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Serenity Dvd Out Today


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For the Firefly/Serenity fans, the dvd was released today. Usual setup with commentary, deleted scenes and out-takes.

Now, the deleted scenes should not have been deleted. When I watched them and mentally added them to the movie itself, certain scenes made more sense and flowed better. Should have been in the goram movie.....

In a word, though...shiny!

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So why is it that when they create the DVD's, they don't give you the option to watch the deleted scenes restored into the movie? There is a bizillion other options but I haven't seen that one. I haven't watched the DVD yet, but I was a good little brown coat and picked up my copy on the way to Oklahoma for the holidays - a bday present to myself. Well truthfully, that is only an excuse (although any excuse is good) to watch Nathan Fillion.... :wub::wub:

Edited by carinab
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I doubt there will be a sequal. Unfortunatly the movie cost $39 million to make and it grossed $37 million (worldwide). It will most likely break even with DVD sales and cable, maybe it will even make some money, but it is very unlikely that we will see a return to that universe, no matter how much Joss and the fans would like it.

Edited by Vlad
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Don't rain on my parade just yet. ;) The movie has basically broken even and hopefully dramatic DVD sales of the movie (just like the DVD sales of the series) will generate enough studio interest to make a sequel, or better yet, a return to the small screen.

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Be sure to check out the "Easter Egg" on the fruity oaty bar commercial. Widescreen version only.

Highlight play, press left arrow. A new square will light up, press enter and away you go.

Fruity Oaty Bars MP3

Just tried it tonite and couldn't find it. Which scene for the fruity oat bar commercial? The scene where it first plays in the bar or the one in which the commercial is reviewed by Mr Universe? And when you say highlight play, what does that mean? I tried during the bar scene but had to give up when the rest of my captive audience started to object.

And no, I'm not obsessive asking about this at 1am CST on Xmas morning....I'm waiting for that fat ba$@Rb to show up with his sack full of crap. I need to have words with him.

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Don't rain on my parade just yet. ;) The movie has basically broken even and hopefully dramatic DVD sales of the movie (just like the DVD sales of the series) will generate enough studio interest to make a sequel, or better yet, a return to the small screen.

Even if a sequal ever happens, it is even more unlikely that you will see a new TV series. Joss and Fox had a serious falling out and Fox owns the Firefly rights as far as I can tell. At most we might see a different series in the same universe, but thats a hard sell too.

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Be sure to check out the "Easter Egg" on the fruity oaty bar commercial. Widescreen version only.

Highlight play, press left arrow. A new square will light up, press enter and away you go.

Fruity Oaty Bars MP3

Just tried it tonite and couldn't find it. Which scene for the fruity oat bar commercial? The scene where it first plays in the bar or the one in which the commercial is reviewed by Mr Universe? And when you say highlight play, what does that mean? I tried during the bar scene but had to give up when the rest of my captive audience started to object.

And no, I'm not obsessive asking about this at 1am CST on Xmas morning....I'm waiting for that fat ba$@Rb to show up with his sack full of crap. I need to have words with him.

When "play" is illuminated or highlighted, do not press enter. Press your left arrow button on the remote control for your dvd player instead (as in left right up down). A box will be illuminated on the right hand side of your screen. Then press enter.

It shows how the commercial was done, background info, then a complete run of the commercial itself.

Again, be sure you have the widescreen version as this is the only one that has it.

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When "play" is illuminated or highlighted, do not press enter. Press your left arrow button on the remote control for your dvd player instead (as in left right up down). A box will be illuminated on the right hand side of your screen. Then press enter.

It shows how the commercial was done, background info, then a complete run of the commercial itself.

Again, be sure you have the widescreen version as this is the only one that has it.

Uh...I have the widescreen version. I don't ever see "play" illuminated. Do you see the > symbol on the screen or are you pressing the remote play button sometime during the scene while the oat bar commercial is playing? I don't ever see the > symbol on the screen. In which scene for the commercial is it? In the maidenhead (prior to River's fight) or is it when Mr. Universe is reviewing/dissecting the commercial?

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When "play" is illuminated or highlighted, do not press enter. Press your left arrow button on the remote control for your dvd player instead (as in left right up down). A box will be illuminated on the right hand side of your screen. Then press enter.

It shows how the commercial was done, background info, then a complete run of the commercial itself.

Again, be sure you have the widescreen version as this is the only one that has it.

Uh...I have the widescreen version. I don't ever see "play" illuminated. Do you see the > symbol on the screen or are you pressing the remote play button sometime during the scene while the oat bar commercial is playing? I don't ever see the > symbol on the screen. In which scene for the commercial is it? In the maidenhead (prior to River's fight) or is it when Mr. Universe is reviewing/dissecting the commercial?

Carinab, when the main menu comes up, you have four choices. Play, Scenes, Bonus Material, and Languages. Play is "highlighted" when the menu comes up. Instead of pressing "enter" to start the movie, press the left arrow, usually associated with the enter key on your remote. Or, if your computer can play dvd's, the left arrow key.

A box will illuminate on the right hand side, under scenes and above languages. When it is highlighted, press enter and the easter egg will play.

You have to be at the main menu where it says play. Only way to play the movie is to press enter when play is highlighted.

We'll get you there. :D

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Aha, the easter eggs in other movies I have are hidden in the movie themselves (white rabbit in Matrix to name one off the top of my head.) When you said fruity oaty bar, I thought you meant it was hidden someplace during the commercial playing in the bar.

So yes, I finally found it. Only one more question, how do I get the song out of my head?


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So why is it that when they create the DVD's, they don't give you the option to watch the deleted scenes restored into the movie?

Actually a number of movies do this. I believe all the dvds tagged as "infinivision" do just that. I know I have at least one DVD that allows you to watch the original theatrical release or the directors cut by shuffling chapter order depending on which version you choose.

As for sequels to serenity, anything is possible. There actually is a market for movies that break even or lose a predictable ammount of money. It's what has kept woody allen in business for so long. It lets the studios play games with tax writeoffs etc.

The future gets even brighter if wonder woman is a large success with joss at the helm. A success like that would give him a lot of options regarding projects for contract fulfillment. However, he also wants to do way too many things before revisitng the world of serenity ever again to get around to it in time.

If his TV series project falls through, we might see more serenity, but somehow I doubt it.

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Well I just watched the movie and I like it. Its been awhile since a new Sci-Fi movie kept my interest. I wouldn't put it up there in the top ten sci fi movies for me but I was glad to see one that I actually watched the whole movie. Sci-Fi just seem to have died. Plenty of movies but all about B-class with those horrible actresses who just scream alot.


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Pretty decent movie and a great series (Firefly).

The fullscreen DVD also has the Fruity Oaty Bar easter egg in the same place.

I wouldn't bet too much money on a director's cut or extended version of the movie; from what I've read Whedon doesn't want to do one (If Joss doesn't want to do it, it probably won't happen) and it would take quite a bit of technical work to add the deleted scenes. Evidently there is alot of post-processing that was never performed on the deleted scenes which IMO means they were not last minute cuts.

I'm hoping for the Firefly/Serenity future to continue in some form although restarting the TV series would be perfect if Fox can be bribed somehow. Even if that doesn't happen, the series and movie will be worthwhile additions to my DVD collection.

Edited by 1911user
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Ah man, I really feel for you Firefly/Serenity fans out there.

Just foundout, here in the UK, Alias has just got the axe, this coming May 06. :( :-


Looks like both Joss Whedon & JJ Abrams have been given a dis-service. Say, was just wondering was Firefly an ABC product? I've heard about the cursed 8PM-Thursday slot.

Fast racking n double taps,

Lab. :)

Edited by IceDragon
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Firefly was originally aired on Fox on Friday nights, out of sequence, and was pre-empted a billion times. There were many unpleasantries between Fox and Whedon. Fox's only saving grace is their cable news department. The entertainment executives wouldn't know a good product if they saw it.

Speaking of Firefly, time to go watch more Nathan Fillion..... :wub:

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At the Screenwriting Expo, Joss said that he had major problems with Fox over the issue of Zoe and Wash being a married couple - with no cheating or murders etc involved.

FoxTV went as far as to draft the cancelation announcement before the first show because Joss wouldn't budge. He thought there were not enough depictions of honest loving married couples on tv at the time. You'd think with Fox being the only right-of-center network, that they'd be fine with this but as you say the entertainment people seem to be bone-heads.

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The "marketing" people of any entertainment division have little shrines in their homes and offices, devoted to focus-group polling. If a focus-group polling company were to come out with data showing viewers reacted favorably to sitcoms where the set was decorated in green, and the people wore striped clothing, guess what we'd see?

Not a moment's thought is ever given to actual plot, storyline, characterization or the possible convergence of the TV show and reality. It is all about number, derived from "research."

I'm sure Foxs' research showed that viewers wanted to see conflict, and married conflict is topped only by mud wrestling between bikini-clad babes.

A bit of advice to those schooled in "entertainment research:" If you ever think you'll use those methods to pass a real class in statistics, technical research or any real-world use, save yourself the trouble. Using the methods the entertainment industry uses would get you laughed out of any real school.

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