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When was the last time...


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All this discussin about Texas Stars and windmills got me to thinking about stuff I don't see anymore. When was the last time anyone got to traverse a Cooper Tunnel in a COF? For me, I think it was the Rocky Mountain Stock Gun in 1998?

I may get flamed for saying this, but I miss that kinda stuff.

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I know what you mean....back in the Olden Days, we used to run the Cooper Assault at least once a yr just to break in the newbies...and you are correct, it has been a long time....also for weak hand draw, and weak hand reloads...

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For a Cooper tunnel: Area 1, a couple of weeks back.

There are still sadists out there in course design land :P

Weak hand draws and reloads are now officially banned for safety reasons - which makes teaching "Advanced Competition Classes" easier. In fact 90% of what I was taught in my brief earier experience in this game (at the Bob Dunkley Practical Shooting Academy [not familiar to many here I'm sure]) is now no longer applicable. I'm disadvantaged; I was good at that stuff :rolleyes::lol:


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There was a Cooper Tunnel at the Limited gun nationals this year (I seen it on the TV, I was not there) but it looked pretty tall to me. The worst one’s I remember from area matches in the 80’s were less that 3’ tall and required a crawl to get through. Seems to me that BE has some photos of the old days on the site that show some of that madness. My favorite was shooting from the back seat of a moving Jeep.


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I remember clanging away with a Colt Commander at matches like the "Advanced Military Modified", "Los Alamitos Pistol Match" and doing man vs. man on the "Flying M". I was active on the local scene in the early eighties and have kept that IPSC rule book dated June 13, 1981 as a reminder. I was a pup in my early twenties and enjoyed the "Cooper Assault Course" With the tunnel, wall (to climb over:) and especially the weak hand draw and engagement.

I find it interesting that we commonly did things in matches that most shooters and RO's would look on with horror now:) Ah the good ol days:)

I still grin recalling when a group of us formed a club, Central California Association of Practical Shooters (CCAPS). We presented or request to run IPSC matches to the BOD at the Modesto Rifle Club and they looked at us like we were crazy:) You boys want to do what!!! Run around with pistols!!! Shoot at steel targets!!! You are going to put your eye out!!! They eventually relented and the matches went on, without the steel:)



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My best memory was 'Helicopter Ride' which saw the competitor sitting in a box on a wire running downhill. On the signal you pulled the pin and off you went hurtling downhill.

There was no chance to re engage targets if you missed, but no body complained.

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At the local IDPA club we've done Cooper tunnels a couple of times in the past year. One of the few times that being really short is an advantage. I LOVE watching the 6'5" guys make their way REAL carefully through the tunnel. I just crouch a little and zip on through. Hah!

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I knew I should have gone to Area 1! Drats!

I shall not miss Area 1 '05. Missoula, MT June 24-27th.

Big Dave, no worries. Most of those tunnels are pretty long so you tall guys actually get to the shooting end quicker than the rest of us. :P

TL, 8 foot wall? Dang, now that's a holster retention test of major proportions.

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There was a Cooper tunnel at A7 this year. It was set up so there was a target that could only be shot from the tunnel.

One of my squad mates checked it out closely, and claimed the slats were painted in place. Said he accidentally unstuck one, but did not tell us which one. :D

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Wasn't there a Cooper Tunnel at the '03 Nat's?

I've never had to go through one, but I'm not really looking forward to it. I'm 6'6". :blink:

Like most props, ports and windows it's just another prop made by little people for little people :D:D;):P I'm also a shorty of 6'6 and a firm believer in that if you shoot first you don't have to duck. ;)

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Wasn't there a Cooper Tunnel at the '03 Nat's?

I've never had to go through one, but I'm not really looking forward to it.  I'm 6'6".  :blink:

Like most props, ports and windows it's just another prop made by little people for little people :D:D;):P I'm also a shorty of 6'6 and a firm believer in that if you shoot first you don't have to duck. ;)

Hardly! I am the one that designed and built the Cooper tunnel for this year's Area 7 championship and I am NOT small by anyone's definition. ;)

I had no problem at all moving through the tunnel and engaging the target on the left while on the move. B)

Rich B typed; One of my squad mates checked it out closely, and claimed the slats were painted in place. Said he accidentally unstuck one, but did not tell us which one.

I'm not sure what you mean here Rich. All of the props on our stage were staked down and witness marked with bright paint to ensure continuity. The top slats on the tunnel were propped up on sticks so that if they were dislodged they only dropped about four inches onto the side supports so as to not pose a trip hazard for the competitors. We hope you enjoyed the stage.

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I think I hit and moved one of the slats on Mike's Cooper tunnel at A7. It was still my favorite stage. Going high up on the bridge to low in the tunnel made the stage different from your average field course .

BTW, if you do it again, I guess you'll have to add a sprinkler for an accurate portrayal of the Big Dig.

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Exactly...you were holstered b4 you entered the tunnel and then as you got through it you came to a barricade with a port thru which you had to shoot two on a target then the stop plate, after you drew weakhand only and shot weak hand only....good stuff...that was part of the original Cooper assault..

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