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lynn jones

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LOL...I saw that. 

Before that, Catherine's cell phone is getting spotty service.  Hey...crime genius...put up the freakin' antenna.

There was more.  They are getting sloppy.

OK, no forgiveness on the crow iron bar tire thingy (too much advanced technology! :D ) but living in Vegas, I can guarantee you the cell phone thing is accurate. It's sad, honestly, how bad the coverage is out here; a friend of mine lies in an apt complex and had to put in a landline because she gets ZERO signal on that block...she leaves home, is fine. I used to live near a hospital, before it went in my service was OK but af6terwards....hoo boy! :o

It's a bloody shame, but it IS true.

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ok,  so i'm watching csi right now.  grisham opens a car trunk, there's a DB,  he picks up a crow bar and says it's tire iron.  WTF.  i heard it three tiimes so far.  omg.


I said the same thing to my wife last night wife we were watching it. How hard would it have been to say c..r..o..w..b..a..r......

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I don't doubt the crappy coverage. But, answer me this. If you are a couple miles out in the desert, and your cell phone conversation is cutting in and out, wouldn't you at least go thru the futile effort of putting up the 3 inch antenna on the phone?

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That's all you pick out wrong with that show?!?!?!

I've never seen it, but I saw a comercial for it once. Some guy was looking at a guy who had jumped off a building. He noted that the guy had glasses on and said in essence, "That's odd. Jumpers take off their glasses. This must be a murder." What, is that in the suicide jumper's handbook?

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And if I'm not mistaken, Catherine pulled her gun at the entrance to the bunker, racked the slide--her finger inside the trigger area the whole time (there was an angular closeup of this from behind, clearly showing her hand). At least this is what I THINK I saw. All I know is I kept staring at it, waiting for her to put her finger somewhere safer, but she didn't. So I guess it really happened.

Yes. Crowbar. Jeez. :rolleyes:<_<

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Recently, my office was broken into and we were relieved of 34 laptops and 8 LCD projectors (among some other stuff). The crime scene investigator that came to my office was pretty cool. I learned a lot about what they CAN do and what they can't.

Her comment about CSI was that amongst her colleagues, they called it the best comedy on TV.

BTW... she didn't carry a gun. And, she drove a POS crown vic that had been taken out of patrol service. Not a fancy new Yukon.

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And if I'm not mistaken, Catherine pulled her gun at the entrance to the bunker, racked the slide--her finger inside the trigger area the whole time (there was an angular closeup of this from behind, clearly showing her hand). At least this is what I THINK I saw. All I know is I kept staring at it, waiting for her to put her finger somewhere safer, but she didn't. So I guess it really happened.

Unfortunately, this probably IS realistic. The media was out when we had a perimeter set up on a manhunt once. I had to watch the news and see one of our guys holding a shot gun with his finger resting on the trigger. :blink: Mind you, he is on an outer perimeter position with no suspect in sight (and I don't even think he knew the camera was on him and was trying to look cool).

The crime scene investigator that came to my office was pretty cool. I learned a lot about what they CAN do and what they can't.

This is creating a problem with prosecutors in court. They have to fight against what the jurors saw on TV. What used to be a simple case is simple no more, because the jurors all want to see the hair fibers and DNA samples.

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When I interviewed our Sheriff's Office Forensics Division for a story last year, it was a coincidence that they'd just been issued a nice, custom-equipped SUV sort of thing with places for all their field equipment, etc., (it'd been YEARRRRSSS since they had a decent vehicle, so I guess it was time), but we had long side chat about how unreal "CSI" is. Just the amount and types of lab equipment they potray is ridiculous in terms of cost... that many major markets don't even have that kind of equipment. And instantaneous test results are not the norm... though I allow for the fact that the programming obligations require we see the whole story in less than one hour. <_<

And if you could SEE what our local county "CSI" has to work with, you'd die. They only recently (last year) got a nice new digital camera... just one. They're working in a hole-in-the-wall space downstairs in the SO bldg that's really small and still cramped, even after renovation. You should've seen it before renovation... you could barely walk thru it. :blink: And no windows, of course. They only recently obtained the record-keeping software, too, that was badly needed. Everything was logged in laboriously by hand before that. :wacko:

We have one full-time Forensics Investigator and last year hired one almost-full-time Forensics Technician so the poor guy that was solo there for a while could get a decent night's sleep, finally. These two folks get the job done, but it's a struggle. It's not glamourously appointed labs and magical technology. It's pretty visceral and rudimentary. Except for that new digital camera.

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Well damn it man!  Next one of you is going to tell me that they can't really solve these cases in a couple of days and talk these cats into open confessions. Oh the humanity of it all....... :wacko:

No, that part is true...and, just like on TV, we never find any evidence that doesn't fit the crime. I always like that part on TV. At the end of the show, you never see them saying, "Yeah, but how did the cigarette butt we found fit in? Oh, that was already there before the murder." Their scenes must have been completely sterile before the crime.

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Recently, my office was broken into and we were relieved of 34 laptops and 8 LCD projectors (among some other stuff).  The crime scene investigator that came to my office was pretty cool.  I learned a lot about what they CAN do and what they can't. 

Her comment about CSI was that amongst her colleagues, they called it the best comedy on TV. 

BTW... she didn't carry a gun.  And, she drove a POS crown vic that had been taken out of patrol service.  Not a fancy new Yukon.

Back here, we don't have any real life "CSI's" so I gotta ask. Do the real ones look just as hot as the ones on TV? :ph34r:

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The last CSI (or whatever they call them here) I saw was 40, crappy hair cut, small goatee, bad clothes & drove a crap Ford Falcon with 350,000 km on it (220,000+ miles). Ten year old camera and no help.

But she was nice :P, Sorry could not help myself. He was a good guy. Underpaid, over worked etc.

We did ask how long it took for DNA samples to get back. Most of ours here in New Zealand are sent to Australia for testing. Our laboratory here is over loaded and old. So anything really urgent or needs double checking goes to another country. :o

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I hear that the bad guys (in real life) also are watching and learning... I hate the thought of programs educating the crooks  :(

Only the rare few, and most of them are still following the advice of a TV show. Still, any education is bad news, so we just gotta be able to be more diligent.

And I'll agree on the cell phone antenna, that was dumb. Though I'm waiting to see what they do with Nick's kidnapper; the amount of explosives involved should have brought down the wrath of the BATFE guys out here.

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I always wondered how they could pick a bullet out of the wall and so " O we are looking for a 9mm"

Or they'll pull a bullet and know it's a 357 Magnum.. and not a 38 SPL... they're good.

I do like the 20 minute DNA turn around times..

I remain astounded at the computer technology displayed in these CSI-type shows, and the training the technicians must undergo.

CSI 1: Whatcha doing?

CSI 2: Well, I digitized the evidence, and wrote an analysis program -- look!

<shot of 27" LCD flat-panel displaying wire-frame of half-eaten banana rotating around 3 axis>

CSI 2: "Now...." <clicks a few keys rapidly. Screen zooms into bite mark on banana, colorizes a blotch of something and flashing window appears: MATCH--CHIMPANZEE--MATCH >

Heh. Most lab equipment, they'd be lucky to get a hard copy of something that looks like a piece of adding machine tape, with results. :)

I do confess, though, I watch very little TV, but have a soft spot for CSI. In my area, the OTA broadcast of digital tv for CBS is so strong I can pull it in, in high-def with a pair of cheap rabbit ears.*

* This should fall into "what I love" -- You mean High-Definition TV is *FREE*?? Over the air as we speak?? Gotta be the worst-publicized piece of information out there.

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* This should fall into "what I love" -- You mean High-Definition TV is *FREE*?? Over the air as we speak?? Gotta be the worst-publicized piece of information out there.

HD TV rocks, even when the content is somewhat questionable like CSI, watching anything on a 90" screen is just too cool.

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I remain astounded at the computer technology displayed in these CSI-type shows, and the training the technicians must undergo.

LOL.. They'll have a fuzzy image, where the whole guys head is in 4 pixels, then 'enhance' it enough, where you can tell the brand of contacts the guys wearing, but still apologize it's grainy.

I want thier verison of photoshop! Most be PhotoShop UltraPro.

I saw a New York episode, where they digitized a photograph with the skyline in the background, found in a camera at the scene, entered that into the super software, it showed them the address of the house it was taken from (like 10 miles out).

The Vegas show, at least they seem to know to act, and it's just light entertainment. Miami... fire them all :)

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