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New to 3gun-Shotgun loading


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So as you see in the title I am 100% new to this sport. Lots of people say that qual loading is the fastest way to reload your shotgun right?

Would it be recommend that since I have no prior history doing ANYTHING shotgun related, should I just learn how to qualload from the start? Assume that there is no other way to reload and just try and "master" the qualload method?


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I did not bother with traditional load and went straight to dual loads. I have a hard time juggling 4 shells for quad load, so I am taking it slow with dual until I feel I can try quads.

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The double is the easiest to learn and get proficient at and still be pretty fast at. If you get proficient at the double load and can do it consistently in match contortions and can get consistent hits without missing then your not gonna have an issue. Match conditions are a lot different than standing in the garage prepping yourself and standing and loading

Edited by EkuJustice
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Quads work well for some and not so much for others, I am currently in the latter group but I'm trying. The quickest and easiest to pick up is duals and that is what I would recommend for someone just starting out. Taccom has some really good gear at reasonable prices.

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Load two isn't too difficult, with the benefit that even an occasional fumble is still likely faster than a newbie weak-side load one at a time.

Most of the equipment for load two is more $ vs for example, a shotgun mounted card/side-saddle or CA Works belt caddies, and to a point, I think the 'ideal' hasn't been developed yet.

The load twos with broom holder-like retention holds shells well, but the height of the clips is IMO a bit too much, especially if one has larger hands, and takes more width.

AP customs look great, but $$$.

Everything I've seen that claims to be load two or quad load/load four...really isn't. A set of 2x2 shell stacks that are nearly touching isn't really 'load two' designed, unless you have the level of dexterity that would have you loading 4 in the first place.. I'd love to see something that really could be swapped between load 2 and load 4 effectively, but haven't seen one yet (AP, Taccom, Invictus Practical, etc.).

Even with that gripe, I'd say go with load two.

As most of them aren't so inexpensive, I would definitely consider your local matches - do you start with tubes fully loaded, empty, or loaded at less than full? What's the largest # of shells you can expect to shoot in a single stage? Where/how will you wear or mount them, and how much space is there? While it's nice to have spare/backup gear, I wouldn't really want too many 'extra' $80+ shell caddies on hand..

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Hand size/ finger length has a LOT to do with it. I have a pretty big hand span but my palm is big, and my finger length is average at best. Duoload, no problem. Quad= yard sale. I end up with as many on the ground as I do in the gun. My dexterity is ok, I can do a weak-hand 4 without trouble, but the quad has eluded me so far. Try everything until you find one that feels natural. After you master that go back and try the others, but you will already be able to do one well enough to compete. Otherwise you may get frustrated watching the youtube guys throw two quads in 4 seconds while you are having trouble even getting them in the gun! Trust me, they didn't start at 4 seconds. I still go back to a weak-hand 4 when a stage goes to hell because I can do it without thinking while I try to figure out how to salvage the stage.

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Screw reloading on the clock. Get the largest tube you can, stuff it full, load one in the chamber, one on the carrier. Viola, 15 rounds of fun.

Throwing quads dropping deuces is faster for most than a traditional weak hand load. That's not to say you can't get fast at it, it takes a lot of time practicing. Go to a match and see if somebody will let you fiddle with their gear.

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Ya load 2 is the easiest to pick up. I run the Taccom stuff and love it, would like to try the AP load 2's but they are $$$. Go to your local matches and ask people questions about it. When people ask me about my set up I always let them try it to see hoe they like it. Most people are like that I have noticed.

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I have decently long fingers and I picked up load four right away. If you can do it, it rocks. You can try it without a carrier first, just put four shells on a table. Not the same of course but that is what I did to be sure I could load four before buying the carriers. Went with AP customs and really really like them.

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I'm new to loading as well and I've started to practice load 2. What's a good benchmark to shoot for? I've gotten down to 10 shells in under 7 seconds from shoulder to shoulder but I don't have a reference point for a time to push for.

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Just start with quad loading.

It isn't that hard to puck up and you will likely end up there eventually. I figured I could load with two on a quad carrier to start with but I ended up just doing quads from day one. If you have the right carriers it makes it easy.

I found strong hand reloading much easier than weak hand too.

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^^^^ What the big man says. As a SG noob myself I messed with them all. WH was a definite no go and maybe someday I will do quads in practice well enough to trust it when the buzzer goes off and I drop 80 IQ points but that day ain't here yet. Deuces are easy to learn, quick, and repeatable. If you really think quads are the bomb start loading dueces and spend part of your dryfire practice loading quads from a table. If you get to where you are comfortable with quads make the switch. You can sell your load 2 gear in about 48 hours here.

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