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(quote from story) Brian McCarthy, a spokesman for the NFL said "We questioned why a spot of that nature was in the game," McCarthy said, noting its "inappropriateness" and the fact that it referred to last year's incident. (end quote)

Well, you can't mention the elephant standing in the middle of the room.......


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Besides being censorship, is this not breach of contract? I mean GoDaddy.Com paid good money for two SuperBowl ad spots and then a random decision is made to pull a paid for ad because some old foggie thinks its 'inappropriate' when the girl in the ad has on as much if not more clothing than the NFL cheerleaders shown during the game. Sounds like the NFL and Fox would be in breach of contract to GoDaddy.Com for failure to provide paid for services, though I am sure Fox has an escape clause in the contract.

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the same idiots control the media that want to take away your guns...nuff said...

Looks more like it was the NFL than the socialists.

"The irony is that a parody of censorship was itself censored," Adelman said.

and more the pity. It was "just" a business decision. I'd expect that from a soccer mom but I am going to have a hard time getting used to an NFL nanny state.

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Well, I think that the NFL should #)@(&$% and then @_*&%&@#. If we keep our(*W$$E(*#$ then #$&&%$ is to #)%*&&% bad for us! :angry:

The NFL broadcasts show players getting crippled, smashed, hit and carried off the field with gory detail - in slow motion - over and over and over.... Then someone flashes a little "teat" (per Go Rilla) and all hell breaks loose.

Which is the more obscene. A player being smashed and crippled with 30 slow motion reruns or a womans bared breast?

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She didn't say "penetrating," she said "unpenetrating." It's like the difference between "sexual" (bad) and "asexual" (neutral) or between "ass" (fine, when describing an animal) and "ass-hole" (bad because it hits too close to home for the poles).

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I don't mean to be rude but censorship is when the Government says you cannot show or say something. If a private entity like a broadcasting company or the NFL decide they do not want to run an ad because they think it will lead to them loosing money then they have a right to do it.

If you say sensorship is you being denied to say anything anytime anywhere then I'd like to then demand that you advertise for my business on you car, clothes, and home and I don't want to hear you say no. If you do then your censoring me basedon your definition.

When the government or anybody can force a private company to publish or broadcast anything even stuff that private entity disagrees with, then we have a real problem.

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I don't mean to be rude but censorship is when the Government says you cannot show or say something. If a private entity like a broadcasting company or the NFL decide they do not want to run an ad because they think it will lead to them loosing money then they have a right to do it.

If you say sensorship is you being denied to say anything anytime anywhere then I'd like to then demand that you advertise for my business on you car, clothes, and home and I don't want to hear you say no. If you do then your censoring me basedon your definition.

When the government or anybody can force a private company to publish or broadcast anything even stuff that private entity disagrees with, then we have a real problem.

That folks is Thread Drift!

Now, back to the previously scheduled "Penetration"

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I don't mean to be rude but censorship is when the Government says you cannot show or say something. If a private entity like a broadcasting company or the NFL decide they do not want to run an ad because they think it will lead to them loosing money then they have a right to do it.

If you say sensorship is you being denied to say anything anytime anywhere then I'd like to then demand that you advertise for my business on you car, clothes, and home and I don't want to hear you say no. If you do then your censoring me basedon your definition.

When the government or anybody can force a private company to publish or broadcast anything even stuff that private entity disagrees with, then we have a real problem.

He's right, only the Fed's are prevented from restricting freedom of speech. Individuals can decide to show, or not show whatever they wish.

However - it is through fines issued by the FCC that make many broadcasters jump (read: Clear Channel), which I think is inhibiting free speech

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Go Daddy whatever is getting more mileage out of all the hub-bub, then if the add would have aired the second time. The young "actress" in the add is actually from Milwaukee WI. I live just south of Milwaukee. She has been on every radio station in town this week talking about the add. She is in her mid 20's and engaged to a 42 year old chiropractor from LA. The radio stations have also been getting e-mails from people she went to high school with and they say that she did not look like "that" in high school. I think the chiropractor knows some plastic surgeons. I guess she is also on one of the wrestling shows. WWE or something.

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