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Change And Receipts

Jim Norman

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Ok, You just paid for your purchase with, dare I say it, CASH. You don't have exact change so you are now facing a person that is highly motivated to get you out of their way so they can annoy the next customer. The well trained cashier takes your receipt, your folding money and the coinage and palces it all in the palm of your hand.

What do you do?

What they want you to do is take that handful and stuff it into your pocket and leave so they can deal with the next customer, afterall, you have completed your purchase, they aren't going to get anymore money from you this trip.

I want to get my receipt, look at it and then get my coin, count it, put it into my pocket and then get my folding money, count it and put it into my wallet and then having truly completed my transaction, leave the store.

Take note the next time you make a purchase. I have starting not putting my hand out palm up, but rather reaching out and taking the change from the cashier.

Jim Norman

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Ok, You just paid for your purchase with, dare I say it, CASH. You don't have exact change so you are now facing a person that is highly motivated to get you out of their way so they can annoy the next customer. The well trained cashier takes your receipt, your folding money and the coinage and palces it all in the palm of your hand.

What do you do?

What they want you to do is take that handful and stuff it into your pocket and leave so they can deal with the next customer, afterall, you have completed your purchase, they aren't going to get anymore money from you this trip.

Jim Norman

What I really detest is when they put the change on top of the pile of receipts and cash ---- and it goes cascading onto the floor......

Who the heck is training cashiers anyway? The last time I was trained on a register was 1985 --- but I was taught to use please, thank you, and you're welcome, and to place the coins in the customer's hands first, count the bills back next, and to finally hand over the receipt. These days, I especially appreciate the cashiers who bark "Is that all," fail to use "please" when calling out my total, and usually fail to say "Thank You" as well.

On the other hand, I'm just as annoyed with the rudeness of customers in line in front of me --- you know the people who need to start yelling at sales clerks, who are hustling their butts off, to finish transactions of customers ahead of them, because they had to wait a couple of minutes. Waiting galls me as much as the next person, but sometimes you just have to do it --- and it's not the cashier's fault that the store is short staffed and there's a large crowd all wanting to check out. Then there's the people talking on their cell phones when they should be paying attention to their transaction, the people who still haven't mastered the "swipe your debit and shopper's club cards" while the cashier is ringing up your groceries, the folks who ignore their screaming children who are playing under your feet, or worse.....

Man some days I just want to move to the sticks somewhere.....

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I've never put it all together like that, but you are right.

I usually stand there, and count my change. Smile, and thank them while I put it away, then leave.

I love to count out exact change to pay with. Seems to be a rare treat for the cashier.

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On a related note, I was in Blockbuster tonite for the first time in a long while. I get most of my DVD by mail but tonite the wife HAD to have the next disk of "Lost" so I took a trip. The line was about 30 people long, and the real hold up was the clear not carring on the side of both clerks and customers. The clerks where efficient and pleasent, but made no effort to actually move the line along and when a customer decided to have a chat with their kid/wife/boyfriend/alienmonster companion while at the register the clerks just smiled. Listen folks, you do not need to wait in line for 30 friking minutes and THEN argue which 2 movies you are going to rent while holding 3 in your hand. Further, if this is something you cant control, then step the hell aside and gesture to the person behind you to go ahead. You will take just as long to get out but the people behind you will get home sooner AND as a bonus they will not get to hear about how you love this movie because you lost your virginity while it was playing in the background on the superstation.

And another thing, kids under the age of 16 should not be allowed out in public places without a shock collar on their necks as well those of their parents. If I have to teach your children that the toys and candy on display along the checkout line are available for purchase and not placed their for their entertainment, then I demand I be allowed to administer them a low voltage shock and when the parents bitch about me attempting to correct their kids behaviour I get to also administer them a low voltage shock, but in their case it will be high amperage. Then I can step over your twiching body, talk to the pleasent but uncaring clerk and drive home happy.

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Laugh to your hearts content. I was standing there like a stunned ox for most of the wait not wanting to aknowledge that I was of the same species. It would have been funny as hell if it was a piece on SNL, acted by monkies.

Oh, and Jim, yes the clerk did hand me the change in top of my paper money and receipt, which is why I jumped on your hate thread. A pox onto them!

Edited by Vlad
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Yeah to all.

Jim has elucidated my biggest gripe at retail. Why do I get the stinkeye when I decide to stand my ground and separate the pile I am handed and put it away before stepping off the rubber and moving along.

Another checkout queue thing I hate is the person behind pressing me, or encroaching on my backside. 2 feet please! Your hot breath on my back is not my idea of fun in the checkout lane. I'll bet you are the exact same nincompoop that drives as fast as possible until they are attached to the next bumber in front of them and then just hang there until you move over so they can repeat the process until they dive across 3 lanes to their exit. Freeway lemmings, Sheeeesh!

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My biggest retail peeve is when the cashier answers the phone while there are people who actually hauled their butts out of the house and are standing right there waiting to be helped.. but no, the phone has priority..

but, that's another rant.

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My biggest retail peeve is when the cashier answers the phone while there are people who actually hauled their butts out of the house and are standing right there waiting to be helped.. but no, the phone has priority..

but, that's another rant.

It certainly did in the camera store where I worked ---- Phone sales accounted for 75% of our daily sales total most days, where as 40% of our walk in trade just came to drool over the equipment, suck information out of us, and then either never bought anything, or ordered it from NYC stores to save, in some cases $10-50, on a multi-thousand dollar purchase......

OTOH, the few walk-in customers who would actually buy from us on a regular basis got treated like gold, even the ones who only spent a couple of hundred dollars per purchase.....

Mmmmm, the nineties, when we were moving between $ 75-100,000 daily....

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The change on top of the dollar thing is defiantly not an American thing. It was so commonplace when I lived in Miami but since I moved to the country (mid west) the only people who do that are obviously not from Minnesota. People not from Minnesota trained the ones who do it.

Same thing with customer service (see my post on customer service in humor section)

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My peeve is clerks who are obvious about that the stores commission structure trumps decent service. I was in a Radio Shack recently buying a small but essential part, and the clerk left the register to go into a length sales cycle with a couple considering a cell phone - and then explained to me that I was left waiting at the register because they were in the store first (not in line for the register, just handing around the cell phone display).

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Radio shack people are not nice to you when you buy something small.

If you really want to torture a cashier:

Buy something, say the total is $17.09

Pull out a twenty dollar bill. They will ring 20.00 into the register, to get the amount of change to return to you.

Then say, "Wait, I have a quarter".

You will see steam come out their ears sometimes as they try to do the math. I've seen them go get a calculator.


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Hmmmm, Radio Shack. I'm there buying batteries (for an OKO, and my earmuffs.) I've got a Twenty dollar bill visible in my hand. The moron behind the counter asks: May I have your name please?

Me: Joe Cash

Moron: And your address?

Me: 123 Money Lane

Moron: And what Town's that in?

Me: Currency, NJ 08540

Moron: May I have a phone number?

Me: Sure, 609-987-6543.

Moron: Are you kidding me?

Me: I just wanted to see if it would be faster to give you answers for your database, than it normally is, when I tell you I'm paying cash, and would just appreciate my change. For some reason, that always compels you to go into a five minute song and dance about the benefits of being in your database....

He was not amused ---- but I was, and we all know that that's what's really important: Nik's entertainment.... :lol::lol:

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Today at a subway restaurant the cashier was on the phone, so she took each dollar bill out of the register and threw them onto the counter, in nothing resembling an orderly pile of bills, then she put a dime on top of it. I just stood there and looked at it, finally she said "let me pick that up so I don't look disrespectful" and picked it up and handed it to me like a normal person.

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Nothing really steams me more than the Radio Shack people demand your name and phone number. I've went so far as to have had one of them say they couldn't sell me something without my name.

Called their #800 told them the person's name, what time it was and the store, the lady on the phone sent me the $5 part for free. I think the woman on the phone was about ready to go swiftly kick that pizza faced little punk in the ass after my call. Needless to say I've never seen him again (this was a guy who worked 5 days a week every week)


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