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Limited G35 Mag Issues?

boo radley

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Also Frank A. told me that Wolff Springs were the only springs that were made to worked with his base pads!

TruStreet - who is Frank A?

That would be Mr. Arredondo, The guy who made the base pads being used.

Got it - thanks.

Although I thought his name is Ralph . . .

Maybe it is, but the guy I spoke to was Frank Arreedondo maybe a brother or cousin :)

Thats the same guy I spoke to as well.

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Also Frank A. told me that Wolff Springs were the only springs that were made to worked with his base pads!

TruStreet - who is Frank A?

That would be Mr. Arredondo, The guy who made the base pads being used.

Which Wolf springs do you use with the Arredondo extended base pads? I looked at Wolf's web site and didn't see any springs for extened base pads. Thanks.

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Here you go

Glock single

(10% stronger) SP-GLK-1 $7.00

Glock 3 pack

(10% stronger) SP-GLK-3 $16.50

Glock 10 pack

(10% stronger) SP-GLK-10 $45.00

*Manufactured for Arredondo Accessories by Wolff Precision Gunsprings


Edited by TruStreet
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Here you go

Glock single

(10% stronger) SP-GLK-1 $7.00

Glock 3 pack

(10% stronger) SP-GLK-3 $16.50

Glock 10 pack

(10% stronger) SP-GLK-10 $45.00

*Manufactured for Arredondo Accessories by Wolff Precision Gunsprings


Thanks Manny.

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i had ftf issues once on my g22, i'm using ang ipsc legal arredondo basepad +3, tungsten rod, 15lb. ismi spring, and glokweight by jentra, i figured all these add on's were causing my slide to go faster, what i did was, i changed my mag spring to the strongest mag spring i could get my hands on, a 14coil ismi mag spring, that cured my problems, hth! goodluck!

Atmar -- I recently received a new Dawson extension and two springs. I built two "good" mags using my factory 15-round mags (#6 followers, whatever that means). I noticed immediately how much stronger the new springs were. I shot 200 rounds tonight without a single feeding problem.

The other thing I did, was replace the striker string from the R.Sotelo trigger job, with the original spring, minus a couple coils. It's a bit heavier, for sure, but didn't have a single light-strike, either. The spring in Ralph's kit is signifcantly lighter than stock: a good thing in general, but if you reload, or with my reloads, anyway, the occasional issue seemed to arise.

I want to shoot another thousand or so, but between the brand-new magazine springs, and heavier striker spring, and care taken with "prepping" the magazine, I have a hunch my fundamental problems with the G35 running consistently are over. <knock on wood>

Edited by boo radley
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I want to shoot another thousand or so, but between the brand-new magazine springs, and heavier striker spring, and care taken with "prepping" the magazine, I have a hunch my fundamental problems with the G35 running consistently are over. <knock on wood>

Aaggh, still having issues. About 5-6 rounds out of 200 failed to chamber. When I looked down, the round seemed "hung" on the feedramp, holding the slide 1/2 open. If I pushed the slide closed the round went completely nose up. If I did a "sling-shot" the slide closed normally. Not sure what this means. It only seems to happen with the 2nd or 3rd round in the mag (in other words on my second or third shot).

Is it possible it's my reloads? I'm shooting Zero 180gr JHP's loaded to 1.142 OAL. Someone looked at one, and commented that I had "no crimp" though it measures as if I do, and I get no set-back, despite pushing with all my force....Could the lip of the case be catching on the feedramp?

Things I've ruled out: limp-wristing, grip contact with the slide, old magazine springs: I'm using modern (#6 follower) magazines with brand-new Dawson extra-strenth springs and base-pads.

My recoil spring is an ISMI 15lb spring riding a tungsten guide rod. It has about 2-3k on it.

I guess I'll try a couple hundred rounds of factory ammo, and see if I still have this problem.

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Boo - that sucks! Are you SURE you're not dragging your thumbs on the slide?

If not, what make mag springs are you using? I had the same issues when using extended basepads. My smith slightly changed the angle on the feed ramp and my problems went away.

Drop me an email if you want to discuss the matter.

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Try loading to 1.125" and measure out 100-200 rounds with calipers - not letting any get by that are longer than 1.130" - and bag them separately.

Then read this outstanding post by Brian:


Try the feedramp polish, check the mag feedlips for parallel, then shoot the bagged ammo. See what happens. You can be *sure* of not thumbing the slide by putting skateboard tape down the left side of the slide, from the slide stop cut all the way back. If you see ANY white powder, that's skin, you're thumbing the slide.

Personally I never got my G35 to run 100% with the 15lb spring - I had to cut 2 coils off a Wolff 15-pounder to function well shooting one-hand-only.

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As you probably know, in a Glock the recoil spring and striker spring need to work together-if the spring weights are mis-matched light primer strikes or failures to fire result.

If you are having failures to feed don't forget the extractor and extractor spring. My G34 wouldn't feed worth a darn new (and stock) from the factory, and worked better with some magazines than others. I returned it to Glock and all they replaced was the extractor and spring-hey presto no failures in 4000 rounds.

My set up: G34: 13 lbs ISMI recoil spring, Wolff RP striker spring, stock Glock magazines.

G35: 15 lbs ISMI recoil spring, Wolff RP striker spring, Arredondo base pads, Wolff +10% mag springs.

Both work flawlessly. Too bad I don't shoot that way.

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I too was having some failure to feeds with my G35. The bullet was getting stuck on the roof of the chamber and it looked like the rim was not making it up under the extractor. I tried a new extractor. Didn't work. I thought I was thumbing my slide, I fixed my grip. It didn't work. I thought it was bad mag springs with my arredondo +5 extensions, even though it did it with all my mags standard cap too. I put in all new ISMI mag springs. It still didn't work. I thought it was my reloads. So I used factory ammo. Still didn't work. I thought I was limp wristing so I held it like a fat kid eating cake. I worked but only if I had a real death grip on it and I know Glocks should not be that finicky. One day I noticed that when hand cycling it I could hear the trigger bar falling back down into place on the connector when the slide was pulled all the way back, and I knew that that was not right. The pick-up rail was hitting the trigger bar downward when the slide was all the way back. So I compared my trigger bar to a couple of friends' bars and I noticed that mine did not have the downward bend on the cruciform like theirs did. When my finger was on the trigger and I cycled the slide the rail would hit the trigger bar and bind somewhat. Making it so the slide could not go all the way back. I purchased a new trigger bar that had the bend and now it works flawlessly. The faulty bar is on the left, the new bar with the correct downward bend is on the right. Hope this helps.



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nheiny, Eric, SinC, Cy, etc -- thx for the advice, and suggestions. Friday night, I did polish up the feedramp, and noticed how much smoother it seemed to feel with a JHP.

First 4 stages of the match, yesterday, zero problems, though I used factory 10-rnd mags for the classifier.... But, ah ha!, I thought. Issue solved. Then -- last two stages, one of which was naturally a hellacious field-course, I had horrible problems feeding.

I will strip the pistol today, and compare the trigger bar with the stock one, and shoot some factory ammo which has a much shorter OAL than my reloads.

Until I get this straightened out, I'll probably just pick up a couple 15-round mags, and shoot 15+1 in LTD -- not ideal, but safer.

Very frustrating. <sigh>

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I too had to shorten the OAL to 1.125" for the jam problem to go away. You can get 20 rounds in the mag and do a reload with the right combo. Two of my mags will hold 21, but are too tight for a reload.

Glock has three suppliers of trigger bars. They are not the same. I have been running a 13# spring with a couple of coils clipped for years without any problems.

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Had some of the same problems with a G35. Using factory hi cap mag bodies with Dawson spring and mag bottom kits. Went back With the factory weight stiker spring and 17lb recoil springs. Problem gone.

Also as said before, load 12 rds in mag, hold right hand thumb over rounds, smack base pad agianst palm of left hand, load rest of rounds (19), smack one more time, not enough to try to break hand or anything else.

Good luck!

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Are your rounda making it up under the extrator?

Do me a favor...take your slide off, insert a loaded mag, see it the top round bumps into the ejector at all. (causing the round to have a nose up and left attitude)

I am *this* close to....

Flex, yes, if I pull my slide off, I do see the top round in the mag touching the ejector. The contact isn't dramatic, but I can see there's some pressure on the rear of the case, tipping the nose up very slightly....

What does this mean?

This is ridiculous. Today I shot a match using the factory 10-round mags, which have always worked, and *factory* ammo, which measure under 1.130". That would rule out crimp, OAL....Same problem, and it really $%*($@(-up my classifier, too. Every stage, I'd have to rack the slide back on a shot or two.

I'm pulling the RSotelo trigger kit out of the gun, and pulling the 15-lb spring out, and returning it to absolute stock condition, to troubleshoot this issue. Infuriating.

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Boo I was having the same issue with one of my plus 5's mags from Arredondo! What fixxed the issue for me was replacing the spring problem solved. But it sounds as if your issue isnt that since your factory mags do it to? Sounds is if Flex's thought on it might be the issue, have you had a Glock tech check it out?

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I thinik a call to Glock is in order. Get it back to stock shape and make sure though.

Yup. A final thought occured to me, in the context of returning the gun to stock: I wonder if the tungsten guide rod, which is starting to get very noticeably grooved, is causing problems? Could the recoil spring be sticking on the rod? It developed a slight groove, or two, early on, but now seems worse....

Anyway -- going to the range today, with a couple hundred rounds, and seeing what's what. If I have *any* problems, I'm calling Glock, or a Glock armorer, or both. :)

I bought a used G22 upper, and will put that on my other Glock -- a G34, once it arrives, and once I order the appropriate trigger housing/ejector pin. This way I'll have a back-up, and who knows -- maybe I'll like the shorter slide better.

But this does have to stop.

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Pistol returned to stock, except for the sights.

300 rounds, of which 50 were weak-hand, and 50 strong-hand.

Zero problems, and the *only* mags I used were the high-caps with Dawson extensions. I loaded each to 20, too, until I ran out of bullets.

My suspicion is that something unholy was happening in conjunction with the tungsten guide-rod, the worn grooves in it, the IMSI spring, the pistol, and cold weather. In the CR-Speed holster the gun is completely exposed, and assumes ambient temperature.

I do not believe that the RSotelo trigger kit was contributing to this problem, but I pulled that out, too. I do know for a fact, I had some light primer strikes on my reloads with the striker spring in the kit....

I'll try another test later this week, by putting the gun and mags in the fridge, before hitting the range, but I think <knock on wood> the problem is solved.

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Have you checked to make sure you have the correct ejector for a .40? A 9mm ejector will cause feed issues in a .40.

Hi Joe --

Yup, good point, but it's the straight (correct) one. Flex: I believe I bought the tungsten guide rod and 15-lb ISMI spring from Custom Glock Racing.

I'm still leaning towards the hypothesis of the spring binding on the worn grooves on the guide rod (why should this rod wear at all, btw?), and causing the occasional, but intolerable feeding problem.

I put a note on the Gunsmithing section of a forum I found called "GlockTalk." We'll see.

I liked the feel from both modifications, but I can live without them more easily than jams during match stages and classfiers. Fact.

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boo radley; I had the very same problems this past weekend. Your problems matched mine to a T. I checked every problem described in this topic. The mags. were clean and springs were ok, I found a chip on the bottom of the extractor, I blended it in with a dremal. I checked where the bullet rides on the bottom of the ejector and contored it slightly so it does not push on the bullet so much. My slide was hitting the trigger bar at the most rearward position, in installed a trigger bar that cleared better. My tungsten guide had had deep grooves worn into it. I buffed them out with a flap wheel. I run the gun today with every different kind of ammo I could come up with, no problems. The mags had the same springs with no changes made to them. The outsde temp was about 15 degrees warmer thro. Tomorrow I will put the gun in the fridge with the ammo to see if it affects it. I believe that I had several small problems working together to causing the miss feeds. :wacko:

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boo radley; I had the very same problems this past weekend.


My tungsten guide had had deep grooves worn into it. I buffed them out with a flap wheel....

rstandley --

I'm not sure what you mean by a flap wheel -- I was thinking of sticking the rod in a cordless drill, spinning it slowly, and hitting it with 600gr wet/dry paper? Or maybe 400gr to start with?

My concern is that I'll burn-off the plating, and the surface below won't polish smooth, continuing to cause the same problems I have now.

I've got to admit -- I'm pretty disappointed how poorly this product seems to hold up.

Anyway -- another 280 rounds, last night, with the factory guide-rod and spring, and again zero problems, so I will probably say the hell with it, and leave the gun as it is.

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