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Not trying to start anything but just couldn't help but notice.

Open Division GMs were 11% of the match (I rounded the percentages)

Limited Division GMs were 10% of the Match

Limited 10 Division GMs were 11% of the match

Production Division GMs were 13% of the match

Revolver Division GMs were 35% of the match !!!!

What does that tell us ?

Nothing aside from that is where the highest competition was (percentage wise) :devil: (The numbers speak for themselves)

So next May after the Single stack Nationals, grab your revolver and come shoot in the hardest, most competitive division in USPSA !!! :sight::sight::sight::sight:


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What did I notice

if you want competition shoot anything but revolver. At 2% of the match there is not a big pool to swim aganst.

percentage of total shooters:

35% Open

30% Limited

19% Production

14% Limited 10

2% Revolver

Event L10 had almost twice as many GM's to shoot aganst than Revolver. Open had 85% more than Revolver.

Number of GM's

Division GM

Open 41

Limited 27

Production 21

Limited 10 11

Revolver 6

Just like in politics, its all in the way you look at the numbers.


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the divisions weren't full, the slots were.... a person could have chosen to shoot what ever division they wanted to. while the numbers were low I don't think that any of the revo GM's that were in attendance hadn't earned their GM cards. it's extremely hard to just use classifiers to advance that far in revolver shooting.

as far as the nationals there was only 16 revo's that showed up to shoot, one unfortunate shooter was dq'd on his first reload because of a 180 violation caused by a strong hand reload. the one unclassified shooter did come in last at 62% of Jerry M. and I don't think there is a single shooter here that will call Jerry a slouch.

why exclude the revo shooters to insert a C or D class production or limited shooter?

but don't worry you won't have to be amazed and dazzled by the revolver division in 2013 as our reliable guns won't be in the desert as we have been given the opportunity to have our own divisional match. oh wait that just stepped on the toes of the SS shooters.. guess we can't just get along.


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There is some inflation in the Revo classification system. There are only a couple guys that can compete at the 95%+ level in Revo with any regularity, and we all know who they are. It doesn't really matter, because there are never enough revolvers present to make class victories meaningful--which is fine, because heads-up competition is what matters anyway.

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The numbers speak for themselves

they do 18 total for a nationals is it worth taking up space where the other division's were full and had people waiting

How is one person's space worth more than another's ?

(BTW, the match let everybody in...I know, as I was last in. #465 )

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Another way to look at it is 18 shooters spread between the other divisions wouldn't add much to those divisions, so why do it?

The NRA gives the same weight to rifles as to pistols as to shotguns, right? Why should Nats give more weight to some divisions than others? I understand the utilitarian aspects of the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few (for us Trekkies), but as long as everyone got in (as Flex mentioned), this is a non-issue.

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Another way to look at it is 18 shooters spread between the other divisions wouldn't add much to those divisions, so why do it?

The NRA gives the same weight to rifles as to pistols as to shotguns, right? Why should Nats give more weight to some divisions than others? I understand the utilitarian aspects of the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few (for us Trekkies), but as long as everyone got in (as Flex mentioned), this is a non-issue.

I don't see that many people shooting a stand along revolver Nationals. I'll wager that the stand alone revolver Nats has less folks then a lot of monthly club matches in our area.

I could be wrong, I've been married 3 times...I'm known to make mistakes.

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i'd agree if the memphis charity challenge didn't have 70+ revo shooters every year. and when you have people like Robby Leatham bring his wheel gun out great things are bound to happen. it might not fill up but I will bet there will be more than 100 there.

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Poor Hopalong...I just read the 4th line in his signature. :roflol:

I don't think he was bashing any other division, just making a playful observation, which is cool with me. IF Revo Nationals was not in IL, I would go just to go. I enjoyed shooting Revo in IDPA, and ran my 610 in a match in USPSA recently, it was oddly fun. The Sandbox is big enough to not have to throw sand in each other's eyes, and next year is the new President's first stab at making his vision of Nationals a reality. THIS year was still under the prior agreements.

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IF Revo Nationals was not in IL, I would go just to go.

What's wrong with IL? They run great matches at PASA Park--it's one of the premier practical shooting spots in the whole country!

They might run great matches, but it is in one of those states I avoid like the plague. I don't organize boycotts or that kind of thing, just choose not to patronize that state if I can at all avoid it. I am sure my life will be full enough having missed PASA.

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The Nationals should be able to handle 800 shooters if they have that many sign up. Under the same format ? No but you have to make adjustments as the number of entries dictate. It is done evry year at the Skeet Shooting World Shoot ( always held in the US )the Sporting Clays Nationals and The Grand American Trap Shoot. If they can handle 800+ shooters then so can the USPSA.

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IF Revo Nationals was not in IL, I would go just to go.

What's wrong with IL? They run great matches at PASA Park--it's one of the premier practical shooting spots in the whole country!

They might run great matches, but it is in one of those states I avoid like the plague. I don't organize boycotts or that kind of thing, just choose not to patronize that state if I can at all avoid it. I am sure my life will be full enough having missed PASA.

Easy enough to stay in Missouri and not spend a nickle in Illinois.

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I don't know nuthin' bout nuthin', and I don't even own a revolver, but the people I know that do occasionally shoot revolver do it a little less seriously than the other divisions they shoot, kinda to do something different and keep from getting bored. Most of them would not choose to shoot revolver at a lim/prod/revo match where shooting revolver means they don't get to shoot their primary division. I would expect there will be significantly more revolver shooters at a dedicated revolver-only match, even if it is someplace that I will never, ever, ever go.

At least I hope it is successful. The revolver shooters at nationals this year were universally courteous, interesting and friendly folks, and I wish them well.

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Most of them would not choose to shoot revolver at a lim/prod/revo match where shooting revolver means they don't get to shoot their primary division. I would expect there will be significantly more revolver shooters at a dedicated revolver-only match

That's me. I'm planning to hit the SS Nats anyway, if I can get a slot, and of course I'll stay over for the revolver match too. I expect there'll be many like me, I know of one other local guy planning the same thing (and it's a pretty small shooting community here).

I prefer revolver to some others, but no, it's not my "primary" division.

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IF Revo Nationals was not in IL, I would go just to go.

What's wrong with IL? They run great matches at PASA Park--it's one of the premier practical shooting spots in the whole country!

They might run great matches, but it is in one of those states I avoid like the plague. I don't organize boycotts or that kind of thing, just choose not to patronize that state if I can at all avoid it. I am sure my life will be full enough having missed PASA.

Complete silliness: "I won't go to Illinois because of Obama." "I won't go to California because of the crazy gun laws." "I won't go to Vegas because of the ricochets." Or whatever. If you want an excuse to stay home, you'll always be able to find one.

When you're at the range, none of that stuff matters (except maybe the ricochets, but they're not any big deal)--no place is perfect, and every state has bad politicians, crazy laws, and local hazards.

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You can say what you want Mike, but I kind of thought one of the tenants of being an American is getting to make my own choices, which includes where I spend the 50% of what I make that the Gov does not take. Your assumptions as to the reasons I make my choices might be flawed as well.

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Your choice, Mark. But now you have me curious:

Have you ever shot a USPSA Nationals in any division at any location?

Have you ever shot a USPSA area match in any division at any location?

Has nothing to do with the matches or gun laws. Yes, I have shot and RO'd Nationals.

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