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The most important thing...


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Shunryu Suzuki would often begin a statement with "The most important thing..."

A few of his quotes:

"The most important thing is to confront yourself and to be yourself. Then naturally you can see and accept things as they are. You will have perfect wisdom at that time."

"The kind of life you have is not so important. The most important thing is to be able to enjoy life without being fooled by things."

"To know what you are doing at any particular time is the most important thing."

Then once he said, "The most important thing is to find out for yourself what is the most important thing."

So, what is your most important thing?

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I once had this professor that would always say "This is the most important equation..." for everything

My most important thing is deriving enjoyment from acts, and I do not mean this in a hedonistic way. Instead, I mean enjoying the tasks you do. On top of that, a balance of thought- not over thinking things but also not under thinking things.

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.... be yourself.

I paraphrase this next quote

I said "you can deceive me all day long,

but don't do that to yourself,

it is a tremendous waste of time"

And yet again, I have set a goal


Paraphrasing Shuryu... The most important thing it to not be fooled by anything.

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I often wonder if I can write a post that is understood as what I intended.

... I have friends and family (honest!) and sometimes one of them will get me thinking;
"who do you think you are fooling?"

the answer is mostly themselves.

If you can learn not to fool or decieve your own self,
the rest of the world is transparent.

I am hoping that when all is clear to me,
I'll know what to do.

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When you are about to depart this world for good (otherwise known as 'checking out' on The Walking Dead ...) not to utter the phrase: I regret not being able to do .....

Good one. An ancient zen master said, "My only religion is live, and die, without regret.

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I often wonder if I can write a post that is understood as what I intended.

... I have friends and family (honest!) and sometimes one of them will get me thinking;

"who do you think you are fooling?"

the answer is mostly themselves.

If you can learn not to fool or decieve your own self,

the rest of the world is transparent.

I am hoping that when all is clear to me,

I'll know what to do.



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Maintaining a knowing mind is the most important thing.

Knowing what?

Knowing whether there is thought movement, or silent awareness.

This intelligently continous activity will fix all mind diseases.

Right in the midst of being slienlty aware, look deeper - what is it that is aware?

What is it?

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