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Friday Flamer 10-15-04


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Ah yes...time dear brothers and sisters to come worship at the temple of the Pyre of Ire.

Pack up your troubles, douse them in your favorite flamable agent and set them ablaze so that you can enter the weekend with a clean mind and a clear heart.

I hate that I came down with the F#(%ing flu last Saturday costing me a match and 4 days of misery. Not that I love work or anything but even work is better than being sick...most of the time.

I hate that even with Satellite TV after 4 days on the couch there is NOTHING NEW TO WATCH ON TV! I was about to start watching the adult channels just for something new and entertaining.

I hate that the damn Yankees look to be heading to another World Series. Ah...but the Cardinals look to be the team to beat. Go Cards! (And yes I get to be a real Cards fan...the wife grew up in St Louis. I am not a casual "oh look they are winning" fan. I also am a fan of the Blues...if we ever have hockey again).

Speaking of which...I hate that the NHL is locked out with apparently zero hope of even having a pro hockey season this year. I love my "local" WHL team (Go Chiefs Go!) but I like the big boyz too. Gonna be a longgggg winter without Hockey. No, I don't watch football or basketball.

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I hate the fact that a 17 year old boy has just been arrested for raping 14 women in a 9 month period of time.

I also hate the fact that he'll probably get 2-3 years in prison after destroying all of these lives.

Give him a spade, get him to dig a big hole, then throw him in it :angry:

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I hate being sick. I especially hate it when it's a chest cold or other disease that affects my respiratory system. I'd prefer pain to having my oxygen acquisition & CO2 return system impaired. This is why I dread influenza! Of course, the flu gets you in the lungs and the body ache department, so it covers more than one base.

I hate it that I missed a whole week at the gym, just when I'd apparently pulled out of the slump I experienced during August and September.

I hate it when it's too cool outside for no jacket or sweater, but too hot outside for wearing a jacket or sweater.

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Make him dig his own hole, shoot him while he's in it, and bill his family for the shovel and bullet.

I'm a peaceable man, but there's one thing that will get me out of my chair in a murderous rage, and that's violence trowards women.

. . . and violence against children.

The terrorists that invaded the Russian school should be burned to death.

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"Give him a spade, get him to dig a big hole, then throw him in it."
"Make him dig his own hole, shoot him while he's in it, and bill his family for the shovel and bullet"
Two forum members after my own vigilante heart!

AYYY-MEN!!! :angry:

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"Give him a spade, get him to dig a big hole, then throw him in it."
"Make him dig his own hole, shoot him while he's in it, and bill his family for the shovel and bullet"
Two forum members after my own vigilante heart!

AYYY-MEN!!! :angry:

Make that three.

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Asbestos suit on.

Tired of hearing revolver shooters whine about course design, reloads, not enough competition, too few shooters, etc.

The revolver has been obsolete since 1911. Deal with it!

Just be grateful that the powers that be kindly allow you to slow down USPSA matches with slow, precise shooting and boring reloads. Yawn.

Keep complaining, and a grassroots movement will develop to ban you to dress up matches with the cowboys. :o

I may change my mind if I can ever con MX5 into teaching me the ways of the revolver, but for now, revolvers, like short people, ain't got no reason.

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I hate individuals serving our country for more than 17 years who can't pull their heads from their posteriors to think for themselves.

I hate it that John Dunn won't pay me to function fire his AR's.

I hate it when people drive down the right hand lane at 30 mph under the speed limit with their right turn signal on and don't turn for 8 blocks. :angry::angry: I WAS STUCK BEHIND HER!!!!

I hate it when people treat me like I am a new enlistee when I've been in the AF for more than 14 years.

I hate people who think their position as an assistant to the commander makes them have the same privileges and are due the same respect as the commander. As a result they treat everyone else like dirt.

I hate it that I've spent the whole week so pissed off I can barely speak.

I hate it when educated people refuse to think.

I hate it that I was offered a chance to do something because it was a joke, but found out later that it would have been more productive than anything else I did today. I was offered the chance to be a wheel chock. That sums up my day in a nutshell. Sucked.

I hate it that I caught about 27 people violating the base commander's safety policy and one of them almost let his buddy take a fall for him. The kid was supposed to be a leader. Yeah, right! That's the example I want to see set for people. Now I am going to have writer's cramp filling out flipping paperwork because the Air Force doesn't believe in physical correction methods like pushups.

Okay, I'm done for now. I'll probably think of something later.

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I hate the stupidity of people who try to vote more than once. Don't they know this could result in civil war? (Maybe that's their plan?) The people who gave their lives to give us the right to vote, didn't do it so spineless pieces of s#!t could screw with our elections. BTW, all the more reason that I'll never give up my guns. If you want them, come and get them......"Comrade".

I hate the arrogance of people who try to deny what they have done. Either stand by it, or admit it was wrong. Don't lie about it. That's the same as calling me stupid to my face.

I hate the term "terrorist". I'm not terrified, I'm just pissed! Maybe I will call them piss-ants now.

And I hate the cowardice of Socialist piss-ant sympathizers who think America is to blame.

I hate the ignorance that drives men to trade the present, by commiting suicide, to gain some future "paradise".

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Sam: "I hate the term "terrorist". I'm not terrified, I'm just pissed! Maybe I will call them piss-ants now."

That about sums it up for most of us. Thanks, Sam.

To hell with the piss-ants!

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i hate that my car got borken into the other day for the 4 time since i bought it. they smashed the window ripped apart my dash. Tore the rearview mirror from the windsheild. they made off with my face plate and my rearview mirror. never got the deck. im more angry that the mirror is gone rather than the face plate.

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