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I hate perfume...just about all of it anyway...except for the french stuff an old girlfriend used to wear (France has its uses). I don't care what it's in, on, or for: detergent, soap, women's perfume (the absolute worst!), the toxic scent bombs you get in mail. I hate women's cologne most of all. It used to be nice. It used to be *subtle*. It used to be this pleasant little surprise you got when you got around to the kissing portion of the date.

Not anymore. Now it's full-scale chemical warfare. The stuff is so pungent, even a drop fills the room and knocks you over. The cheap tutti-fruity (sp?) stuff women wear is hideous. It's like the took the dainty, fruity-smelling perfumes little girls wear and distilled it using nuclear fusion. If you stink so bad that you have to wear that sh*t not to smell bad, wouldn't bathing be the better option?

I got a coffee today at a drive through stand and I had to just pull over and throw it out. The fat wench at the espresso stand had so much perfume on that it actually infused the lid, the cup, the coffee therein, and my car!


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Right there with ya buddy. One of the people I work with must buy the stuff in the 55gal drum and have a pump and shower setup for application. I finally had to ask her to stop or stay out of my office area because her perfume was causing myself and another person in my office suite to have asthmatic issues. To her credit she has reallly toned it down and we worked to determine which one was the most heinous.

I have cancelled just about all magazines (beyond Front Sight and a couple others that are scent free) because of the toxic waste they include in them.

I feel that the worst are some of the stenches that the male college crowd currently apply. I can only guess that they are avoiding taking a shower or something. The athletes seem to be the worst thus perhaps lending credence to my theory.

About the only good thing about my current head cold is I can't smell much. :wacko:

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I too believe today's perfume is too hot and unbearable, both men's and women's stuff.

Having said this, I wish to point out for you a couple of gems (that do exist from at least 20 years) that I really like to smell.

They both are french perfumes from Yves St. Laurent maison:

Jazz (for men), the classic one (black and white box)

Paris (for women): the best rose fragrance you can find.

Give'em a try if you want delicate, sweet, non-pungent cologne. ;)

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Yea, but what about those extraordinary women who wear just the right amount and it completes the gap in those brain synapses that sends you right over the edge. Would hate to lose that!

My wife uses Victoria Secret vanilla lotion and just a touch of perfume, a perfect combination.

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There is no sublty in dept store fragrances* any more. Yes, I wear perfume but it's frankly the high-quality, not-run-of-the-mill stuff that people seem to be buying in "55-gal drums." I get compliments on my choice of fragrances, as a matter of fact--all the time. In some instances I wear none at all though, if I think that's appropriate. Spook has the right idea.

(But I wear this 'good stuff' for sure at matches to distract male shooters. Until I'm shooting A-class level I have to use every ruse I can think of....) :P:P

And believe me, the sour, ghastly stuff that MALES are wearing these days is just as offensive and overwhelming. Who the hell invented this stuff??!! If they think that stuff is "attractive", well, their noses are simply out-of-order. What's more, if you touch them and get it ON you, then you wander around all day wearing THEIR ghastly 'fragrance' instead of your own! And that's even worse than smelling it in the first place! :angry: [insert puking emoticon]


Rose Ombre--a soft, rosy light musk. Very bearable indeed. Commonly available, but not the cheap stuff at all.

Pheromone by Marilyn Miglin--a light floral with a high end of nasturtiums. Refreshing and clean, but very feminine. A unique and classy fragrance--one of my faves. Not commonly available in the average department store. Invented in the 1970s; I discovered it in 1985; thought it was out of production these days until I found it on eBay. I was ecstatic.

White Linen--Estee Lauder. One of the cleanest-smelling fragrances on the market yet widely available.

Eau de Lancome--very hard to find. Also very 'clean' and light citrus-y. Can probably be ordered at major-maket locations.

Must--by Cartier. A deep, sweet, indescribably sexy fragrance. Expensive.

Fragrances by Givenchy are also classy.

And there are dozens more... many of which are costly, but that's where the quality is. I never, ever wear the 'cheap stuff' because it's NOT ME.

* that being just a polite term for the awful stuff people spray on themselves!

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For those of us who have known you via this forum for more than a month...we would never doubt that you would wear any fragrance that was not classy...it certainly isn't you...on the forum, at the range, at work..strictly a class act... thanks for dressing up this place a little... :D

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In my opinion, the key to perfume success is to match the right scent(s) to the right body. Some people smell better or worse than others in any given mixtures. Some can't pull off anything and there are a rare few that smell good in anything.

I went to high school with a girl who could wear just about anything and smell really good. They all just reacted well with her body and her natural scent, plus she knew exactly how much to use. She's still a hottie too!

I prefer Eau de Rhino for my own use.

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Here I am asking a serious question (OK, semi-serious question) B) and Nolen gets Siggy completely off base. While I like the smell of Shooter's Choice, and love the smell of Butch's Bore shine, I think it has the opposite effect of what I am shooting for with the opposite gender.

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"I think it has the opposite effect of what I am shooting for with the opposite gender."
Unless the opposite gender is also a shooter and catches a whiff of your scent and recognizes you as a shooter... which could be exceedingly arousing. Perhaps. :P :D
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Tman33 99--

I haven't researched men's good quality cologne lately (my bad, I know). All I smell is this awful commonplace stuff floating around in the air that is neither male/female/attractive/provocative or anything. Let me do some research on that. Seriously.

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I haven't researched men's good quality cologne lately (my bad, I know).

My wife has bought me a number of high priced after-shaves and colognes for men, with many of them costing US$75 to US$100 for a gnat sized bottle, but the one which gets me the most compliments from women is Jovan Musk, which costs four-fifths of bugger all.


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