Edited by WFargo
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Eric is not on the "Super Squad" or "The Other Super Squad".


Squad 206
1. Jon Bautista (Carry Optics / G)
2. Trent Miller (Carry Optics / M)
3. Eric Steiner (Carry Optics / G)
4. Kevin Izatt (Carry Optics / M)
5. Robert Wyatt (Carry Optics / A)
6. Andrew Guizar (Carry Optics / B)
7. Bo Gibbons (Carry Optics / M)
8. Eric Grauffel (Carry Optics / U)
9. Robin Grauffel (Carry Optics / U)
10. Edcel Gino (Carry Optics / U)
11. Jj Racaza (Carry Optics / G)
12. Martin Kameniček (Carry Optics / M)



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That's be the "Foreign Super Squad". :D I see 3 or 4 dudes there that have won IPSC World Shoots in one division or another, some many more than once.


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28 minutes ago, shred said:

That's be the "Foreign Super Squad". :D I see 3 or 4 dudes there that have won IPSC World Shoots in one division or another, some many more than once.


Yup! I know a couple guys on that squad that will be getting a pretty good clinic! 

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9 minutes ago, terrydoc said:

Doesn't Eric's dad video all his matches? I remember an old IROA mate had a run in with him at WS years back about it.

Probably not anymore, he has a small film crew as part of his EG Academy that follows him around. It was the case at the Europeans last year.

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On 6/26/2024 at 8:06 AM, Blackstone45 said:

There was some good live coverage of the Area 8 match a couple of weeks ago. 


From one member of the team who put it on, thanks! I wrote a very long post about lessons learned, and what we (or others looking to do the same thing) might do differently next time.


It would be very expensive to have a professional crew do this kind of thing, but there are enough people out there with backgrounds in video production and a willingness to pitch in that I think a well-resourced amateur crew can ultimately put on a solid product.

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11 minutes ago, Fishbreath said:


From one member of the team who put it on, thanks! I wrote a very long post about lessons learned, and what we (or others looking to do the same thing) might do differently next time.


It would be very expensive to have a professional crew do this kind of thing, but there are enough people out there with backgrounds in video production and a willingness to pitch in that I think a well-resourced amateur crew can ultimately put on a solid product.

It was really well done for what was an amateur production for an area match.


PS. you make running a revolver look cool and exciting

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15 minutes ago, WFargo said:

@ fishbreath, can we still watch it somewhere, the Area 8 match coverage?


The live shows are on the Casual Shooters Podcast YouTube in the streams archive tab, and my Instagram has a bunch of drone video of stage runs, close-in footage from our other camera guy on the ground, and some in-the-field interviews with shooters right after stages.


One thing for next time is going to be a unified place to post stuff, so we can share one link for all of it.

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On 6/27/2024 at 10:10 AM, Fishbreath said:


From one member of the team who put it on, thanks! I wrote a very long post about lessons learned, and what we (or others looking to do the same thing) might do differently next time.


It would be very expensive to have a professional crew do this kind of thing, but there are enough people out there with backgrounds in video production and a willingness to pitch in that I think a well-resourced amateur crew can ultimately put on a solid product.

What if I told you that there is a solution exist that allows to record all stage runs using statically mounted camera or just a phone... It is automatically dealing with the dead time.

Though a single camera angle may not be enough for large stages (unless mounted on a pole well above ground).

Will need an internet connection to push data to the cloud.

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A fixed camera location on pole/gantry would allow for side by side comparisons after the fact. Might also be useful for video evidence (in IPSC) if the image/angle was clear enough.


If the camera is recording in 1080 then bandwidth should be okay for multiple stages; pushing it to 4K might be problematic, it’s a lot of data to be pushing at the same time.


I had to manually stop/start/upload so automating that part would reduce manpower cost considerably. Even though I only had 3g/4g LTE bandwidth the videos would still be online before a stage had been reset. 

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5 minutes ago, BritinUSA said:

If the camera is recording in 1080 then bandwidth should be okay for multiple stages; pushing it to 4K might be problematic, it’s a lot of data to be pushing at the same time.


Multiple cameras on the same wifi network did not work well for us. Two cameras at 720p was about all we could manage before network congestion started knocking new additions offline. Wifi the radio protocol doesn't do any proactive collision avoidance, so multiple clients with possible signal strength issues trying to send video (especially on a mesh network, where every hop from one node to another is more traffic) step on each others' toes badly.


Exactly identical framing isn't necessary for comparison. Just getting in the same neighborhood is good enough. The real value of camera-on-a-pole is that you don't need someone with it all the time if it's automated or constantly streaming (with someone to sort through the footage).


5 hours ago, euxx said:

What if I told you that there is a solution exist that allows to record all stage runs using statically mounted camera or just a phone... It is automatically dealing with the dead time.

Though a single camera angle may not be enough for large stages (unless mounted on a pole well above ground).

Will need an internet connection to push data to the cloud.


Tell me more!


Internet connectivity is no problem (although the ability to use local storage is much better; most ranges are bandwidth-constrained, and there are many demands on uplink budget), but the wifi issues mentioned earlier in the post may present a challenge for streaming multiple stages.

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Live-streaming multiple cameras probably won’t work for the reason you  mentioned. 

The cameras don’t need to live-stream; Record each stage run, ftp to a server. The commentary does not have to be done from the range, it can be done from anywhere with hardwired hi-speed internet. 

It sounds like you were trying to do it all from the range, but you only need to record the stage runs and FTP from there. If you had 2-3 cameras you would have an almost constant stream of videos to re-broadcast over the stream.


Apologies if I’ve misunderstood your process.

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14 hours ago, Fishbreath said:

Tell me more!


Internet connectivity is no problem (although the ability to use local storage is much better; most ranges are bandwidth-constrained, and there are many demands on uplink budget), but the wifi issues mentioned earlier in the post may present a challenge for streaming multiple stages.

It won't be streaming, but dumping to the local storage and then uploading to cloud or external NAS from there. You won't have a live stream, but video of an individual run might be out within a few minutes. Maybe even with all metadata linked to it, like shooter name and scores.


You know how contact me. We can talk. :)

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15 hours ago, OpenshooterMclass4lyfe said:

It would be nice to see a camera crew with the super squads going stage to stage and have someone running commentary.    Why the org hasn’t tried to implement something like this yet surprises me. 

Shooting USA have done something like this before, but it's all edited together and published after the match is over. And only to their subscribers.


PS. looks like Grauffel is leading at the end of Day 2. he really just doesn't shoot Deltas, I think he's said that a Delta is like a miss to him.

Edited by Blackstone45
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Actually you can have a live-stream of the event (with commentary) using the pre-recorded videos. There would be no more than a 1-2 minute delay, such delays are common in sports broadcasting.


Its a similar process to how they do golf coverage, the commentary is live and they use a mix of live-action and shots that were recorded a few moments ago.


When I was doing LiveShots I would start recording after ‘Are you ready?’ and stopped typically after the RO called out the time. Then FTP the file to my website with a specific name ‘stage_number first_name last_name.MOV’.


On the website a PHP script would run that pulls in all the files (most recent first) and created buttons showing the stage number and competitor’s name.

The list would automatically refresh to show new links.


To the right of the buttons was a text window where I could post match updates from my phone and the panel would be replaced with a video player when one of the buttons was pressed. 

Sponsor logos (with links) were shown at the  bottom of the screen. The process worked successfully for about five years (2012-2016), multiple Nationals and a World Shoot.


The only equipment I needed at the range was an iPhone and a shotgun mic.


If I was doing it now, I would use ‘stage_mumber competitor_number’ and pull the competitors name, division from a shooter registration file, then pull the scores from PS and show all of it on the video player along with a leader board.



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44 minutes ago, Blackstone45 said:

PS. looks like Grauffel is leading at the end of Day 2. he really just doesn't shoot Deltas, I think he's said that a Delta is like a miss to him.


Oddly, Eric only won 1 stage out of 14 and he still leading about 20 points (taking into account his average points lost for the completed stages).


The day 3 score are going to be interesting to watch...


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