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    Lake Zurich, IL
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    John Meredith

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Finally read the FAQs

Finally read the FAQs (3/11)

  1. Same reason director elections are staggered and not in the same year. Stability is good for the org, and any major change should be carefully and thoughtfully considered, slow, and deliberate. Especially for a mature one like USPSA.
  2. Any candidate or president who can't manage a 75% consensus to make fundamental changes to the org should view that as indicative of a) inadequate leadership skills or b) bad ideas. Actually it always should have been that way. Being subject to whims and easily manipulated popular opinions makes for a weak organization.
  3. I suggest people check out the USPSA podcast, and draw their own conclusions - are the directors big fat liars, or is there more nuance to these decisions than some people would like to admit.
  4. How are you so convinced that A3 and A4 members at large agree with you? Couldn't A3 and A4 have just voted their consciences, feedback be damned? At least one of them seemed to have made up his mind months ago. Very obtuse.
  5. Sure, I've gotten about 4 in stock notification emails in the past week. Just sign up everywhere and be patient, they are in the pipeline.
  6. Bunch of these hitting inventory today, got a few in stock notifications.
  7. And sometimes good enough is good enough. How many years did we Bring Our Own Straightedges? It's not a matter of economics, but rather geography -- the stack of extra overlays on my reloading bench at home is harder to reach than the hotel room key in the back pocket of my shorts.
  8. Come on now, those posts have some insightful s#!t, strewn down the Unread Content page as they are. At least it's a 4 year old account....
  9. Some of us have a near lifetime supply of the old school ones for club matches and such. And as Jay says, a hotel room key card works great as a straight edge. Especially when both of the ROs on my stage forgot to bring their own overlays to work a major and we're sharing mine. (how does that even happen?)
  10. It's pistol powder... not precision rifle loads for the Olympics. Relax......
  11. I kick myself for wasting money on the Hornady bullet feeder, go with the Mr and be done with it. Your hearing and sanity will thank you.
  12. That doesn't apply to non-residents, and it has more to do with corporate policy FUD at Cabelas than gun law strictness. Or, the Cabela's salesperson knew you were wasting their time since you weren't going to be buying one of their handguns in Illinois, and didn't want to deal with you. I've taken friends and colleagues from out of state out to a range or gun shop several times and once they show an out-of-state ID they're fine. Illinois cops don't care that you have a gun in the trunk either, we've had concealed carry for 4 years and they're all used to dealing with armed residents by now.
  13. The PPQ "extended" (+2) factory mags do fit in the production box. I think because the grip is so squished on the PPQ maybe?
  14. Not to be overly pedantic, but the COF is not complete until "Range is Clear" is given.
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