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Friday Flame War 2/28/14


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If you caught it before it burst count your blessings. I had a coworker that didn't catch his in time and it burst inside him. Besides the fact it nearly killed him, they had to leave his gut *open* to air heal before they could sew his belly back shut. He was over a year recovering.

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I literally feel your pain. Mine decided to hit me in Korea in December 98. I was on the DMZ and had to give directions to the guys driving the hummwv all the way to Seoul. What a ride!!

Look at it on the bright side. It hit you in the off season for shooting. Take it easy and get well soon!

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Fox is better than Friday.

Things that are lame:

Shitty lab group member who plays with his phone the entire time and doesn't contribute.

Said member cheating on a test. (Silver lining is that he still failed it.)

My grade being somewhat dependent on him due to a peer review system that a professor thought was a good idea.

Single-lane roads due to construction that has been going on for three solid months.

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Rough stuff -- get better!

When I had mine out, the ol' EZ-Bake oven made brownies whenever it wanted for about 4 days straight. Not fun. This is after a very intimidating radiologist had to fill me up with contrast dye the hard way.

New topic.. songs on the radio that are so bad.. you turn them off..

"What does the Fox say?" what an annoying song

Wake me up when September ends.

What gym decided that's a good thing to play?

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What is with you people and the stupid appendix? You want to hear painfull? Pregnancy, now that's painfull. When my wife was pregnant it was the most painfull 9 months i've gone through. Don't even get me going on the pain of raising the little rugrats. :devil:

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My appendix exploded. Docs said it blows child birth pain out of the water. A year earlier I was in the hospital for two weeks with severe abdominal pain and a fever that spiked to 107. After two weeks of 20 bags of antibiotics a day they discharged me. Surgeon who took out my appendix a year later said the lab found scar tissue all over it. Yikes.

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