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Inside info on 3GN Rockcastle Internation pro/am 28th Oct 2013 !

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Any word on 3GN Semi-pro points yet?

I told Gary I'd work and I'm in for any match thats at the Rock anyway. But I'd like a definitive answer about semi-pro points as well. Has anyone actually emailed/called/sent smoke signal to chad, pete, or gary? Or are we all hoping they will see this here?

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Now that we've sent in our registration and match fee payment any idea when the shooter confirmations go out? I realize from the prior posts in this forum that setting up a brand new competition with international participation is going to take additional time to cover all the issues and logistics. Just a little bit interested you know?

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NZshooter yes there is so get signed up either by faxing or emailing the form to Rockcastle.

Pass the word to your fellow NZ competitors as this is going to be a fab International event with so many guns to try & new equipment to checkout.

For myself & other British shooters this is such a great opportunity as we are not allowed to shoot semi auto handguns & center fire rifles at home.

Plus with Brownells shipping orders direct to your room at the Rockcastle lodge (if you stay there) you can take home some bargain priced kit !

So come join the American,Canadian , European & Nordic shooters :cheers:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, I had another thought. Ill still only be 20 at the time of the event. Is that ok? I know you have to be 21 to own handguns over there but will I still be able to compete?


The folks at Rockcastle should be your best resource to answer this question as they reside in Kentucky. A quick search of Kentucky state statues finds it similar to many other of the less restrictive states in the U.S. Federal law prohibits handgun SALES to anyone under the age of 21 but does not address legal age of possession. Individual states typically regulate minimum age requirements and from the Kentucky Penal Code the following:

Kentucky Revised Statutes



527.100 Possession of handgun by minor.

(1) A person is guilty of possession of a handgun by a minor when, being under the age of eighteen (18) years, he possesses, manufactures, or transports a handgun as defined by KRS 527.010, except when the person is:

( a ) In attendance at a hunter's safety course or a firearms safety course;

( b ) Engaging in practice in the use of a firearm, or target shooting at an established firing range, or any other area where the discharge of a firearm is not prohibited;

( c ) Engaging in an organized competition involving the use of a firearm, or participating in or practicing for a performance by a group organized under Section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or any successor thereto which uses firearms as a part of the performance;

( d ) Hunting or trapping pursuant to a valid license issued to him pursuant to the statutes or administrative regulations of this Commonwealth;

( e ) Traveling to or from any activity described in paragraphs (a) to (d) of this subsection with any unloaded handgun in his possession;

( f ) On real property which is under the control of an adult and has the permission of that adult and his parent or legal guardian to possess a handgun;

Elsewhere in the Kentucky State Statutes they differentiate application of state purchase restrictions based on state residency, non-resident U.S. Citizen, non-resident non-US Citizen. They basically default to U.S. Federal statues but your not going to purchase so I can't see any application in your case. Presuming the rental guns will stay on Rockcastle facility property throughout the competition. Not sure if participant's will have to turn them in at the end of each day, especially if your staying on site but you shouldn't run afoul of any transport laws if the firearms stay there. Based on reading the statute above if your 18 or older you should not be in violation and you'd probably be ok even if staying at an off-site hotel. Based on the same statue if you have traveling companions 21 or older or find new friends at Rockcastle who meet that magic "Age of Majority" for handgun ownership you could designate one of them for possession of the handgun when your not in competition. And now for the disclaimer: I am not a lawyer or a resident of Kentucky, nor do I play either on television so find a solicitor of the Kentucky bar for specific legal advice.

Edited by thazlett
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Any word on 3GN Semi-pro points yet?

I told Gary I'd work and I'm in for any match thats at the Rock anyway. But I'd like a definitive answer about semi-pro points as well. Has anyone actually emailed/called/sent smoke signal to chad, pete, or gary? Or are we all hoping they will see this here?

It has been a month now...any word on this???

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Ok. After much debate by within the staff, we will be offering shooters the ability to shoot Tac Optics, Open, Tac Iron, or Heavy Metal. Chad said the Pro Am points will be a "GO." However, due to sponsors providing guns for some of the International Competitors, those using Provided Guns will only be able to shoot Tac Optics or Open.

The 3 Gun Nation Qualifiers will also be set up and available.

I have contacted the ATF to clear International Competitors and those under 21 for using the guns provided by sponsors. They are all good according to our gun laws, so no problems there.

Also, ammunition is looking good, thanks to DRT (Defense Research Technologies), and Brownells, we are going to have plenty of ammo. The ammo we will have available is .223, 9mm, and .12GA, orders for all other pistol ammo can be fielded through Gamaliel Shooting Supply, details to come on that. All ammo needs will be fielded through me, Nate Noble, at nbnoble@bellsouth.net

The field of competitors is looking good, and there is plenty of room left in the match, so lets get this thing cranked up and throw some lead down range. Anyone with questions can also email me directly at nbnoble@bellsouth.net

Some good sponsors coming on for this match, including SUREFIRE, some competition guns provided by Black Rain Ordinance, and AP Industries, just to name a few. Many more to come.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

How are things progessing? I gotta make a decision about shooting this or the Arkansas Section Multi gun match.

I'm considering shooting both the Arkansas Section Multi Gun (I loved that match last year!) and this match. I am tempted to drop out of this match due to having to be off Wednesday through Friday instead of Thursday and Friday. it wouldn't be that bad, but I'm also going to Blue Ridge and that means I am missing 7 days of work in October with Fallen Brethren. I can drive to the Arkansas match after work on Friday and have a free hotel room there, so I'm only out gas and food.

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Match is looking good with stages from several top shooters !

Still space available for one of the best value events in a fantastic location :cheers:

For those shooting the "supplied gun div" i will snap some armory pictures while working the Ar15 pro/am , i hear there's some very cool stuff in there :goof:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still a few places left at this event, any one looking to start Multigun this is the match to go to as if you choose shoot the "supplied" division all guns are provided so your get your hands on some very smart competition firearms with out splashing out loads of cash.

Some of the Brits are competing/working at the Rockcastle AR15 Pro/am in a few weeks so say hi if you see a Union Jack arm patch on a shirt !

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  • 4 weeks later...

Still a few places left at this event, any one looking to start Multigun this is the match to go to as if you choose shoot the "supplied" division all guns are provided so your get your hands on some very smart competition firearms with out splashing out loads of cash.

Some of the Brits are competing/working at the Rockcastle AR15 Pro/am in a few weeks so say hi if you see a Union Jack arm patch on a shirt !

Enjoyed talking with you at the Pro/Am. I'll be shooting + ROing at your match and looking forward to it!

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I'm looking forward to October already! App is in the mail today.

If you're like me and just waiting around, better get those apps in the mail. After another hugely successful Pro-Am this past weekend, I think a lot of shooters that are just getting their feet wet are going to jump head first into this match.

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This match will have some great loan guns for those looking to try 3 gun along with the divisions of those using their own guns.

Please pass the word out to newer shooters who have held off from trying a multigun match due to not having the right kit or ammo available, this will be the event to go to as all your get to try all the cool guns & latest equipment on the range.

I know a number of European shooters have held back due to the ammo shortages through out the USA , but i know the Nobles have this covered & ammo will be available !

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how many guns/serialized items will there be? I like to know where I will finish ahead of time. :mellow:

It's a +15 to +17 thing, you see. If there are 10 guns, I will place 25th to 27th......if there are 60 serialized items at the Pro-Am, I will place 77th. :roflol:

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