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Handgun Nats BE get together!


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Hi Angus

Sod the bombers! If we change our plans because of them they win. We would never have done the NI matches if we let stuff like that rule us.

So ....................... Bali will be the place where we can repay the very generous arrangements that Vince set up. Although I obviously wasn't there I still much appreciate what Vince did. It not just the cost but actually the thought.

Great picture by the way!

Now then, Angus dissappears into the bushes. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? :D

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Vince,  Thanks again.  It was a great party and sorry you missed it.

I'm in the blue shirt, shades on hat, far left.

You look a bit peeved in the pic Jon, did someone steal your beer????

Vince, thanks for the goodies, you rock!

At least I had my eyes open :D I was thinking about how long I had to wait for the results.

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I obviously arrived after the photo was taken. Between checking scores and talking to lots of folks by S&W Hall, I did not see the BE crowd gathering. Once I got there, alot of folks had already taken off. Had a bottle of water and a beer and spoke with some of the forum gang. Carina and I took off before the party disbanded because we were freezing our butts off. THANKS VINCE, DENISE & ARNIE. Really nice to put faces with names.

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OK. Just about dead center is GAPEACH (STI shirt) and Mrs. SingleStack (2 blue shirts). SingleStack (Tighty Whitey) is standing just behind and between them in a green cap. I am on his left (tan shirt, black and white cap, holding up a "Pinto Beer").

Thanks again, Vince. It was a wonderful gesture and a great surprise.

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I'm sorry I wasn't there! Wings and beer - that's about as good as it gets.

I looked into it at the last minute (Tuesday) but it just couldn't work out for me. I'm really under the gun to get the new site/store up... But I'm definitely planning on coming to the Nats next year. Where are they going to be anyway?


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Yup, as Renee said we were busy being stats nerds and missed the first half of the gathering and the photo. However, the great pity is that no one snapped a pic of MacTiger in his kilt. KDJ was asking what clan wears utility black. I think Troy's answer was the McTactical clan! We had big fun and the eats were very good. Thanks again to everyone involved in setting this up!

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I hope "before World Shoot" translates to May, and not July.

I have no idea about the dates, format or location of the 2005 US Nationals, but I can tell you that WSXIV in Ecuador runs from 21-27 August 2005, but there is also a "Pre-Match" (probably) from 17-20 August 2005.

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Well put Neil. I agree totaly and I was not saying I wasn't going because of the bombings.

We spent many happy hours in NI, remind me to tell you about the time I got lost in a particularly BAD area. That was an interesting ride.

Thanks "Big Nose" for the cell call that got me out safely.

Last time I was in Jakarta was just before the Timor riots, there was a battalion of Army camped in the hotel car park and army in the car lots of all the major buildings. Interesting time........

The range in Jakarta was fun to, the ranges had low berms and you could see the governemnt building from the range, a high shot would have broken windows...... :o

I will not let terrorism dissuade me from anything I do now or in the futhur.

Don't let the B***trds grind you down

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Speak for yourself!  The ladies suggested that during my acceptance speech, I thank Troy for wearing the kilt.....I however forgot <boohoo>.....I must have been distracted!

Photo taken after last shot fired just before our little get together.

Troy in Utilikilt

Troy Photo


Edited by Flexmoney
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