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What happens if I do not provide a USPSA number?


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Wow...talk about personal attack. Inference sure is a bitch.

So you want to shoot the matches
But don't want to support the organization
And you see problems but not willing to help

Your shining beacon example of self righteous importance is a model for us all

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Yeah, about that..... Kinda useless when they try to boot out the agent of change that was elected...

Well you're right about that if that turns out to be the case, sad. However I hope you stick around and do what you can to make it better.

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Wow...talk about personal attack. Inference sure is a bitch.

Clarification of his position followed up and wanting to help locally is admirable however shooting regularly at USPSA sanctioned matches without being a member, enjoying the standardized rules, divions, scoring system, targets, etc all the "other" things that USPSA as an organization has brought to pistol shooting as well as the money and people to make it happen - while not contributing to the overall success of the organization is not equitable.

Yes there are problems and no its not perfect but with hard work and support, success is achievable. Or everyone can go do their own thing.

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Thanks for the info. Just don't want to be affiliated with the organization any longer and provide any support. I believe the organization has lost its way and the leadership is suspect, questionable, and lost my respect and confidence.

Go shoot IDPA instead.

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Sounds a little like cutting off your nose to spite your face ...

If you like shooting the sport why get so riled up in the politics if you are not willing to get involved to fit it? Just go shoot your local matches and stop worrying about everything else.

If I got upset about every organization I'm involved with in one way or another whenever these types of things arise I would have moved to the Outback long ago and be eating goulds monitor lizards with the aborigines ...

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Got to have a number to shoot. USPSA. Except local Level 1 matches and those guys will make you get one,sooner or later. So there you are. It's good to have a number when you go to others clubs matches. Kind of identifies you, etc. This is a good thing.

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There will always be those that take advantage of their positions, whether in the gov't, or in the BoD of a volunteer organization. Grab some popcorn, follow the threads here, on Doodie, and the USPSA Forum, and enjoy the show. Karma's a bitch, we all get what we have coming. Relax and go shoot something.

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OPENB, very well put! Except you need more than popcorn for Doodie, perhaps something in a paper bag goes better. It is freak show!

I still believe this will work out under the sunshine rule. And yes, shooting is very good therapy.

I just can't get that new BBC show "Intruders" ad out of my head. "What goes around comes around"....

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  • 2 weeks later...

After the results of the latest BOD meeting.....need I say more?

Subsequently to starting this thread I saw a video of Strader being interviewed in his office. That video did much more to inform me of the root cause of the current USPSA issues than any reading thus far. It reminded me of the popular Forest Gump quote, and not the "But you ain't got no legs Ltnt. Dan" or the "box of chocolate" one either.

While I have not met or seen a video of the current ED, something tells me I would not be too far of the mark saying that she also would fall under the auspices of the sage Forrest Gump quote.

In my 24 years of being an entrepreneur, I have served on and presided over many different boards. Never, not once, have I ever witnessed the fiduciaries threaten legal actions amongst themselves, much less from the top down. Maybe I am naive, maybe I have served and presided over boards with exemplary levels of integrity, regardless, I cannot think of any other reason that simple minds would get to this point other than the threaten party was getting too close to something that personally affected the other.

I am of the opinion that there is something rotten at the top of USPSA and the obfuscation of this rot is leading to our elected, volunteer representatives to come to the conclusion that it is not worth the fight to expose it. These are the very same representatives that we elected because they promised to bring transparency to the back office - and they were legally threatened?

Some of you will use the argument "stop bitching, get involved, make the change happen", I counter that the directors who resigned heeded that argument and attempted that which you advocate; the results speak for themselves.

Maybe a financial stranglehold will drive the required change where our elected representatives could not.

I have no confidence in this leadership team. I am of the opinion that they all lack the experience and leadership qualities required to lead the organization and their actions are a direct result of this lack of experience. Of course, this is just eloquent talk - Forest Gump said it succinctly better.

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I support all the USPSA leaders that really make it happen. Your local club officers, your match director and all those who volunteer their efforts and time producing awesome COF's. Not to mention the Section Coordinators and Area Directors. And don't forget all those certified Range Officers, Instructors and everyone who volunteers. Even the spouse's & kids of all these volunteers.

These are the folks of USPSA- These are the people you are supporting when you pay for a match.

I am proud to be a USPSA member and to be associated with those who "GIVE" to the sport.

I'll be shooting with a lot of these folks at Nats in a few weeks.....it will be awesome.....it will be fun.....plus I will meet new and interesting folks....I will reunite with some of the best people I know in this world...... for a few days in the sun.......What else can a handgunner want?

USPSA is not going anywhere and those of you who wish to destroy it or its reputation......kiss my ass......and good luck!!!

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I'm will Bill. We're not perfect, but we're a pretty darn good group of people who, together, are running a really fun, collegial, and safe sport that makes so many of our lives much better.

We should all volunteer to help where we can, speak up when something needs to be changed, ask questions, and support each other in our efforts to constantly evolve the sport. There will be some tough times, but we'll work together to move through them.

Lots of matches this weekend - let's go support the sport!

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I, like many of you, will shoot a match this weekend that I have been looking forward to since last weekend.

I, like some of you, will go home after the match and process all the scores (PS rocks!), email the results along with a thanks to those that helped setup/tear down, then at some point I'll send off the activity report to HQ along with the activity fee.

I will then kick back and feel better about myself for having partaken in a sport I enjoy, maybe go clean my gun and brass, and for sure start yearning for the next match I will shoot.

The activity fee will cover our cost of hosting a level 1 match, keep the light on at HQ, pay the salary of those that manage the classification system and myriad of other details that keep USPSA humming along. And if a part of our fee goes to the salaries of those who's job it is to un-screw this current mess then I don't begrudge them that at all.


Thanks man, I just got my USPSA number today from Miss Beth....and then read this thread. Oh well, Thank you for bringin it home, 2MoreChains. I'm gonna clean my gun and make a plan for this Sunday..My second USPSA match will be better than my first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Remember this when talking about, reading about or otherwise finding out about things that happen.

There are always three sides to everything, What he said, what she said and what really happened. There is a lot going on at USPSA HQ, much of which goes on in just about every enterprise everywhere. Some of it was a bit off the reservation so to speak, to my knowledge those items have been addressed and there is a plan in place to formulate procedures to prevent the same things from occurring again. I have been a member of a board on a few occasions in my life. I know that 9 people will never all agree 100% on everything even if they vote in favor and sometimes when things don't go the way some people think they should they start talking out of class and that creates a lot of issues. Rumors spread on the internet faster than the laws of physics would allow. The BOD meets several times a year in person and holds phone and internet meetings, When an issue arises it is not like everyone can just walk down the hall to the conference room and meet about it until it is solved, first there is the time it takes for the issue to be brought to everyone;s attention, then each has to investigate and each may find the issue to be of a differing level of importance, then communication between the members takes place. Sometimes issues are solved quickly, other times schedules, life, personalities and the like slow the train down some. Sometimes people go off the reservation and that can cause additional issues. When some people don' like the outcome they sometimes suck it up and work for the common good, other times they take their ball and go home.

I think that USPSA will come out the other side of its current issues and be a better place. Do I agree with everything that has been done? No, then again I and likely no one else here knows EVERYTHING that has been done.

My suggestion is to take a step back, ask questions, parse the answers you get, see how it all shakes out and remember no one is elected for life. If you have the time run if you think you can do a better job. If you can;t run, become an adviser to those that did and won. Complaining is like yelling at a hurricane, it might feel good, but it accomplishes very little

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Sounds a little like cutting off your nose to spite your face ...

If you like shooting the sport why get so riled up in the politics if you are not willing to get involved to fit it? Just go shoot your local matches and stop worrying about everything else.

If I got upset about every organization I'm involved with in one way or another whenever these types of things arise I would have moved to the Outback long ago and be eating goulds monitor lizards with the aborigines ...

lol, you'd be in luck. no USPSA in the outback....... they shoot under IPSC! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like the USPSA accountant just resigned over $140k in unsubstantiated charges.

I just saw the resignation letter.

Seems pretty legit to me as resignation letters go.

Seems like business as usual at USPSA headquarters. Exactly what I would expect from this leadership team.


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Looks like the USPSA accountant just resigned over $140k in unsubstantiated charges.

I just saw the resignation letter.

Seems pretty legit to me as resignation letters go.

Seems like business as usual at USPSA headquarters. Exactly what I would expect from this leadership team.


Let's be fair to the person who quit - the $140K in unsubstantiated charges weren't made by the accountant as this might imply. The letter (which is available on USPSA's festering sore if the link is broken) states they were made by the ED. So I'm sure they're all legit, nothing to see here. Edited by peterthefish
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The letter states they were made by the ED. So I'm sure they're all legit, nothing to see here.

LOL!! I was thinking the same thing. The letter is available on the Area 6 FB page. I particularly like the sentence where the accountant says Kim gets defensive when asked for the receipts.

This crap reminds me of national politics. The whole "not a smidgen of corruption", "what difference does it make", etc. The way I see it, where there is smoke, there is fire.

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