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Psv 8 - Shotgun Mastery - Now Shipping!

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Most orders have been shipped out starting the 29th of November. We did have a problem with a significant number of orders being stolen Thursday night. We will get these sorted out and shipped on Monday. Sorry for the delay on those people who were effected.

Take care,


PS Hope everyone likes it!

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I watched most of the 2 disk set last night. I think I got the most out of disk 2, with the shooting drills, stance, mounting, etc.

Disk 1 did have some good stuff on gear and how to disassemble the 1100 and Benelli's which is good too.

I think it is worth the money if you are looking to improve. Lots of stuff to learn without having to shell out big bucks for a class.


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Mine arrived Saturday. I am about half way through disk 2.

No more porno sound track! Yeahhhhh!!!!!! :)

Disk 1 is full of good stuff, especially for someone that is relatively new to the shotgun.

I started taking notes at the start of Disk 2 about stuff I needed to work on and just about every single segment had something for me to work on.

I can tell I need to go buy a pallet of shotgun ammo or an SL-900 because I have a LOT of work to do.

Thanks to Mark and John for helping out with this one...great job guys! John Paul as a student on Disk 2 is fantastic!

Great stuff! If you haven't ordered your copy yet and you live near me please don't order one. I'll be kicking your butts next summer on the shotgun stages! :D:lol:

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Awesome, the videos just keep getting better and better. Matt I'll take a dozen of those shirts....either that or you've lost some serious lbs! Look'n pretty thin partner.

I'm new to the shotgun platform so pretty much everything was very useful to me. I would have thought more time on the 870 would be useful due to it's popularity. Also you're pretty hardcore about the 1100, so tell us how you really feel, LOL.

Only real suggestions are 1. when demonstrating parts it would be helpful to have the camera man actually photograph what you're doing then having a pointer perhaps even a lighted pointer would help when demonstrating a part inside a reveiver for example. IMO it just clarifies the point. And 2. where are all the weak hand reloading techniques. Being new to action shotgun shooting maybe nobody is doing it but it was pretty much glossed over. Both points are nitpicking because the dvd's are that good.

Many thanks for this dvd not many have tackled a shotgun video and this one is well worth the price of admission. Oh yea your shooting tip was pretty cool, it did look pretty weird however.

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I have gone through both DVDs at least once now and it is a great resource. This will help me considerably as I get started USPSA 3-Gun/Shotgun. Some additional feedback that I have include:

What I would like to see less of

The section on the old black powder drams and shot sizing was way too long and confusing. I was already familiar with the black powder/dram system and I still could not follow the discussion. My recommendation would have been to mention it briefly and then provide a reference for the more popular shot weights that would have been useful (3 dram, 1 1/8 shot load = ~1200 fps, etc.) Also, the discussion on load selection only mentioned selecting loads that would reliably operate the shotgun. I don't recall seeing anything on IPSC/USPSA power factors.

What I would like to see more of

I too would have liked to see more on reloading techniques. I thought I would see at a minimum the 4 techniques mentioned on Pat Kelly's multi-gun Web page. I especially was hoping to see the Rhoads/Butler/Miller technique in practice. I also was hoping to see footage of shooting actual stages, with barricades, other obstacles, etc. Perhaps even actual match footage and/or footage with a HoserCam.

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FWIW, hoser-cams (and poser-cams) don't work so well on long guns.. by the time you get a good cheek-weld the camera is pointing off into space somewhere.. I'm considering a barrel-mount for mine someday.

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It arrived yesterday and I watched it last night. It covers all the important stuff. Stance and having the gun run 100%. The comments about more on the 870? It's an 870 what more do you need, feed it and shoot it. It is the most reliable gun out there! The reloading techniques as Matt mentioned are so dependent on the individual that it would probably take 10 hours of video to cover all the styles. The key is find the one that works for you and practice it. The video quality keeps getting better and you get it from somebody that knows what he is talking about.

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At RM3G Matt suggested that I do a segment on weak hand reloading, still waiting on the call. As for weak hand being individual, I just got done showing a lot of people the key to doing it and all of them are now easily doing it. Nothing mysterious here, it works for all who want to know. KURTM

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At RM3G Matt suggested that I do a segment on weak hand reloading, still waiting on the call. As for weak hand being individual, I just got done showing a lot of people the key to doing it and all of them are now easily doing it. Nothing mysterious here, it works for all who want to know. KURTM

Okay I'm in.

Having not participated in an action shotgun event yet (which can be a good thing) I'm not committed to anything other than educating myself. Some have sworn by the weak hand reloading technique but nobody has demonstrated it to me in detail. Yea I've got the general idea but as Matt demonstrated in his video there are finer points to execute while doing a strong hand reload. I'm sure there are trick or two in the weak hand stuff as well.

Anything you want to pass along would be appreciated. Most all the internet videos don't demonstrate the details. I'd like to see a close up of a weak hand reload for the shotgun and any tips that make it more efficient.

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Okay I'm in.

Having not participated in an action shotgun event yet (which can be a good thing) I'm not committed to anything other than educating myself. Some have sworn by the weak hand reloading technique but nobody has demonstrated it to me in detail. Yea I've got the general idea but as Matt demonstrated in his video there are finer points to execute while doing a strong hand reload. I'm sure there are trick or two in the weak hand stuff as well.

Anything you want to pass along would be appreciated. Most all the internet videos don't demonstrate the details. I'd like to see a close up of a weak hand reload for the shotgun and any tips that make it more efficient.

+1 here

I'm in the same situation-no experience with action shotgun yet and any tips for weak-hand reloads would be appreciated.

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At RM3G Matt suggested that I do a segment on weak hand reloading, still waiting on the call. As for weak hand being individual, I just got done showing a lot of people the key to doing it and all of them are now easily doing it. Nothing mysterious here, it works for all who want to know. KURTM

The infection spreads. :P

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At RM3G Matt suggested that I do a segment on weak hand reloading, still waiting on the call. As for weak hand being individual, I just got done showing a lot of people the key to doing it and all of them are now easily doing it. Nothing mysterious here, it works for all who want to know. KURTM

I want to know :D

So can you describe the key to weak hand loading in words (maybe requires a different thread)?



Edited by chp5
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Three keys as I see it...although Kurt may have more:

1) Have the strong side strength to hold the shotgun up. If you can hold it on the shoulder and on target you save significant time just in terms of moving the shotgun around.

2) Have the dexterity of the left hand to hold shells and load.

3) Practice.

Go get some dummy rounds and your shotgun. Flip the shell holders around you so they are weak side on the belt and just play with it.

I was getting lost with some silly mental hang up trying to imagine it but the short clip showing Kurt doing it was enough to give me something to go on then it was easy to figure out.

Weak hand reloading is faster for me already than what I was doing (which I knew sucked but it worked) and I have only practiced it a few times.

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The key is NOT letting your weak hand stray too far from the loading port. I like to use my left hand index finger as the forward most guide, and the thumb as the guide in the loading port NEVER loosing contact with the shell lifter. Kind of roll the shells into place at a 45 degree angle from the horizontal. Try to just let the thumb move the shells into the mag, NOT use the whole hand. Did that help??

The film clip showes me dropping the shotgun down, this is a rare occurance, the second load ( I loaded 4 as I was exiting the car ) was at the shoulder and this is what I usually do. The third load was dropped because I was very close to the 180 and was able to move faster with it down. The beauty of weak hand loading is that it is position INSENSITIVE, it can even be used to reload from prone, kneeling, and with eyes completely off the shotgun.

Kelly of course stage 10 was won by WEAK HAND LOADING!! that was the stage utilizing the AT-4 anti tank launcher, unless of course you strong hand load your pistol?? :ph34r: That I would like to see. :D KURTM

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I agree with rwmugnus... you look very great in the video ;) and so many things are covered and packed with info. Great set!

Matt's the one who taught me to "push" with weak hand when shooting slug. I weight 110lb but can manage slugs magically. Now at least I am not that afraid of slugs... and moving to AZ and all, I can buy AR15 and play with long guns. yay!

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I agree with rwmugnus... you look very great in the video ;) and so many things are covered and packed with info. Great set!

Matt's the one who taught me to "push" with weak hand when shooting slug. I weight 110lb but can manage slugs magically. Now at least I am not that afraid of slugs... and moving to AZ and all, I can buy AR15 and play with long guns. yay!

mugnus ROFLMAO now that's a first :P

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The key is NOT letting your weak hand stray too far from the loading port. I like to use my left hand index finger as the forward most guide, and the thumb as the guide in the loading port NEVER loosing contact with the shell lifter. Kind of roll the shells into place at a 45 degree angle from the horizontal. Try to just let the thumb move the shells into the mag, NOT use the whole hand. Did that help??

I think I understand your technique, but it's one of those things that's more easily shown than described.


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Dang it Kurt, quit showing that crap off will you. The fewer people that know of it the better we will be. You keep talking it up and the next thing you know everyone is weak hand loading and leveling the playing field. I need all the breaks I can catch....

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  • 1 month later...

I got mine a little late in this discussion but might i state AWESOME i have taken numerous tactical shotgun classes, and i learned more about shot size, zero and setting up my shot gun than i ever knew possible from this video. The techinque section was really good great practice tips. Executing absolute fundamentals is what shotgunning is about.

music that isn't quite is loud would be my biggest suggstion.. along with more lighting showing the small gun parts.

thanks matt!!!!

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I would have liked to have seen the weak hand reloading technique demonstrated, I would have liked to have seen some select slug drills, some tips on shooting pidgeon flippers or whatever they are called. Overall, it's weel worth the money. The tip on how to practice reloading without needing to waste time unloading was fantastic.

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