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To good to paste


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I hate shooters who think they are to good to paste targets. I dont care if its the #1 shooter in the world or just a hack like me. You put holes in targets and your part of a squad, pick up a box of pasters and do your part nimrods.

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I hate the constant rumors that the Super Squad doesn't paste targets. Oddly enough, I tend to see them help more than the wannabee squads.

You may be right, I can only refer to the ones who think they are too good to paste.

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I've seen this mostly with the "I think I'm better than..." crowd. Most of the good guys been doing this for some time so they help, the beginners wanna learn and mostly help and those that know their place in the universe mostly help.....The wanna-be's need some "assistance" to become wanna-help's... :angry:

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amen to that brothers. i feel the same way. here is what i say "let me show you how these work".

one year at the fgn our entire squad would not paste for one individual. after he was done shooting someone handed him a box of pasters and told him to paste his own. it only took the one time then he was good to go the rest of the match.

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I watched one of the Area 5 "super squads" for a while, and the US Army guys and their former teammate "J-Go" definitely did some pasting! Good on them!

They were also very friendly and "approachable." You won't find that in athletes of a similar caliber in a lot of other sports.

I even pasted a few targets in my squad, believe it or not. ;)

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When Jerry Miculek and squad showed up on my stage at A5, he said "you are gonna see some of the best pastin' steel settin' and paintin' that you have ever seen"!!

And, I would have to agree that he was pretty much right. :D

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The only time I've seen a competitor refuse to paste was with some of the more upper class South American shooters. I attended a match in Florida, which will remain nameless and was squaded with 3 obviously well off South American/Central American shooters who never lifted a finger to help throughout the match. My wife later asked one of their wives and it never occurred to them to help as they had servants for that where they came from.

Where can I hire someone for this job? Price would be commensurate with enthusiasm and services rendered.

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I've heard of guys who have people to carry their bags/chairs/etc and load their mags....

Don't know if I would trust someone else to load my mags.

The only people I don't mind not pasting are the shooter who is on deck, the shooter who is having their targets scored, and the shooter who just finished and is getting their mags topped back off. On an average squad, that leaves 5 other shooters to paste and set steel.

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The only people I don't mind not pasting are the shooter who is on deck, the shooter who is having their targets scored, and the shooter who just finished and is getting their mags topped back off. On an average squad, that leaves 5 other shooters to paste and set steel.


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I think hiring kids to paste and shag brass for you is a great idea. In fact, I know some clubs that hire boy scout troops to do it.

I thought that IN tried to do this in 2003, but ran into problems with insurance liability issues...... :huh:

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This discussion reminds me of how things are run (at least the one time I was there) at Tuesday Night Steel at Rio Solado and the club matches in Eastern Colorado. The assistant RO assigns tasks to the squad, sans the on-deck shooter and shooter. I know it doesn't make sense to some, but I've seen it in action and it works and works well.

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Ewww...Bad idea to hire those with growing bones picking up brass. Boy Scouts taping? Okay but not picking brass.....Some where in my college years I remember seeing a diagram of lead, it's not that different from calcium which is why it absorbs into the body so quickly. And, it takes a long time for lead to slowly leach out of your bones. Once on the hands, it quickly travels to face, hair, and clothes especially with kids. Having experienced first hand the chelated penicillium drip to treat high lead levels, I practice a strict regimine about clothes, shoes, hand washing etc. when in the shooting environment.

I've only once encountered a refusal to help and it too was a foreign competitor. I think that had more to do with the "rich" part than the foreign part.

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