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2013 Indiana State Championship

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You should have seen him on the 6 1/2 ride home in the back of an SUV. He was snoring like a baby. Of course he was heavily medicated and that might have had something to do with it.....but still he was talking and laughing when he was awake. Tough dude. Good person to have around my range in case things go wrong. We were at another range where a competitor shot himself and Paul was off with his med kit in a heartbeat to take care of the wounded competitor. By the time the ambulance got there, Paul and another EMT shooter had the wounded competitor ready to transport with no issues.

Talked to him this morning. He is just sad that he won't be able to finish up this season. Typical IPSC shooter, right?

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Lol yeah. They are thinking about rotator cuff surgery for me. I'm trying to plan it where I wont miss much of this season or next.

One of the EMTs that first arrived has sent me a few Facebook messages to check on his progress.

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Just a heads up to those who were wondering about the injured shooter. I talked to Paul this morning and he had the surgery yesterday. Two plates and 14(?) screws later they put his leg back together. He is resting comfortably but he wants to go home later today as he is getting no sleep in the noisy hospital. He'll be in a cast for 6-8 weeks where he can't put weight on the leg for a while and will start physical therepy as soon as possible. Spiral fracture of the tibia and fibia bones in his lower leg.

Thank you again to those who helped us get him on the backboard to get him to the ATV so we could get him up the hill to the ambulance to go the hospital. Thanks again to Aron Bright for driving with us to the hospital to show us where we were going and not let us get stuck waiting for a train as he knew an alternate route. Paul said that he has been getting calls, emails and contacts via Facebook from many shooters expressing their concern for him which has been nice to see.

I was glad to help.

I talked with Paul today via phone and he seemed to be in good spirits and has started the road to recovery.

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Roy, glad to hear that Paul has been taken care of. He sure has some very good friends. Thanks to you guys for taking the time to get him were he needed to be. Yes he was a super trooper, and very good at letting us get him prepped to get him out'a the woods.

Good to see you guys again. Maybe next time we can have a little more time to chat.

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It can't be repeated enough, but this was a fantastic match. Good stages, good RO's, and overall one of the best matches I have shot in a long time. It was nice for once to have a match with all loaded starts, and from the holster, no gimmicks.....just shooting. I look forward to next year!

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So sad that I missed it this year! You guys put on such great matches and I've been so lucky the last few years to staff a few and shoot a few more. I miss shooting with the Indiana USPSA guys so much! Between the match themes and the great stages, you guys never disappoint and I know I go out of my way to joke with Jake at every major that the others are "almost" as good as the Indiana matches.

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I mailed out the first batch of plaques yesterday after school. I will be mailing the second batch tomorrow after school. I forgot the check book this morning. I will have several other plaques at the WVPPS club match on Sunday. Getting really close to putting this match to bed once and for all.

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