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President Strader moving to ditch A6 director


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That's not a bad thing. It will make the ushering of a new organization easier.

This isn't politics. It is the running of USPSA. Seems incompetent at best. Never thought Dave Thomas would be missed so much. At this rate this organization won't exist in 5 years.

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Like I said once before, HQ is so out of control it's almost laughable.

I still can't get over the ED posting on FB pictures of herself and people telling her how beautiful she is as the USPSA world is crumbling all around her. Reminds me of a boss I had for a very short time who used to try to chew people out while twirling her hair an popping bubbles with her gum. Nobody paid one bit of attention to her. Totally out of touch with no idea how to get things straightened out.

I think the whole HQ needs purged and rebooted. I would say write some emails demanding answers but I still have never gotten any replies to my questions months ago.

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That's not a bad thing. It will make the ushering of a new organization easier.

This isn't politics. It is the running of USPSA. Seems incompetent at best. Never thought Dave Thomas would be missed so much. At this rate this organization won't exist in 5 years.

A new organization you say???

Why even have a new organization?

So just like USPSA HQ, it will stick its grubby little paws into a local club's match fees and extract a $3 tax per shooter?

A new organization to set up an even less transparent and more complex classifier system with never gonna get published high hit factors?

I think former USPSA MD's and clubs would just hold outlaw matches instead, keep all of their match fees and hum Janet Jackson's tune "What have you done for me lately?" while they count their money and are able to put more of it back into their clubs/props/steel/etc.

Edited by Chills1994
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The only problem with "outlaw" is that the VAST majority of clubs have insurance that only allows them to run a match under a nationally recognized organization and or accepted ruleset. Yes, the majority of clubs that do still run "outlaw" matches either don't care, or have not read their insurance policy.

Edited by MarkCO
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The only problem with "outlaw" is that the VAST majority of clubs have insurance that only allows them to run a match under a nationally recognized organization and or accepted ruleset. Yes, the majority of clubs that do still run "outlaw" matches either don't care, or have not read their insurance policy.

I find this incredibly hard to believe. Have a sample policy you'd care to share?

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So a few guys, say 10 of them, can't get together in the middle of the week and have a practice session either, kinda like a pick up baketball game?

How does that get defined? Or where is that line drawn?

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That's not a bad thing. It will make the ushering of a new organization easier.

This isn't politics. It is the running of USPSA. Seems incompetent at best. Never thought Dave Thomas would be missed so much. At this rate this organization won't exist in 5 years.

A new organization you say???

Why even have a new organization?

So just like USPSA HQ, it will stick its grubby little paws into a local club's match fees and extract a $3 tax per shooter?

A new organization to set up an even less transparent and more complex classifier system with never gonna get published high hit factors?

I think former USPSA MD's and clubs would just hold outlaw matches instead, keep all of their match fees and hum Janet Jackson's tune "What have you done for me lately?" while they count their money and are able to put more of it back into their clubs/props/steel/etc.

How do think the computers and software licenses are paid for. I'm sure our yearly membership dues don't cover it. Not sure about your club, but we get charged a fee for using the range.

I do agree the classifier system needs visibility.

The BOD has the power! If we want change- Elect ADs that are not part of the good ole boy program. Just saying....

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Agreed. Though, easier said than done. Just look at the current president and members of the BOD.

The BOD has the power! If we want change- Elect ADs that are not part of the good ole boy program. Just saying....
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In reality, which is a hard place for USPSA to operate, USPSA is looking at a lawsuit and USPSA being tied up for lots of dollars and a long time if he goes through with this, and is successful. Because the by laws are so imprecise. Regardless of the outcome, no one will have confidence in him or anyone, really. It is a really dumb move, which I think speaks volumes about leadership. This also should be an in person meeting, and counsel should be allowed.

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How do think the computers and software licenses are paid for.

Apparently not out of the Computer budget; according to Jay Corn the computer money was used for salaries and contracts, and that's what started this whole mess.

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That's not a bad thing. It will make the ushering of a new organization easier.

This isn't politics. It is the running of USPSA. Seems incompetent at best. Never thought Dave Thomas would be missed so much. At this rate this organization won't exist in 5 years.

A new organization you say???

Why even have a new organization?

So just like USPSA HQ, it will stick its grubby little paws into a local club's match fees and extract a $3 tax per shooter?

A new organization to set up an even less transparent and more complex classifier system with never gonna get published high hit factors?

I think former USPSA MD's and clubs would just hold outlaw matches instead, keep all of their match fees and hum Janet Jackson's tune "What have you done for me lately?" while they count their money and are able to put more of it back into their clubs/props/steel/etc.

How do think the computers and software licenses are paid for. I'm sure our yearly membership dues don't cover it. Not sure about your club, but we get charged a fee for using the range.

I do agree the classifier system needs visibility.

The BOD has the power! If we want change- Elect ADs that are not part of the good ole boy program. Just saying....

That's not a bad thing. It will make the ushering of a new organization easier.

This isn't politics. It is the running of USPSA. Seems incompetent at best. Never thought Dave Thomas would be missed so much. At this rate this organization won't exist in 5 years.

A new organization you say???

Why even have a new organization?

So just like USPSA HQ, it will stick its grubby little paws into a local club's match fees and extract a $3 tax per shooter?

A new organization to set up an even less transparent and more complex classifier system with never gonna get published high hit factors?

I think former USPSA MD's and clubs would just hold outlaw matches instead, keep all of their match fees and hum Janet Jackson's tune "What have you done for me lately?" while they count their money and are able to put more of it back into their clubs/props/steel/etc.

How do think the computers and software licenses are paid for. I'm sure our yearly membership dues don't cover it. Not sure about your club, but we get charged a fee for using the range.

I do agree the classifier system needs visibility.

The BOD has the power! If we want change- Elect ADs that are not part of the good ole boy program. Just saying....

In the 90's, the big buzzword in corporate America was "paradigm" or "thinking outside of the box".

That you think any shooting sport needs a computer program in order to score it is your paradigm.

If some club is going to go outlaw, then go with some version of time plus.

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