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End of the Year Flamer


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So here we are, winding down 2004 and about ready to embark upon 2005. We an only hope that 2005 is a damn sight better than 2004.

Why did I hate 2004 so much?

Three family members (Grandfather, Mother-in-law, nephew) all passed away in 2004 after protracted illnesses. :(:(:(

Due to work and weather I was only able to attend one of those funerals. :angry:

I had to fire a person who I had spent (=wasted) a TON of time and effort trying to get to come around. Since I work for a state agency the termination process took almost 3 months. It was shear, unadulterated hell. :angry: I don't like what this experience did to me. I have fired other people before but this one was one of the more unpleasant.

Work took over my life (see above) and I didn't get to shoot even half as much as I did in 2003. I think I had a half-dozen practice sessions all year. :(

The tsunamis. 'Nuf said on that one.

Having to endure what passes for the electoral process, again (and for those of us in WA state...still going).

I am sure I have more but that's enough for now.

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I hate my job.

I have only been able to shoot 2 times this entire year - see above...

They are drilling a friggen gas well in the middle of MY GUNRANGE! no crap!

I have been on the road 10 months and gained 20+ pounds - look like shit.

Went back to smoking.

I'm going bald, my eyes are squinty and Viagra doesn't work anymore... :P;)

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Works been tough, but getting better. I'd bitch - but having a job is a blessing these days.

I didn't shoot as much as I'd hoped, see above.

I've gained weight -

I chew too much - still.

I can't stop from thinking about our soldiers overseas, and the great work they are doing - but the fact that they have to do it.

I can't stop thinking about 9/11 and how sick it is that we (myself included) somehow have managed to get back in the same grind we were in before 9/11 when I said I wouldn't.

And last, I know that it gets worse before it gets better. I feel like the years to come will be the hardest we've seen. Socially, politically, environmentally, financially - the hard times are yet to come. Lives will be lost, and hard times will come. It was the year 2004 that I realized this is probably more true than false.


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There've been a coupla seriously good things that emerged from this year for me personally, but they were obscured, slowed down and hidden in the misery of some of these:

--My arthritis (and its effect on my shooting)

--A diminishing budget (and its effect on my shooting)

--The sheer lack of space in my apartment

--The lack of a doberman pinscher

--My Valtro order collapsed

--A blatant lack of employment

--The so-called war on terror

--The hurricanes

--And, yes, the tsuamis

--The crappy weather HERE :angry:

--And some other things I'm not even at liberty to mention

We can talk about the good stuff later. <_<

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Man am I glad someone started this thread, I'm about to get rockin....

1. I realized today that I am a hater. I get pissed whenever I see someone that has something good. That sucks too because I havent been that kinda person til recently, and I dont like it. Not jealous, just hate for other people to be fully happy.

2. Mom had another surgery today, and is scheduled back in 2 weeks for about. today was #1 on her shoulder and in 2 weeks she will have #4 on her back. Ohh yea, and we are waiting for the thyroid biopsy to see if its cancer or not. Ohh yea, and she is only 44 years old.

3. My work schedule got jack screwed this year because I work for a buncha fags. Unfortunatly the fags pay me enough that I cant leave. Therefore, I shot almost no matches this year, and that isnt likely to change much this year.

4. The powers that be are taking the Bianchi Cup and turning it into a retard freak show. That is what got me started shooting, and I feel a great allegiance to it, but non shooters are ruining the game.

5. The fact that now most people call any headache they get a migraine. You cant call a minor half-hangover headache a migraine, it does an injustice to those that truly suffer migraines. My father is a full grown, full size, thick built MAN. When you see someone big and strong enough to do anything a human can do crawling on his hands and knees, crying and puking all over the place, then you can call it a migraine. (*note* he actually gets "cluster" headaches, a very very rare form of migraines that most people have no perception of, whereas I get a slightly different form of true migraines)

6. The fact that every time I get into an enjoyable conversation with a seemingly nice girl, she starts to tell me about her baby daddy and asks if I like to party or what I think of her cross eyed, sweaty, 300lb. friend.

7. I have peaked in C class. Its is like a bad case of Athletes Foot and no matter how much ballistic Tinactin I use, my fat ass aint making it to B. I will have a wicked moment of shooting glory, and then it quickly fades and I retun to shooting like an idiot.

There is a lot more, but I'll stop highjacking this thread now.

p.s. I would like to apologize to anyone who might be retarded or a fag, no direct insults were intended.

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Just like shooting focus on the good stuff and forget the bad, and just like in shooting much easier said than done... ;):P

My job sucks - but I can do it blindfolded so I can use some time for other "stuff".

My house is too small and cold - but I HAVE a house, a lot of people don't right now, wish I could share.

My gun is a 9x19 SVI and I have no backup - but damn does it shoot like a dream.

We are by law limited to 9x19 - but I've been offered to train for and shoot the WorldShoot with a .40S&W.

I don't have the money to train as much as my potential would like - but I have food, clothes and a lot of good stuff - again a lot of people dont.

My XL650 is in a unheated damp garage - but I have a garage to put it in (danish law forbid loading in appartments) and I work harder to keep warm.

Last but not least - when a man looks at the menu before he looks at the waitress, he's on the wrong side... I still look at the waitress first so I'm ok for 2005.

A very happy new year to you all.

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After some 'Should I or not" debate...so here goes for 2004...

- I hate my job. I'm stagnating and finding something else is close to impossible. I drive about 8000 km every month.

- I hate that I don't have enough time for my wife, 1yr old daughter, family and friends. See above

- I hate that I don't have enough time or money for shooting. See above.

- I hate that my studies are not going as they are supposed to. ...

- I hate that I can not grow IPSC any faster in Namibia.

- I hate that NAPSA does not generate enough money to survive and that some of the talent here has to suffer due to sub-standard range equipment and zero support.

- I hate the new gun laws internationally. We make most of our parts due to all the bans.

- I hate that my shooting sux and that I've lost the STD national champ trophy two years running by a small margin.

on the other hand...

I luv that IPSC is growing in Nam, that the time I have is mostly well spent and that I WILL finish my Masters next year April. The rest only requires more hard work.... <_<

I'll take my pills with whiskey now...2005 keeps looking ....the same as 2004.... :blink:

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I hate that I went Bankrupt in 2004.

I hate that I didn't make Master in L-10.

I hate that I am shooting less towards the end of the year.

I hate that trying to start another new company is such a pain in the ass.

I hate that I am working my butt off, and making no money, and that is nothing new.

I hate the stupid guns laws in my home state (IL), and that they are getting worse.

I hate that I can't think of any more things to hate. :angry::huh::D

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I hate being at the hands of people who don't give a crap about human beings to get a job. I applied for this job (in a government ministry) in february, they said in march we'd get in interviews with the director and see who gets in. March came, and that didn't happen... The official explanation? The director is in a tax payed vacation on Barbados (or Aruba, I don't remember). Fast forward (actually it was slow motion to me with all the stress the situation generated) to october. They say "okay, now things changed and you have a series of tests to take in order to get in, and THEN the interview. The first test is scheduled for November". I took the test. Promptly there are complaints about the reviewing board and their honesty towards the task, because their sons and daughters are among those who took the test... and they had the correct answers since May. Then they said the results of the first test would be for December... Needless to say, we're still waiting for those results...


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Not a whole lot compared to alot of others. But, I hate that I'll be moving soon. Away from all the of the friends I made in the local area shooting, but most of all my girlfriend. I also hate that due to the distance between us now, that we aren't able to spend more time together, and at best we see each other 1-3 times a month for a few hours.

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7. I have peaked in C class. Its is like a bad case of Athletes Foot and no matter how much ballistic Tinactin I use, my fat ass aint making it to B. I will have a wicked moment of shooting glory, and then it quickly fades and I retun to shooting like an idiot.

Hey we might be related because I do the same damned thing! Ballistic Tinactin :lol::lol:


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Not whining about this year, but things happen.

1. Father passed away after a debilitating illness.

2. Company I worked for for 12 years was bought out and the buyer imposed

bureaucracy destroyed it while it was still VERY profitable leading to layoff.

3. Found new "entry level" job but it sucks and requires a 4 hour round trip

commute. Away from home 14 hours a day.

4. #3 leads to no sleep and no time to practice.

5. #3 leave little time for wife and son.

6. Wife had miscarriage.

7. Shot 30% of US NATS due to #1. But there will be other nationals.

8. Did not shoot area 5 or Bianchi due to #2.

9. all the other depressing crap happening arond the world.

2005 will get better! :D

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My oh my, but don't we all have a ton in common......... :huh:

--I also hate that the local powers that be are heckling the local indoor range to death about minute levels of lead (along with all the unrealistic fines).

--I note that MANY of our local shooters are pulling in their belts financially and/or are too busy to shoot as often as before, distinctly affecting the welfare of the aforementioned range.

--The range owners are also aging, and their kids don't want to inherit the range.

--I hate looney co-workers with hidden agendas and maniacal attitudes that end up ruining it for everyone around them.

--I especially hate the outsourcing of jobs overseas. Don't EVEN get me started on this one!

--I particularly hate the gender and racial discrimination that is prevalent in Eugene. (Remember that the KKK was dug in deep here not long ago). It's still going on. :ph34r::ph34r:

--I really hate the reputation that the Eugene PD has for corruption, cruelty and crime within the ranks. The more one digs, the more one finds. They're downright doofy in there. Even yours truly was harrassed by a cop here a few years ago... a female cop at that!! :blink: What's it coming to.....!....... :wacko:

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I had been very lucky. I had been shooting weekly with Chris Tilley and Martin Little. I had progressed from unclassified to B class in Open. In August of 2004 I was headed to Jacksonville to shoot with Danny Bone. It was raining and I didn't feel well. I took the the kids to the movies instead. By the end of the movies I was in pain. Saturday went by and Sunday dragged on. I went the the Doctor Monday. He send me to get a CT scan. They found a perforated colon. I was in surgery 20 minutes later. Three months later the 2nd surgery, over Thanksgiving, has been 3 times worse than the first. I'm connected to a wound vac. I haven't shot a match in 4 months. I'm really sore. I'm hoping to shoot by March!!

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And now it is 2005 even out here on the West Coast so good riddance 2004, welcome 2005.

And here's wishing for a healthy and happy 2005 for the entire family here in the Benosverse! :D

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