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SMM3G Results

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What was the deal on stage 5 that thru so many shooters off?

Stage 5 was a shotgun stage that had 6 targets that required the use of slugs. 3 of them were at about 50 yards, and the other 3 were at about 100 yards. The first three (50 yrds) you could shoot off a improvised rest, while the other 3 @ 100 yrds were shot offhand. The rest of the stage was pretty straightforward w/ a mixture of steel and clay birds.

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Do you really think thoes steel targets were 100 yards out? I blazed on them, they seemed easier than the paper. I have the brain malfunction when the gun ran dry because I counted wrong, I didn't subtract the 3 slugs at the beginning, I only counted the bird shot and came up 3 rounds short at the end of the tunnel. :wacko:

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MB will be there just ask him. :-0

Umm, one is a shotgun stage with abnormal size plates the others are the standardized rifle plates. ?

On the low cost end, get a Leica 1200 scan, about $350-400 on Ebay if I remember right. Hell I even use it on plates that I am going to shoot with the shotgun! Laser everything, the more data you have the better.

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Kelly Neal knew he was WAY out classed in the loading department so he was FORCED to shoot on the very ragged edge of controll, matter of fact on stage 10 he missed one of the clay flipper target because of this need to beat the load ( of course his raw time was about 3 seconds faster than mine) The life time 1 second that he beat me by could be due to the fact that he is WAY younger than I and can still move like a Lynx on steroids. He moves so fast that exiting the car on stage 10 he was WAY ahead of his shotgun, causing what we in the business call "butt stroking the car", ( it must of called him a bad name or something... of course he is an lawyer, maybe he just ambushed it :P ). Benny's star performance on stage one was due to the fact that he felt so bad after consuming all the dark beer I brewed him the night before, he just wanted the loud noises to stop :D

This was by far the best SMM3G to date! It ran smooth and NO ONE had to do the rediculous SPEED UNLOADING. Setting down loaded guns with the safety on, pointed in a safe direction is THE WAY TO GO!!! The next step is hot reholstering, Although I think the USPSA crowd will chime in on how UNSAFE ALL OF THE ABOVE IS. All the stages were fun and challenging, I had a great time!!

The shotgun loading saga will continue at the Texas State 3-gun where Kelly and Benny and I will once again meet on the "Field of honor" in the same class and with the same dark beer and a little cider thrown in for good measure! KURTM

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The next step is hot reholstering, Although I think the USPSA crowd will chime in on how UNSAFE ALL OF THE ABOVE IS.

I consider myself part of the USPSA crowd, but I buck the trend and think Kurt is absolutely right about hot long gun dumping and hot pistol re-holstering. Some of us have common sense to go along with our USPSA tatoo’s ;-)



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Bruce Gary, a BOD of USPSA, was at the SMM3G, taking notes and talking to people, for when USPSA tweaks their own multi-gun rules. From what I saw at the SMM3G, the "hot" grounding of a firearm worked well - it was setup such that at no time did anyone (competitor or RO) step in front of a grounded firearm during the COF. I hope that the USPSA adopts this practice, as do other 3-gun matches.


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...the "hot" grounding of a firearm worked well - it was setup such that at no time did anyone (competitor or RO) step in front of a grounded firearm during the COF. I hope that the USPSA adopts this practice, as do other 3-gun matches.


Makes sense to me.

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Of course USPSA will never do the one most important thing to make the matches better. Get rid of the comstock scoring system and use the IMG basis.

Oh well, guess all the other matches are aren't affiliated will grow and the USPSA ones won't.

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Well, Bruce is paying attention and he draws some weight with the USPSA BoD. Hopefully he can sway enough support to make the impossible, possible. Hot grounding has always made sense to me whereas speed unloading...not so much.

Okay Matt...you've had your fun at a match. Now get back in there and get the next DVD out! :D:P:lol:

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Hehehe sorry just a bit frustrated, not getting it done fast enough and flying out FRI for 7 days of training. AARRGGGHH

Hope to go into presale tomorrow with V7 How to Practice! Delievery will be Mid April roughly.

:-) Have fun trying to convince the rest of the board (WHO DON'T SHOOT 3GUN other than Don B.) how it should be ran.

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Hey, last year I got multi-gun stages legal in USPSA for the first time, ever.

This year we'll [hopefully] get rid of speed-unloading, and some other rules silliness. We should also be able to score multi-gun stages using Comstock "right" (using the correct power factors for each firearm, rather than ignoring PF). There seems to be a lot of resistance on the Board about going away from Comstock, so my goal for this year is to fix the problems with it.

By next year, we should be able to make a case that objectively compares Comstock and TimePlus side-by-side (each has a different set of Pros and Cons), and be able to drive the Board to a well-informed decision. Already this year, I have a number of matches that will be using *both* scoring methods, so that we can compare results and "show" people what the differences mean.

Step by step, man. I'm not stopping until we have it "right".


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Grounding hot guns was cool. (It's really easy with a Glock!) Somebody still got DQed for a shotgun with a round in it when he left the safety off. Somebody also got DQed for picking up and dropping a loaded shotgun, which could also happen in USPSA. Shooting a long gun with a hot holstered pistol is also cool, but maybe we shouldn't do it prone.

Hey, I just realized the match had no prone position for the rifle shots. Even the stages without a hot pistol.

Kudos to the people who put big-honkin' white backgrounds behind the rifle steel. Totally easy to find the target and get a sight picture with iron sights. But boo for not having a separate prize table for iron sights.

Pistol was a non-factor in this match. (70 rounds? Six through their gun.) Long rifle was a minor factor. Close rifle (paper) and shotgun decided this match.

Close rifle was such a factor I think iron sights were an advantage over a magnifying scope. A single-power dot would rock, too. I thought I burned down stage 8 but a squad member with a one-power US Optics scope beat me by a few tenths and kurtm (irons) and Mike Voigt (Aimpoint) beat us by six or seven seconds. Of course, Matt Probably won with some form of magnification.

All the birdshot targets were close enough that I didn't even consider changing chokes (from IC, with trap loads). I tried using spreaders to get the close twin-clay swinger on stage 9 and ended up missing it three times, forcing a multiple-round reload in a course that only had 8 shots. (The horror, the horror!) On the other hand, I had a spreader in to take out the two in-line clays on the left of stage 1 and it worked.

The match ran incredibly smoothly considering they were over capacity. My squad waited 45 minutes at one point, but it could have been a lot worse. We didn't have to shoot in the dark.

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Hahahahahahaha! Wow, what was the story about the guy stuck in hell and he kept pushing the rock up to the top of the hill? That has some strange parallels here! Can you imagine trying to get rid of power factor? :blink:

Heh. It's the myth of Sisyphus... and according to Camus, Sisyphus is happy. ;)

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300 nice catch!


I ran a Trij TA11 and Cmore just like in my vids. FYI the CMore has a huge dot in it! Awesome on all the close stuff! I used Fiocci spreaders for most of the match with an IC choke. Worked pretty well.

Take care,


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Somebody still got DQed for a shotgun with a round in it when he left the safety off

DQ for the safety left off a hot gun when it was supposedly grounded in a position not allowing any passage in front of it and pointing into an area that can safely handle a discharge? That’s just plain ridiculous!! At the RM3G it was a procedural penalty IIRC and that’s what it ought to be if the conditions I mentioned in my opening sentence were met.



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Iron IS scored seperatly and just melded together at the end. Didn't you shoot irons also?? I am glad Iron isn't a seperate class all of this should be melded together. If I read the results right, I would have won Tactical on my own merit without reguards as to sight type. As an aside, I used a light modified choke for all my shotgun stages as it is silver soldered in to the barrel of my beloved Benelli and only used 12 spreaders for the entire match. Maybe this explains why Kelly edged me by a second over all in the shotgun stages :D KURTM

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Nonetheless, Kurt, winning Tactical overall with iron sights on your rifle is a big deal and you should walk proud, man.

As long as we're talking grounding guns... Make it part of your walk-through to figure out the grounding system. I didn't pay attention on stage 3, which had an elevated rack for your shotgun. I was looking for a "gutter" but only saw the bottom of the rack, which looked like a gutter pointing downrange to the pistol area or uprange past the 180. I took forever to place the muzzle against the butt portion of the rack and the butt against the ground.

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DQ for the safety left off a hot gun when it was supposedly grounded in a position not allowing any passage in front of it and pointing into an area that can safely handle a discharge? That’s just plain ridiculous!!

It happened to a person in my squad on the last stage of the last day. At every stage where you had to ground a firearm, they said that there were only 2 aacceptable ways: completely empty gun with the slide/bolt locked open or gun w/ ammo still in it, saftey on. What happened was the chamber was empty on the person's shotgun, but there was still a shell in the magazine tube and they forgot to put the safety on. I think having redundency in this instance is a good idea.


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