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Just got back from working area 8 , Stage 5 [ the Star Stage ] , Thanks to my little girl Rhianna and Jimmy [ the Star Maker ],the stage ran almost flawless all weekend. Rhianna did most of the art work for the match,as she did for one of the Buckeye blast's,sorry just blowing my own horn alittle. It was a great match for shooting and working.

THANKS to all who made it happen !!!!


I had a good time working with My Dad(Big Daddy)! Jimmy, you are not as bad as everyone led on!! Nice working with you!

The Area 8 this year Kicked A$$!! A great match to work, and shoot. Thank you to all who helped!!

purple_L10, aka rhianna taylor

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Kirk, it was nice meeting you on friday.

Thanks. It was good meeting you as well. We had a great squad. I guess we should have taken a minute and had a BE introduction. :D Now there are 4 members in our squad. Thanks for the compliments on the gun. Too bad the shooter sucked so bad. :P:P

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Damn, but that was fun.

Shot Friday, then ran down to Oxford, NC to shoot three-gun. Fantastic match. easily the best-run match I've ever been to.

Shot fairly well. Slow, but good hits all around.

Lots of fun - hope to do it again soon.

- Chris

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Kirk, it was nice meeting you on friday.

Thanks. It was good meeting you as well. We had a great squad. I guess we should have taken a minute and had a BE introduction. :D Now there are 4 members in our squad. Thanks for the compliments on the gun. Too bad the shooter sucked so bad. :P:P

Now there are 4 members in our squad.

Lets make it 5. We did have an awesome squad. If we all shot half as well as we pasted, set steel, etc. we'd be much happier. It was one hell of a match.

-- Eric

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Just got home from the range. I hoped everyone enjoyed the match. What did everyone think of the turret stage? I was feeling really bad for the open shooters with the comp blast. The RO's on the next couple stages were talking about the noise from the ports and the turret and the skinned elbows of the shooters. Thanks to the RO's that helped out on my stage Ray, Vince, Doug, John and Bob. You guys did a great job keeping the stage running.

The temps really sucked, but it seemed that everyone took it in stride.

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I was feeling really bad for the open shooters with the comp blast.

It was really cool. I wore plugs and muffs and the first shot in the turret startled me a bit. The blast wasn't so loud as much as it came back in your face. After the first shot, the rest came pretty quick. High fun factor!

The scores have been updated. Sunday shooters are on the results. It doesn't mention if the results are final or not. If you're awake, the scores are up.

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Damn you folks make me wish I had not let the Area 8 app slip into the wrong pile when sending them in this spring. Congrats to all the winners and I'll see the EH crew for the great monthly match they put on soon I am sure!

If you missed the match you can catch Rhianna's artwork on Matt's mag pouches.... but the custom soldering iron work is all Matt!

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Steve, you missed a good one.

What an outstanding match. Shot Friday, worked with Doug/Ray/Doug /John/Bob on Saturday and Sunday at Stage 1.

Kept score, learned more than I could have paid for by watching the shooters come through. Many thanks to the folks who designed and set up the stages. Exceptional work. I heard more compliments on the match than you can shake a stick at. When the GM's are talking about it being one of the best Area's they have ever attended, you know the folks putting it together did a great job.

Ron Rodgers as MD, Dave Dorisio and Chuck Brooks at RM's...hat's are off to you guys. Not to forget Bill W, Kim D, Dave K and Ann in scoring..along with the rest of my fellow RO's and the other support staff. It was truly my honor and pleasure to work with all of you.

To the GM's who graciously spent some time to talk with this lowly "B" production shooter, especially Dave and Julie. I got to try Dave's new line of sights coming out, order will be off this week for the WTS.

Now, what's next for East Huntingdon? Nationals????

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awesome match. everything ran perfectly. started on time, finished on time, props all worked, plenty of ROs on every stage, food was good (and reasonably priced), great stage designs, shuttles to take shooters from stage 11 to stage 1, etc, etc, etc.

to ron and everyone involved in setting up and running this match: thank you, great job by all.

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lycanthrope wrote: "I liked it, but I swear the angle funnelled every piece of hot brass back into my forehead."

Noticed a similar thing on the turret though for me, the hot brass landed & wedged between my finger & the gun. No problem, it just added to the challenge. Its all good.

As for the artwork through out the stages, that was great & I think it added a final professional touch to the match. Well done.

Here is another vote for next year's Nationals at East Huntington.


D.C. Johnson


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This was my third Area 8 and I don't remember seeing so many GM level shooters. Todd Jarrett, JJ, Dave Sevigney, Julie Goloski, Max M, BJ Norris, John Flentz, Phill S., Mike Seeklander, and on.

The comments from these shooters were great. JJ comeplemented the range staff for maintaining thier 'cool' in spite of the heat, Mike S noted that his group only waited about 2 min average to get their turn at a stage. Several of the GM's said the stages were deceptively hard - they looked like they were easy to plan but then they found several ways to shoot them. Julie said the stages were challenging for top level shooters but doable for all classes - quite a complement for the designers.

Dave Sivigney commented that Area 8 was reliably one of the best events in the country. John Flentz said that was why he traveled from CA for this event.

As a new C class shooter all I can say is I had fun, learned lots, and encourage any new shooter to go to their Area event. It is absolutly worth it. :D

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Definately a great match, had a great time and shot terribly  :D  :angry:  :blink:

On an unrelated note, there was a guy taking a ton of pictures Friday, any idea if they are online somewhere?

Check on the event website late this week. I left a CD with photos but it was not readable so I am sending a copy to Ron and he will see what they can do. There are over 200 shots in the slide show so it is not feasable to email it.

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Hats off to the folks at East Huntington who really put on a terrific match this year! Stages were clean and straight forward... with just enough bait to test your limits. And I, like many, fell far short. Great facility. great people, and even great food! I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

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I would agree with everyone that it was one of the best matches i've been to.. We only waited on one stage to start shooting and that was for just a couple of minutes.. that was great especially with the heat.

Thanks to all the folks who worked the match. Appreciate your time and effort.

Ohter then scaring myself to death at the Chrono I Wish i would have shot a little better but then again, it sure beat cutting the Grass.. :)

Jeff B.

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