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You know you're addicted to shooting when.....


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trying to log into your site Phil but "no joy" for now. (same log in and +yahoo.com if you can help btw)

BTW, say hello to my Buddy Mike Schaeffer up there at Quantico.

Here's a few more......How about:

Your voice mail just goes ".....Caller ready....standby....beeep" (guilty)

You have worn "crop circles" in the carpet at your new apartment with a case tumbler. (guilty)

You have a gunsmith on retainer.

You don't have a five year plan for career or retirement, but you have your next five years worth of custom guns already in mind, and something of a savings plan to finance them.

Leave time, sick days, and Sky Miles are all orchestrated to get you to the most big matches possible.

There's a World Shoot coming up, so, you feel it's your duty to learn Spanish, beginning of course with "Carge y Prepare".

You've ever dry fired El Prez to the Macarena.

You know which two bars of your favorite Stevie Ray Vaughan song makes for a smooth El Prez dry fire routine in about 5 seconds. (Scuttlebuttin')

It's too damned hot and dry in Arizona, but you might move there and grow a beard if TGO 6-peats.

You don't like the French or anything about them, but you might learn the language and move there if Graffuel wins another one.

You think a Virginia accent makes you sound like a hick, but you've tried one on for a week to see if you shoot more like TJ. (don't laugh <_< , I did the same thing with W. Virginia when I was training to be a pilot, hey it worked for Yeager.)

You have actually bought a brand new gun, and never touched it until it came back from the gunsmith.

You are tired of paying for STI logo shirts you just wear to rags, so you've asked Don Kimball if your STI tattoo will count for the contingency.

You have actually spoken to inanimate objects (ie malfunctioning gun or reloading press) asking them to "PLEASE quit F#$@#$ing with me!!!!"

You won't eat shellfish the day before a match because you heard of a guy who did and dq'd the next day back in 92, so you're just not taking any chances.

You have worn through the pocket of either BDU, 511 or Cabellas shorts just by hanging your timer or "tactical" folder as part of getting dressed for a match.

You see the error in movies as a problem of technique and seek to explain it to you friends. I mean how many cross eye dominant, weaver shooting SWAT guys could there really be in LA?

When headed into the bedroom with your wife, you have asked the question "what's the start position?" during the walkthrough.

You have tried to "use the force" to cloud the mind of an RO so that one hole looked oblong enough. "you don't need an overlay..."

When handed a score sheet to sign you've ever responded with "...and who do I make this out to?"

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16) You can watch any action move and can tell the make and model of the gun/rifle the actors are using.
This happened to me rather early in the game of shooting... kinda freaked me out. But what really freaked me out was (later in the game) NOT looking at the TV while hearing someone there rack a slide on a semi-auto and be occasionally able to tell which semi-auto it was by its sound! :ph34r:

Or be able to tell which of your friends just walked into the range and started shooting (you didn't see or hear them come in) and be able to tell who it was just by the sound of their particular gun.

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What's worse even than that is being able to tell who is firing whose gun...from the other side of the range.

We have been function firing a lot of AR's lately, and it is pretty amusing "calling" which rifle and which trigger-jerker :lol:


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Or be able to tell which of your friends just walked into the range and started shooting (you didn't see or hear them come in) and be able to tell who it was just by the sound of their particular gun.

I have had that pulled on my at several matches around the country.

.. to shooting when...

Your hood oranment is a red dot sight


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You buy clothing for the top half of your body with handgun concealment in mind...

You have a permanent bore oil smudge on the left side of all your levis where the barrel of your 1911 rests during matches (cross-draw holster)...

You carry your little gun lapel pins with you at all times just in case an appropriate occasion arises...

You keep track of your gunsmith at all times (similar to the "on retainer" practice), emailing him with annoying little questions and/or juicy gossip...

You select fragrances with a 'high distraction factor' for use in matches to divert the RO from his duties--or any other shooter/competitor, for that matter...

You look for stray spent primers on other people's carpets...

You create targets in PowerPoint when you're bored...

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Your favorite cologne is a toss-up between Hoppe's No. 9, Carb Cleaner and that new lubricant you just bought.

You can tell which powder someone is using by the smell of it burning.

You find yourself picking up the spent shotshells just to smell the burned powder.

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when your cell phone has the mp3 of a pact mkIV so you respond to it. Since I never responded to a ring tone.

When you have trays of 1911 parts cause you never know when you might need something.

When you buy casting machines to start your own business so you can shoot more.

When you have a standing order with Caspian for slides.

When you have a standing order for 5000 pieces of 9mm brass a month and the UPS man knows what it is, and asks what day its coming on.

Your saved addresses on your email list are all shooters or match directors.

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Well I make my own practice bullets, but do have a standing order with Zero for match bullets

As for the ring tone record it with the Mic on your computer then transfer it, or you can just hit the sound record button on your phone and save it.

BTW my average draw time is slower with a Cell than my open gun to the same beep.

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You buy the land because it would make an excellent range. Then you build yourself a "home on the range".

On cold winter nights, the horses leave the barn when they hear your slide rack.

You know exactly how far it is to the gong outside the back door and every other prominent landmark for 1/2 mile around your house.

You lose your brass behind the washing machine when it's really cold.

You look forward to spring thaw to find all your outdoor hibernating brass.

Your wife always checks the oven for gun parts that might be curing there.

You got a pet bunny rabbit that lives on your range cuz the coyotes are too scared to come in there.

You've got a lathe in the basement because it saves you tons of money.

All your neighbors know that only the red steel is for rifles.

Your truck can be broke, your house can need paint, your lawn looks like a jungle and it's all cool, because your blasters really rock!

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On cold winter nights, the horses leave the barn when they hear your slide rack.

i had to laugh when i read this one. my beagle, which i broke, does this very thing when i start reacking my slide. she is so afraid of my guns i don't think she'll ever hunt.

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When the wife/girlfriend watches tv with headphones and glasses as you have turned the living room into a airsoft long course.. (true story but not me) :D

Me neither,

since I always wait for my family to fall asleep before doing that...otherwise I'd have to put on an OK Corral fight with my kid who wants to watch looney toons on tv... :ph34r:

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You know you're addicted to shooting when...

...you prefer to sweep out your basement/reloading room instead of having your wife vacuuming it for you... ;)

Just did that yesterday....wit my wife watch to see if I do a good job - vacuum cleaner lurking in the background with an evil smile.... :blink:

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...that 'clunk-clunk...clunk' as the clothesdryer is due to the empty brass cases you didn't clean out of your pockets after the match.

...you hear the first names like Rob, Todd, Brian, Jerry, Jerry and David (and a list goes on and on) and you know exactly who the person is speaking about. "Last names? We don't need no stinkin' last names!!!"

---"big stick" means something different

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"...that 'clunk-clunk...clunk' as the clothesdryer is due to the empty brass cases you didn't clean out of your pockets after the match."
...or, you reach into your pocket for some change to pay for some little something at a store counter, and out fall a couple or so casings that unbeknownst to you bounced in there during the last range session. :D

Or sillier yet, they fall on the floor in the store and everyone watches you pick them up... (remember, now, I'm female, so it really generates weird looks......) [insert blushing icon here]

(really happened... coupla times just lately.)

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"...that 'clunk-clunk...clunk' as the clothesdryer is due to the empty brass cases you didn't clean out of your pockets after the match."
...or, you reach into your pocket for some change to pay for some little something at a store counter, and out fall a couple or so casings that unbeknownst to you bounced in there during the last range session. :D

Or sillier yet, they fall on the floor in the store and everyone watches you pick them up... (remember, now, I'm female, so it really generates weird looks......) [insert blushing icon here]

(really happened... coupla times just lately.)

[thread drift]

I sold a beater car a few months back. There were a few cases that hadn't made it into the bag, bucket, or box from my pocket that were set out by where we were signing paperwork.

The guy said something to the effect of: "If there are any problems with the car, I'll be sure to call and not come over to talk about it. I wouldn't want to end up with the missing part of those in me."

I replied, while smiling: "Do you really think I'd shoot you?"

He said, with a laugh: "No."

I replied with a straight face: "Are you sure?" I then burst out laughing. Luckily the guy had a good sense of humor... and, if he had any intentions, realized that the $1000 in cash that he handed me wasn't going to be going home with the car.


You know you're addicted to shooting when:

You're sitting at the DMV and "dry-firing" at the eye charts while you wait.

People that are addicted to shooting have weird habits.

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...that 'clunk-clunk...clunk' as the clothesdryer is due to the empty brass cases you didn't clean out of your pockets after the match.

The wife keeps a can by the washer to put the brass in after washing laundry..... they dont come as clean as the dillon gets them though....

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