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Anyone use .40 across the board for Open, Ltd, SS?


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Having a Limited .40 pistol, I am now seriously considering going with .40 for open and SS so I can load the same major PF ammo across the board. I've read the threads and researched out the wazoo and while it seems there's a handful of people doing so, it's not too popular.

Is my cursory market analysis correct? I understand you loose about 4 rounds on open, and the mags can be a bit picky on SS, but why aren't people doing this more? Do those 4 rounds in open make that big of a difference (please recognize I'm not an open shooter)?

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I'm almost positive that you wouldn't use the same powder in open that you use for Limited and SS. Not enough gas to work the comp properly on an open gun, so essentially you spent a ton of money on an red dot.

Since you would need different powder anyway, I just setup a different head with powder drop, etc for 9 major. Takes a couple minutes to switch.

Yes, you need different brass but 9mm is cheap.

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40 Open is a waste of money, time and effort. Not enough gas to work the comp. You'd have to load very light 135gr bullets to really take advantage of the comp and gas, and not many companies make them. The mag capacity puts you at a disadvantage right from the start.

Basically, you aren't going to be competitive running a .40 open gun. That's why practically nobody does it. I'll admit that I did it for the first 6 months that I ran Open, but I've been shooting 9mm Major now for the past 3 1/2 years.

Edited by Parallax3D
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Thanks for the comments. I have dies for 9mm and .45 as I had originally planned to go 9mm major and 45 for SS. Sounds like I should just stick to my original plan.

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I don't shoot open. I never have. So keep that in mind...

If you are shooting three different divisions, I don't think you are going to be super competitive anyway. I think splitting your attention will likely have more effect on your performance than the gun.

If you are just playing around for fun, and aren't going to sink a significant part of your finances into the 40 open gun, I don't see any way to criticize you for that choice.

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When I first started shooting I had grand plans for top end swapping, multi-division guns, then I shot Open and haven't really shot anything else for over two years :)

ETA: I do however enjoy tuning DA Production guns, so I have a handful of those two. I loan them to new shooters and figure is I ever need a break from Open I would shoot Production. I recently started selling all my Limited guns, once they're gone, so goes the dies and components, then I'll only be loading 9mm and the occasional 38.

Edited by kneelingatlas
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I am just doing this for fun and as a hobby, not to make the rounds on the tourneys or whatnot. Since I use a Hornady LNL press, changing out dies is not tough and I use a micrometer adjustment for my powder drop. I already reload for other rifle calibers, so ultimately, working up loads in other calibers is just part of the fun of it anyway.

Not to mention, if I get a 9mm open gun, I can use it for 3 gun as well.

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40 Open is a waste of money, time and effort. Not enough gas to work the comp. You'd have to load very light 135gr bullets to really take advantage of the comp and gas, and not many companies make them. The mag capacity puts you at a disadvantage right from the start.

Basically, you aren't going to be competitive running a .40 open gun. That's why practically nobody does it. I'll admit that I did it for the first 6 months that I ran Open, but I've been shooting 9mm Major now for the past 3 1/2 years.

I woukd say that was a LITTLE harsh.. one of the best local open shooters around shoots a 40 2011 and wins almost every match over a bunch of other excellent open shooters with 9's and 38's. Having shot his gun, the dot barely leaves the glass, and it's softer in the hand than just about any other open gun I've shot.

Granted, if I was starting from scratch I would get a 9mm.

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Most folks including myself shoot 40 in our widebody guns and our single stacks as major is major..............to do that in open though gives up just too much in capacity and working the comp.............a couple of guys do it but they are rare.

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40 Open is a waste of money, time and effort. Not enough gas to work the comp. You'd have to load very light 135gr bullets to really take advantage of the comp and gas, and not many companies make them. The mag capacity puts you at a disadvantage right from the start.

Basically, you aren't going to be competitive running a .40 open gun. That's why practically nobody does it. I'll admit that I did it for the first 6 months that I ran Open, but I've been shooting 9mm Major now for the past 3 1/2 years.

I woukd say that was a LITTLE harsh..
Don't take it personally, she's mean to everyone


Edited by b1gcountry
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40 Open is a waste of money, time and effort. Not enough gas to work the comp. You'd have to load very light 135gr bullets to really take advantage of the comp and gas, and not many companies make them. The mag capacity puts you at a disadvantage right from the start.

Basically, you aren't going to be competitive running a .40 open gun. That's why practically nobody does it. I'll admit that I did it for the first 6 months that I ran Open, but I've been shooting 9mm Major now for the past 3 1/2 years.

I woukd say that was a LITTLE harsh..
Don't take it personally, she's mean to everyone


Oh haha I certainly won't, like I said I would definitely not build/buy a 40. But to say that you can't make them run flat or win with them is probably not accurate.
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I have been shooting 40 Open going on 3 years now. And let me tell you, I have been loving it, took me all the way to A class. this will be my last year shooting 40 open as I just got a 38 Super not too long ago and I will be using that right after Nationals. I have won and placed in almost every match i was in. Yes you are at a disadvantage with mag capacity, I can get 26 in a mag and that's 26+1 at the start. So that is about 3-4 rounds less then 9 or 38. But there is ALWAYS some place to do a reload. But there are a bunch of stages where the other guys don't have to reload and I do and that may slow you down a hair. But you can ask anybody that knows me or you can look at my scores on the USPSA website and you can see that I can hold my own. Can I make Master shooting 40 open, HELL YEAH I CAN!!!! But I need every little bit I can get to keep placing especially when I make Master. But you said this is just for fun, so go ahead and have your fun!!!! And if you need any help as far as load data, let me know and I will tell you what I have used.

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Thanks fuentes. SinceI havent put the money into an open gun yet, i plan to go for a 9 for open eventually. For SS though, the 40 is looking more attractive as I dont shoot much 45 and wont have to stock large primers, etc.

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Does putting a 170mm mag into my Limited gun count for "Open"? Because I did that at a recent classifier match, haha.

Thanking of moving to a 40 for SS. Haven't shot my 45 in a couple years mainly due to component difference and press changeover.

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40 Open is a waste of money, time and effort. Not enough gas to work the comp. You'd have to load very light 135gr bullets to really take advantage of the comp and gas, and not many companies make them. The mag capacity puts you at a disadvantage right from the start.

Basically, you aren't going to be competitive running a .40 open gun. That's why practically nobody does it. I'll admit that I did it for the first 6 months that I ran Open, but I've been shooting 9mm Major now for the past 3 1/2 years.

I woukd say that was a LITTLE harsh.. one of the best local open shooters around shoots a 40 2011 and wins almost every match over a bunch of other excellent open shooters with 9's and 38's. Having shot his gun, the dot barely leaves the glass, and it's softer in the hand than just about any other open gun I've shot.

Granted, if I was starting from scratch I would get a 9mm.

I have a feeling that's more a case of "it's the Indian, not the arrow." I'd bet that your .40 Open shooter would probably do well, no matter what they are shooting.

Don't take it personally, she's mean to everyone


Am not! :P

Generally speaking though, shooting .40 S&W in Open is a disadvantage, based on mag capacity alone. That's why none of the top shooters are shooting Open with a .40.

It HAS advantges, such as no need to reload in order to make major. (Pretty much all commercial .40 ammo makes major.) If that's an issue for someone, (can't reload), then yeah, shooting .40 is an option.

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a buddy calculated the 40 vs not 40 in open, and got a killerdeal on the gun itself... and haveing press allready setup in 40... just som QL magic later and 135gr + 3n38 its going pewpepwpew.

with n105 that thing is just pure evil 12,5-13 grains of n105 goes BAM , its so much louder and hopeless shock, gets any RO off your back.

It only has a comp now, but way to much gass to actuually use, needs a hybrid, but its very good as is.

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