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Law Suits and The Parasites That file them


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It's been about three years now that the law suit my wife was involved in had dragged on. Her "crime" was she worked as a director at a county facility, and one of the women who worked for her was a train wreck: she was always late, called in sick at least one day in four (literally) was incompetent when she did show up and refused to improve her work habits.

But the workers have a VERY strong union which made it impossible to do anything. There was the verbal counseling, written counseling, hearings with union representatives, etc..... but the women knew how to game the system and filed a complaint for DISCRIMINATION.

Immediately the county lawyers stepped in and warned my wife (the woman's boss) that she could no longer speak to her or discipline her because that would be "retaliation". The next phase was the woman went to some quack doctor who said the "emotional strain" of the ordeal was too much so she went out on paid sick leave indefinitely.....

But she also filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the county and my wife was also named as co defendant. This dragged on for months, with depositions, hearings, more depositions, more hearings.... and all the "preparation" that had to be done... all on my wife's own time, since she still had her 60 hr/week job to do as well. No overtime since she was "management". It just went on and on.

So, my wife retired from that job last year but the lawsuit went forward. I kept telling her the county would cave in and dump a bucket of money on the woman to make the discrimination suit go away......

and they just did (right before the trial date). The woman got $600 GRAND to go away. The lawyer got 1/3, so the parasite netted $400 GRAND.

Our last conversation was:

My wife: "Well, she'll never get a job in this state again."

Me: "She doesn't really need to work at this point...."

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  • 2 weeks later...

That $400k will last her about 2 years or maybe less, and she'll probably wind up in heavy debt. Lots of lottery winners are broke within a couple of years from over spending, gambling, bad investments, etc... Hopefully she has lots of family just like her!

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That $400k will last her about 2 years or maybe less, and she'll probably wind up in heavy debt. Lots of lottery winners are broke within a couple of years from over spending, gambling, bad investments, etc... Hopefully she has lots of family just like her!

Maybe. But she was some "administrative assistant" (clerk) who answered phones and signed people in so the $400k is probably 15 years salary or more.
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Unions ..... The bigger the POS is the more care the unions take of them

The joke about that is..... my wife worked "up" through the ranks and so she was in the lower union for many years. She even served as union president for a year. The law is they have to use 100% resources to "defend" any worker even if they deserve to be fired. They had one guy who was certifiably insane (no joke) and he was working a suicide hotline (calls were recorded) and he was giving bizarre answers. One guy called in and said he had swallowed a bottle of pills, asked what he should do... and the looney toon answered: "Get a new hobby." and hung up on him. They were eventually able to transfer the guy to a job where his lunacy would not lead immediately to loss of life..... then bribed him to resign.

Had another guy who was a heroin addict who was stealing narcotics all the time and using them at work. he staggered, slurred his words, was a total mess. He "monitored" treadmill tests and one time a patient walked into the front and said they needed to come back and check the guy because he thought he might be dead. He had passed out and his head was on the keyboard. They couldn't fire him either, there was amnesty if the addicts got on methadone. So the guy used methadone along with all his other narcotics. Again, they ended up dumping money on him in return for him leaving.

I think people would never believe what actually goes on.

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The lawyer just does it because he cares about people and their rights... WTF ever

Another truth.... the year my wife was president of the union, she started auditing the charges the union lawyer was billing. This guy was charging full hours for all the time he spent in his car driving 100 miles down here in Bay Area traffic..... and she found out the guy was even billing for his trips to his girlfriend's house along the way.

My wife had a chat with him and said if he didn't knock off the overbilling, she was going to send a copy of the charges to his WIFE and let her figure out why he was driving to this other lady's house five times a week.

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As a union steward....it actually keeps me up at night when I have to 100% defend someone who I know deserves to be removed. However, I temper that with the fact that many do need my help. Unions, like everything else, have good and bad. I try very hard everyday to help the good out weigh the bad.

Rant off. :-)

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I like it how people call attorney's "parasites" and other choice names, yet can't find one quick enough when they need one, and then inevitably whine when they are told that the attorney will charge, like they were supposed to give away their time/knowledge for free.

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I assume the original poster was using the word parasite to describe plaintiffs who file unmeritorious lawsuits--not the attorneys who are doing their job by representing them.

The reason for my assumption is that I have been repeatedly assured that the Brian Enos Forum does not tolerate insulting comments directed toward a particular occupation or profession.

Right, Kyle?

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I like it how people call attorney's "parasites" and other choice names, yet can't find one quick enough when they need one, and then inevitably whine when they are told that the attorney will charge, like they were supposed to give away their time/knowledge for free.

I assume the original poster was using the word parasite to describe plaintiffs who file unmeritorious lawsuits--not the attorneys who are doing their job by representing them.

The reason for my assumption is that I have been repeatedly assured that the Brian Enos Forum does not tolerate insulting comments directed toward a particular occupation or profession.

Right, Kyle?

I guess neither one of you read these sentences from the OP:

The woman got $600 GRAND to go away. The lawyer got 1/3, so the parasite netted $400 GRAND.

You focused on the second sentence only? English is my second language, so maybe I'm missing something, but I'm pretty sure that $400,000 is 2/3 of $600,000 and thus "parasite" is a reference to the plaintiff. I'm not seeing where lawyers were insulted.....
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I understood the OP clearly, which is why I said the following:

"I assume the original poster was using the word parasite to describe plaintiffs who file unmeritorious lawsuits--not the attorneys who are doing their job by representing them."

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  • 2 weeks later...

No offense to the OP, but this is certainly not the whole story.

People are not paid $600K for baseless legal claims in reality. If she was paid this amount, it's because she had very favorable facts on her side and the defense attorneys thought they were likely to lose her case and pay her even more if they tried the case in court.

That is a guaranteed fact. There are meritless or frivolous claims, but defense attorneys pay minor nuisance settlements to make those claims go away.

Defense lawyers aren't stupid. They pay big money like this after careful analysis BECAUSE the claim clearly had merit based on the objective facts not the other way around. It doesn't necessarily mean she deserved it, but the evidence was on her side.

Edited by gstar
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