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Raw Fish


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I enjoy many different foods and have eaten in many fine, and not so fine, restaurants. Sushi, specifically that made with tuna, is one food I hold with the highest regard, equal to if not higher than a "good" steak. A soft-shelled crab hand roll is right up there also. Octopus is good when you really are looking for a different texture.

If you have one in your area, I recommend you try a place called Todai - a japanese buffet. Half is hot foods (noodles, etc.) the other half is sushi, shashimi and hand rolls. You can try many things you might not otherwise. It isn't as high quality as a good japanese sushi bar or restaurant, but it is very, very good.

If you're in Indianapolis, look for Sakura. If it wasnt' for St. Elmo's Steak House (I've heard that the cocktail sauce will make one see God), it would be regarded as the best restaurant in Indianapolis.

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Raw fish...is what the bigger fish eat....before you catch them....cook them and eat them...quick...before they get to smell worse than when you catch them.

It's a food chain circle thing.

Raw fish older than a day is called bait.

Really old fish is called chum.

Maybe someone could open a new suichi chain called the Chum Shop.

The only "raw" meat that is acceptable is called Jerky.

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I learned most US people don't like raw meat when I was tripping Montana and Yellowstone park.

I was having dinner with a giant Montana steak and a good bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, but had a hard time in explaining the waiter I wanted the 2" tall steak cooked RAW.

I even tried to explain him I wanted to see blood dripping from it, but no way... :(

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Different ways to order a proper steak:

"Walk it through a warm room, quickly."


"Knock its head, wipe it's arse, serve."


I don't like my steak raw, but "rare" in most places is a bit too close to well done for me. When I grill steaks I put the wife's on and good it to about where she likes it then I toss mine on. When her's is done, mine is done. I don't want it cold in the center but....

My biggest problem with sushi is that I took Parasitology in college. For lab one day the prof collected some "sushi grade" tuna from Pike St. Market in Seattle over the weekend and we went through it looking for parasites. Took me years to get to where I would even try sushi again.

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I will never understand the passion for oysters... gah, they're STOMACHS, for pete's sake! If you like consuming the stomach contents of biological entities, then I guess you'll like oysters. I nearly hurled the first time I accidently bit into one (I thought it was something else at the time...) [insert large puking emoticon here]

The restaurant where I worked at the time served a lot of seafood (remember Jerry's Farmhouse...?), so all us waitpersons began calling them "stomachs" when calling in an oyster order to the cook. It was hard to keep a straight face when serving them. Most of the hired help avoided oysters, so... it was hilarious.

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They are throw backs Eric. They haven't progressed to the point that we, the cooking class, of eaters have.

FWIW, I have eaten things raw that I will bet would make most of you puke. I will mention Goat intestins for one. Maybe that is why I want everything cooked now.

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[RANT]Dammit! Who is idiot enough to pick up a frog and lick it's head? ... I can't fathom what possessed the first one to lick a frog head, but I would be willing to bet it started with, "Hey, Ya'll! Watch this!" :huh: [/RANT]

It's like licking the terminals on a 9V battery. Everyone's done it.

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If you're up for a challenge.  Go for the blowfish.  What is it, like 1 out of 10,000 die!

This is beyond my limits. I like sushi but I have no desire to die for a food thrill. If I'm taking death risks, I expect there to be more kinesthetic sensation and adrenalin involved :lol:


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Why do people think that if they keep extolling the virtues of raw fish that I will even remotely be tempted to eat it?

Because sushi is much like a religion. We see potential to covert you and save you from your delusion and misplaced loathing of uncooked sea life.

That's why. ;)

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you know, I wonder if the 1 in 10,000 number is correct. If it is, is it more dangerous than any other food cooked at a bastion of cleanliness like sizzlers (i mean how many times can a chain be shut down for outbreaks of various life threatening bacterium)?

Is bad blowfish a more likely event than the mc donalds burger assembler ignoring the must wash hands sign?

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If all this has made you hungry for Sushi and you are going to Area 1 here is a place I went to last year ...

Sushi Club

Don't let the "All you can eat sushi bar" fool you. This isn't a boat place or a buffet where the food sits out. They make each item as you order it, they just don't keep adding to your bill ... for the food anyway - the sake and beer are a different story ;)

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Oh NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo.....!!! I hate clam chowder most of ALL!!!!! Smells terrible!!! AAARRRRGGGHHH.......!!! (And you don't want to know what's in it--or how long it's been on the stove. Dont order it!) :ph34r:

Noooooooooo............ :blink::blink:

"It's like licking the terminals on a 9V battery. Everyone's done it."
Yummmm... we used to do this all the time! Yesssss! SiG Lady childhood stuff. Heh, heh, heh..... :rolleyes::lol:
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Rest assured you naysayers ... just because YOU can't smell fish ...

... not all things that smell fishy are bad ;)

New England Clam Chowder RULES! and if you're in the right place they'll give you the oyster crackers instead of those square unsalted tops.

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We shall have to agree to differ once again since I think New England Clam Chowder is one of the finest foods on Earth :wub: .

There's nothing raw about it either.

The best that I know of (and I've eaten *lots*) is at Swan's Oyster Depot in SF. Ignore the sawdust on the floor and just eat the food. A real traditional chowder with just really really fresh clams, potatos and cream ... none of the other muck that most people seem to be adding to NE CC these days!

Now I'm hungry ...


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