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Report from the range. Setup crew arrived on Saturday and is working their butts off.

We've been having very brief but heavy thunderstorms that blow in and out quickly. The good news is that means a bit of a breeze. My guess is that this trend will continue thru the weekend. Some of us may get a little wet but I seriously doubt that it will be the continuous soaking rain like last year.

Other than that, it's hot and very humid.

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Wow... Those guys deserve a big attaboy if they've been working since last Saturday! :D

I'll be leaving at 0400hrs tomorrow morning... Should be in Bossier in time for a good breakfast... Were's everyone eat breakfast?

Mmmmmm... Hot AND humid... Sounds like DFW... 102 yesterday, but ONLY 80% humidity out here in the sticks. ;)

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Not sure what is up with the weather, but I am pretty sure that Wayne promised me mid 70's, low humidity, and sun (or maybe that was what I requested?) :huh:

In any case, see ya tomorrow, or over the next couple of days.... ;)

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What time are the ROs et al gonna start shooting in the morning?

The last communication I received said 8:00 AM at range... short meeting... shooting starts at 9:30 AM. That said, the plane that Paul (PRH) and I are coming in on doesn't get in until late afternoon....


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Good luck this weekend, everyone!!!! I hope we see a lot of forum member names prominently featured in the results!!!! :)

Good luck with Arlene, as well.... :blink::blink::wacko::wacko::wacko:

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Got an early report from one of the morning squads. The weather this morning was nice but a little warm. The movers seem to be eating folks alive. Lots of big names, especially in Limited, but the one I heard the most about was Taran B. Sounds like he's having a good match so far.

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got back from day one,

BJ norris and john stoner DQed themselves

both of them torching a round off during a reload.

it was hotter than hell today, and as usual, everyone was cussing the 50y standards

the stooge standards on the other hand were very fun...i probably have the stage win on stage 4 and 5...had some weak hand trouble on stage 6.

at the start of the day, i was looking at an outright win on stage 4(all divisions, all classes) the super squad will shoot it tomorrow, probably making mince meat of my 10.50++ hit factor

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That hurricane Arlene is mighty close. It should only be a "mild" tropical storm when it makes landfall Saturday evening. Are those target stands rated for 70 mph winds? :ph34r: Talk about a Texas Windmill! Seriously, looks like you'll be OK...yer way up in the NW corner of Louisiana...should miss you. Hope all goes well.

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I back home from area 4 and had a great time. The heat was brutal Friday afternoon but the food at the Horseshoe casino was great. There were plenty of big names there and I was able to talk with Todd Jarrett and Matthew Mink and get them on film. Their technique and smoothness make me feel like I belong in D class again, but hey, that is why everyone practices. anyway here are some of the names I saw on the squad list.

Todd Jarrett

Matthew Mink

Angus Hobdell

Michael Voight

Taran Butler

Chris Tilley

Max Michel Jr.

Travis T.

Blake Miguez

Emmanuel Bragg

And yes the movers took there toll on a majority of shooters. I believe I went through about 400 rounds for the match.

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i was 3rd A in Limited 10

dont know how long it was broken, but i was having some missifires on three stages..thought it was the ammo, thought it was the primers..

turns out the tip of the stiker had broke off and was rattling around and when the rest of it would slap its ass, the gun would fire...about 98% of the time.

noticed this last nite while cleaning the gun and while looking at some spent brass.

the striker tip was staying protruded untill the gun chambered another round, when the gun unlocked, it drug across the primer and left funny mark. :unsure:

I think on stage 1, the last stage i shot, the gun doubled on me because the firing pin was stuck out when the gun went into battery...theres nothing like a .06 split on a 2 yard target ;)

i was shocked to see that i came out as good as i did. the first day, i shot too agressivly, the 50 yard stage kicked my butt, it was hotter than hell, ammo almost went minor (166.00 pf) :angry:

On stage six, string one, three wide open targets at seven yards, i drew, fired six shots in 1.76 seconds, 4 aplha, 2 charlie.

the next string i was still up on the "juice" and had three weak hand only mikes :angry:

it was fun, except for when my buddie exploded his knee going over that gate..

i dont know how well im gonna shoot the nats, but i learned what im not going to do. B)

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i was 3rd A  in Limited 10

dont know how long it was broken, but i was having some missifires on three stages..thought it was the ammo, thought it was the primers..

turns out the tip of the stiker had broke off and was rattling around and when the rest of it would slap its ass, the gun would fire...about 98% of the time.

noticed this last nite while cleaning the gun and while looking at some spent brass.

the striker tip was staying protruded untill the gun chambered another round, when the gun unlocked, it drug across the primer and left funny mark. :unsure:

I think on stage 1, the last stage i shot, the gun doubled on me because the firing pin was stuck out when the gun went into battery...theres nothing like a .06 split on a 2 yard target ;)

i was shocked to see that i came out as good as i did. the first day, i shot too agressivly, the 50 yard stage kicked my butt, it was hotter than hell, ammo almost went minor (166.00 pf) :angry: 

On stage six, string one, three wide open targets at seven yards, i drew, fired six shots in 1.76 seconds, 4 aplha, 2 charlie.

the next string i was still up on the "juice" and had three weak hand only mikes :angry:

it was fun, except for when my buddie exploded his knee going over that gate..

i dont know how well im gonna shoot the nats, but i learned what im not going to do. B)


I shot A4 also. I understand about the heat and aggressiveness. Me too. I was scared of the gate with my bad knees and recently hurt calf. I thought I would climb instead of jumping so I wouldn't ruin my chances on other stages through out the match. I felt good and shot good. I had a mike on every other stage, but the run was good except for that one point. :P

I didn't make it to the match hotel Friday night because we shot till 8:30 and didn't get dinner and a shower til 9:30. Too late for me after a 13 hour day in the sun. Maybe I can meet some of you guys another time. I'll post a pic of me in the next day or two. I'm sure you all saw me. I was the fat guy in a Paint Tech "race shirt" I might not shoot good, but I'll look good doing it.


I just noticed that I look a little gay in that right hand pic, not that there's anything wrong with that. :lol:


Ron J

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Ron J,

I believe we were squadded together. You were on 16 right?

Nice to meet / shoot with you.

And Harmon, Lee, Corrinab, uh, Hopalong, everyone else...congatulations!

Harmon, who blew out their knee?



Yes we were squaded together. There is never enough time to meet everyone you want to meet is there? I wish A4 would have gotten done a little earlier. I think 4,5,6 screwed everything up.

It was nice shooting with you and the rest of the squad.

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I thought A4 was a good match. But to some degree, it was about how well someone handled the heat as much as the shooting. I can't understand the logic for having A4 in Shreveport in mid-June. Why not March, April or early May when the weather's cooler?

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