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Oh man was it caliente!

I came in 3rd B Open. Brian Gee took first and Will Smith took 2nd. I couldn't have lost to a better bunch of guys. Match was great. There were a couple of stages that were challenging, especially stage 2 with the moving plate rack. Shred was one of a handful of shooters that cleaned all 4 plates before they hit hardcover.

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I mUst say the RO's did an excellent job considering the heat. My squad thanked everyone of them and I hope everyone else did because I do not know if I would have survived the weekend like they did. I'd like to thank Rey A., Edwardo, Chris, Daniel, Ray P., Tom D. and anyone else I forgot in squad 25 for a very enjoyable weekend and my 1st Area 4 match. See everyone next year.


I hope to see everyone at the Gator Classic in in September. Remember, big prize table with at least 5 guns donated and, Jerry M. doing demostrations, Smith & Wesson try out booth and lots of fun.

Todd Rodrigue


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Probably the most exciting thing of the whole match was when Sniper was vividly describing her nurse uniform during the awards. ;)

Dammit I can't believe I missed that. That might have made it a better day. I was probably off licking my wounds after getting smoked by a 14 year old. Good shooting Forrest. After a major gun malfunction before ever firing a shot and some dude named 'Mike" hanging with me for 2 days I am just happy to have finished the match without a DQ or something.

There were some fun and challenging stages, and then there was Stage 2 which was not fun..................... Thank you Mr. Hicks :angry: . And please don't think that because people didn't "GET" to go pron this year that you need to put the 50 in the match again next year.

But really, Ken and Wayne and everybody else that made the match possible thanks.

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the stooge standards on the other hand were very fun...

I heard the Stooge Standards called a lot of things, but I 'think' you are the first person to call the Stooge Standards "fun"... :huh:

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk... :lol:

I wish A4 would have gotten done a little earlier. I think 4,5,6 screwed everything up.

You must have come through on Friday, and we were definately stacked up all day. :( Some of it was getting into the right rhythm with the rest of my crew. The rest was delays due to shooters having to reload mags on the line (which was pretty much unavoidable). We had things tweaked by the end of the day, and Saturday, we generally ran ahead of schedule and finished early. :) Heck, we even got to take lunch!! :D

A big hats off to Rags, Pat, and Clay (cautery). You guys are the best, and saved my butt on those stages. Sorry we never were able to get together for dinner or a cocktail. I owe you.... ;)


You're welcome!! B)

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I missed the nurse uniform discussion? Darn...

...must have been when I was laying out the prize table :(

Ended up Third A/Open. The top four A's were really close...inside ten match points. All 73% of Max Jr, though ;)

And I had no trouble cleaning the moving plate rack, either. Properly align sight, jerk the hell out of trigger, watch plates fall off :ph34r:


PS It was rather entertaining shooting "just" a pistol match. Only one gun, one set of magazines, and one type of ammo to keep straight...how simple!


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Low-quality PoserCam video of the event (including my 11th-place run on Stage 2) is now on the USPSA-photos site, and better-quality video will be up later today. You'll have to wait for the match DVD to get the best.

I had a good time at the match but didn't shoot very well and ended up lucky #13 in Open. Gotta program those reloads better.. two poorly timed ones cost me mucho points.

The "A portion of the highest-scoring-zone must be visible" rule for non-disappearing targets was pushed pretty hard. 2" of plate at 15+ yards was pretty mean on the lower-class and iron-sighted folks, especially the shorter ones, and there wasn't much left of the A/B on stage 7 either (maybe that's where all those overhead zingers came from on the back side?)

Other than that and the heat, the match was great!

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We must be the only ones who had a good experience at Econo Lodge last year. Room was clean, internet was fast, weight room was filled with high school cheerleaders. ;)

The pool area is small, but should fit all the A4 BE'ers. Should make for some great interviews for this year's DVD. B)


Uh, please let me offer this retraction of my statement quoted above before you all think I'm an idiot (oops! Too late! :blink: )

I thought the Econo Lodge was the same match hotel as last year. Last year's was actually Microtel and we stayed at Quality Inn next door. Quality Inn was nice. This year's Econo Lodge room was cheap but kinda dumpy.

Just thought I'd clear up any confustion I may have caused. B)


PS - Here's a photo of the wall over our bed at the Econo Lodge in Bossier City this weekend. It looked like this before we trashed the room <_< :


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I belive most people will agree with you about your comments on Stage 2 and 7. Those 2 stages were good enough to scare aware any new shooters that were at the match. I looked back at my video and on stage 2 I threw an extra 8 shoots at those plates behind the steel barrier before I finally just quite in disgust, that pride thing you know. Not a good stage design in my opinion, especially when the first target is near at the 180 before you even start shooting. I also believe that the gate stage had to much orange mesh on it, I mean that anyone with any type of physical handicap was penalized to much for having to go around the barrier instead of going over the gate. I believe half of the orange barrier would have been plenty and given the shooters more of a choice. Of coarse these are only my opinion, but many a shooter had the same opinion of these stages.

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May a recommend the Shoneys Inn for next year. Rooms clean, ,cheap, staff nice, and you can make your own fresh waffles for breakfast in the lobby, or eat at the Shoneys restruant out front or the Waffle house down the road. Sorry I did not make it to the BE's gathering but myself and Bayou Pirate did not finish shooting until 7:30 pm and was in no condition to attend after we ate supper and took a shower, maybe next year.

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actually, the 50 wont be in there next year,

ken thinks the standards need to be at EIGHTY YARDS

I'm ready!!! I'm probably one of the few people happy with my 50 yard standards results. Every round I shot was a hit. I opted to go for good hits versus getting all the rounds off - I had planned to only shoot four rounds instead of six at the kneeling string. After the fourth shot, I didn't hear anything and started to worry I had an overtime. Then after about a one count <BEEP>...Oh man, I left 1.15 on the clock! 'Coulda been another A hit....Ah well, I'm still happy about my 5 A's, 5 C's and 1 D!!!

I came away from the match with only one no shoot and one miss - okay well, three misses if you include the two moving plates (what an evil (yet fun) stage that was). The no shoot miss was on the rail mover on the right side and my third to last shot of the match. I called it close when the shot broke. I had a chance to put another one on it after the bounce when the lead target was right in between the hard cover steel but decided it'd take too long and that I was probably on the line. Nope, the hit was 1/8" from the line on the no shoot. Argh! I was pretty happy with my performance but on some stages you could have timed me with a calendar I felt so slow (part heat, part bad planning). The RO's were super heros dealing with so many shooters and so much heat! This match was a big challenge for iron sights for sure! I've never seen so many whirly bits of steel in one stage - 14 bobbing or rotating plates! I was surprised where I came out overall. A couple of cleaner runs on two stages and I might have placed in A class. It was a tough match but a heck of a lot of fun. And to the guys who shot stage 7 ahead of us ladies, I apologize on behalf of us all for any distraction we caused you (did someone say booty slap?)....!!!

I also need to point out what a great kid Forest is. Not only is he a good shooter but a class act. He put up with the ladies squad high-jinx the whole match. When he collected his C class open plaque at the awards, Wayne mentioned he'd been stuck on the ladies squad. We couldn't resist and when the moment was right, we all yelled, "you go girl!" Everyone broke up laughing. He actually didn't mind the joke, especially when we all piled in tight around him for a picture. Look for this kid to be making a big impact soon, he's got talent to spare and a good head on his shoulders!

And BTW, was I the only one who showed up for the BE get together at the Econolodge? The only other shooter I saw was Shred on his way back from the ice machine. Since the match ran late I figured it might have had a poor turn out. But heck, I showed up unwashed with fast food dinner looking to chit chat but only managed to scare some tourists!

Congrats again Harmon and keep up the good work. Sniper, I got more for your list! And Mr. Mink, it was nice to put a face to a voice. Thanks again for the input on the article - glad you liked it! As for the other BE'ers I met, you all are a great bunch! Let's get better organized for a BE get together for A3!

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I also need to point out what a great kid Forest is.  Not only is he a good shooter but  a class act.  He put up with the ladies squad high-jinx the whole match.  When he collected his C class open plaque at the awards, Wayne mentioned he'd been stuck on the ladies squad.  We couldn't resist and when the moment was right, we all yelled, "you go girl!"  Everyone broke up laughing.

Oh my Gawd, that was so funny! The look on his face was priceless! :D


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We are going to start on our new running plate system. But we are going to make it dissappear or leave more uncovered when it comes to rest. That sucker on stage 2 was just too hard to shoot. As for stage 7, I shot it clean although nobody else on our squad did ( took 3 extra shots at one of the moving targets and had 5 hits on it). Overall a good match even though I tanked 4 stages.

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Stage 2 was a bad one with the 180 and the plates they should have had more showing. All I hit was one and after they were gone I stopped even going to the ports you were very close to the 180. But it was a good just to dame hot

toddrod you have a PM

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We are going to start on our new running plate system. But we are going to make it dissappear or leave more uncovered when it comes to rest.

Just keep in mind that if it dissappears completely, many shooters won't even engage it.


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We must be the only ones who had a good experience at Econo Lodge last year. Room was clean, internet was fast, weight room was filled with high school cheerleaders. ;)

The pool area is small, but should fit all the A4 BE'ers. Should make for some great interviews for this year's DVD. B)


Uh, please let me offer this retraction of my statement quoted above before you all think I'm an idiot (oops! Too late! :blink: )

I thought the Econo Lodge was the same match hotel as last year. Last year's was actually Microtel and we stayed at Quality Inn next door. Quality Inn was nice. This year's Econo Lodge room was cheap but kinda dumpy.

Just thought I'd clear up any confustion I may have caused. B)


PS - Here's a photo of the wall over our bed at the Econo Lodge in Bossier City this weekend. It looked like this before we trashed the room <_< :


What I can't hear you with the planes and trains going by

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Well... I had a blast, and I wasn't even shooting...

Got my RPs and ear molds (my excuse for driving over ;)); met lots of great folks; had a "few" beverages; heard tons of cool stories... learned a lot!

Hey... I'm a "new guy"... but I have to say that I was very impressed with how this match was run, and how it all turned out. Once upon a time, I was involved with running large small arms (et al.) ranges... Unless you've done it before, you cannot fathom the scope and complexity of things that have to be done...

Everyone involved with the Area 4 match deserve much gratitude for all their hard work....

Thanks y'all!

BTW, 4,5,6 ran a lot faster on Saturday.

PS - BDH... Hope I wasn't missed this morning... If I was, I apologize... Too much sun, too many beverages...

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Now I've got some more time.

The match was hard, lots of accuracy required and not 10rd friendly at all, but I don't mind. It was a fun match with lots of thinking required.

I will never shoot the entire match in the summer in one day ever again. I am still recovering.

Angus and I shot on different squads and both of us are really pleased with our performances. He tanked 1 stage, and I had about the same amount of mistakes across 3 or 4 stages. It was close, I think an 8 point spread in Production. If someone had taken another stage from either one of us, it could have went differently.

It was good meeting all the new folks, and seeing all the ones I already knew. (Chris LeBlanc, did I ever see you???? It musta been the heat, I don't even remember shooting about 4 stages)

I absolutely LOVED the moving plates and paper targets. Folks, USPSA is about shooting, and those stages made you SHOOT, not hose.

Geometry Lesson was a great stage. It should have been renamed Physics Lesson, as I saw about 50 people shoot the stars from the bottom up. :blink:

The 'You go Girl!' was incredibly funny. :lol::lol::lol:

Watching Manny, several people from AR, OK and MO do the habanero eating contest was the funniest thing I've seen in about 5 years... :lol::lol::lol:

Good times! :)

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Now I've got some more time.

The match was hard, lots of accuracy required and not 10rd friendly at all, but I don't mind.  It was a fun match with lots of thinking required.

I will never shoot the entire match in the summer in one day ever again.  I am still recovering.

Angus and I shot on different squads and both of us are really pleased with our performances.  He tanked 1 stage, and I had about the same amount of mistakes across 3 or 4 stages.  It was close, I think an 8 point spread in Production.  If someone had taken another stage from either one of us, it could have went differently.

It was good meeting all the new folks, and seeing all the ones I already knew.  (Chris LeBlanc, did I ever see you????  It musta been the heat, I don't even remember shooting about 4 stages)

I absolutely LOVED the moving plates and paper targets.  Folks, USPSA is about shooting, and those stages made you SHOOT, not hose.

Geometry Lesson was a great stage.  It should have been renamed Physics Lesson, as I saw about 50 people shoot the stars from the bottom up.  :blink:

The 'You go Girl!' was incredibly funny.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Watching Manny, several people from AR, OK and MO do the habanero eating contest was the funniest thing I've seen in about 5 years...  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Good times!  :)

Hi Matthew

Yeah I was with Raul I think it was stage 12 or so you know the heat I don't remember the number. I would think shooting A4 in one day would be hard. By the way Matt I might be talking to you about getting one of those CZ's

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Ditto on the "Thanks to the Staff "

Without you guys the match would have sucked, (as all others would too!!!)

Friday was "BITCHEN" HOT !!!!!!! esp. the afternoon !!!!!

To all those on Squad 10:

It was my PLEASURE to have gotten to not only shoot with you but spend a little time chatting and having fun !!!!!

Squad 10 had 9 shooters, one that shot through and had to leave so we ended up with 8 permanent shooters.....

OUT of those 8 came:

David E.(not trying his last name) L-10 Division Champ !!!

Bill Smith (little bill on BE.com) 2nd B OPEN !!!!!

Chad Lofton (cjl32 on BE.com) 1st Limited Master !!!

Sam Keen (hopalong on BE.com) Revolver Division Champ !!!

That is an AMAZING 50% of the squad !!!!!

The rest of the squad did not let the grass grow under their feet, and we all shot well and even better had fun!!!!!

Harder match than A-6, set up for OPEN guns form sure !!!!!!

All matches will tend to favor one type of gun or other, I'm not complaining just stating my observation !!!!!

Good Match Ken/Wayne !!!!!! Thanks for the hard work(again)


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