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jobless AND homeless


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Tell them you're independently wealthy. That's how I got into my apartment complex in 1993.

Typical Eugene Logic: I wasn't allowed to rent a dwelling here unless I had a local job. Employers' policies were that they wouldn't hire me unless I had a local address. WTF??????!!!!!!! :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:

That was my introduction to Eugene. I should've known something was going to go belly up here with logic like THAT!!

Erik, have you seriously considered MOVING OUT COMPLETELY??!!

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Yeah that's another problem, trying to get a job outside the area. I'm told employers don't call out-of-towners in for interviews, even if I state I'm willing and eager to relocate on my own dime.

SiG Lady, I waved when I drove through Eugene earlier this month, why didn't you wave back? :)

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Guest Larry Cazes

Erik, Truly sorry to hear it! :( Maybe it's time to reconsider Reno? The dot.com crash has left it's mark on a lot of us..........I get depressed every time I hear on the news about how much the rest of the country is recovering. Looks like economic recovery here in Sili valley will lag the rest of the country by a few years at least.

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"SiG Lady, I waved when I drove through Eugene earlier this month, why didn't you wave back?"
Jeez, Erik, why didn't you PM ahead on that visit??!! I could've treated you to a shootin' session at The Baron's Den (my guns), treated you to a dinner at The Excelsior (the poshest [italian, even] restaurant in town owned by one of our well-to-do [italian] A-Class shooters), and even arranged for a flight over the area if you had a couple of days to spare. It may be goofy here but it's beautiful. B)

Sheesh, you'd better start taking the SiG Lady's hospitality seriously!!!!! :rolleyes:

(Yes, I, too, did considerable research into Reno last year... half the employment agencies had gone out of business, apparently, and the rest never replied. Their newspaper want ads also looked a little skimpy.....) :(

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Sorry to hear about that.

Does your lease/rental agreement have language in it about what happens if the building is sold? Is the building being sold to another person who is going to keep the apts, is it getting sold to make way for another type (non-residental) building?

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Erik, pack your grip and head to Wyoming. Railroads, coal mines, oil fields, it's all happ'nin. We'll work your butt off. It isn't college boy work, but it pays well. ;)

You can live real well here on 50K a year.

Yes, we even have computers too. :P

Try it. Unless you're busy or sumphin.

PM me if you are interested. I'm not kidding.

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college boy work

Sam is the deepest guy you'll meet who still uses phrases like the above. Cracks me up. Sam is also on a mission to get more master shooters per capita in Wyoming than any other state, importing them is much easier than mentoring them.

The Cruel Tutelage of Sam the Nailer!

I wish you the best in your search for job and home.

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The way the rental laws work here is that you can be evicted for the new owner or his/her immediate family members to move in. It happened to me years ago in a fraudulent manner: the owners were actually a group of investors who remodeled the house but nobody stayed in it for the minimum period before renting it again. Completely illegal and completely without recourse for the evicted tenant. The only justice is that the investors were infighting and sued each other and they all lost money, according to my old roommate.

I'm not looking forward to moving, especially the 800 pound gun safe.

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Sorry to hear about your situation. I have been forced to move twice as a result of down sizing (reduction if force) and I am barely hanging on to my present job because of declining enrollment. The thought of being out of work and flat broke at the age of 50 after 25+ years here really gives me the creeps. I hate to think about it even long enough to get prepared.


I'll think about you this winter when you are wallowing around out in the oil patch trying to get the tire chains on your 4X4. "College boy" work... :lol:

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Make a tape or DVD of you doing Bill Drills/plate rack/poppers and send one to each casino in Reno with a copy of your resume. Tell them you're willing to do plainclothes security work or deal cards. With finger speed like yours they'll have you dealing off the bottom of the deck in no time!


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Erik, I'm sure that Jobless and Homeless are all the qualifications you need to immigrate to NZ, well they let me in, and we need some competition, bring a couple of spare rear blades they take an age to ship from the States.

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