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Electronic scoring


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Actually if I am correct, the standard is that the electronic score is the correct score and that if the handwritten courtesy sheet differs, that is the error, the score on the device stands.

The way I see it, soon we will have your scores online as they are entered. you will make your mark on the device and if you have bothered to download and install the competitor app on your device, you will have a copy of your scores instantly. No need to for a hand written copy. I say this becasue who thought a few short years ago that we'd have Nooks, let alone Nook Scoring or Palms or...

And just like paper, you, the shooter need to verify that you have your hits and that your score is entered under YOUR NAME. The good about the electronics is that there are no unscored targets and no zero time stages, no extra hits, no too few hits. As for the back ground people, i.e., Stats Dudes and Dudettes this relieves a heck of a lot of work. Yes there is work in advance, but with online registration and the new import feature on EzWin, that is reduced. And there is some after match work, but in total is is far less work than it was on paper. One ohter thing, no more trying to decide if that was a number and just what number it supposedly was.

I am just about ready to spring for Nooks out of my own pocket and pay them off over a year just becasue they will be better for us. Now if only someone would come up with a cheap printer that works quickly, we could have that paper slip directly printed out for each shooter while we await the next level.

Actually the handwritten scoresheet is the authoritative document. For example - someone could easily (accidentally that is) go into a shooter's score and hit a N/S or etc. I had that happen this past weekend.....when the scores were uploaded, there was a N/S for this one shooter. He showed me his yellow copy and when I backed out the N/S, the hit factor matched what was on his scoresheet. That fact alone told me that the N/S came AFTER he signed the sheet.

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That should be on the feature request list. When you hit "Print Scores" (once we finally have a cheap printer) the scores are locked.

That sounds good in theory, but in practice, mistakes are sometimes only discovered after the point one would have printed a confirmation.


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If the devices are set up and run correctly then the score once saved cannot be altered. you can't just accidentally enter another hit, or penalty or NS. You have to tell the machine that this is a re-shoot! How this particular instance happened I don't know. It makes me think things are not all out to be examined here. Then again I could be wrong, but having run Palms with Stage Score for nearly three years, I think that once saved, it would be very difficult to just change a score. I'll have to look tonight and see. I have a match that was already done I can play with.

If it can be changed easily, that is something that we need the developers to correct. Once a score is saved, it needs to be locked down and only the MD/RM can issue a reshoot or open the scoresheet to make a change.

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We were playing around with different stylii for the our club's brand spanking new Kindle Fire HD's. I let them sync an old match that we had scored electronically a few months ago. In the process of trying to scroll through the "Score Targets" screen of a shooter who has already shot, we had a few instances of somebody erasing a row of scores (if they were scrolling by swiping on the left side of the screen), or adding N/S or M's (if they were swiping on the right side of the screen). Using plain old fat fingers didn't initiate the accidental delete or added penalties, but clean small fingers, and/or the finer tips of a stylus seemed able to induce the accidental inputs.

Having a "lockout" feature would be great once the RO and shooter "sign" an electronic score for a stage. I think that Ken and Josh have plans in the works for a feature like this. I was under the impression that the thought was that only the RM (and possibly his delegates) would have the "unlock" code so that a score could be corrected or a reshoot be done.

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Having a "lockout" feature would be great once the RO and shooter "sign" an electronic score for a stage. I think that Ken and Josh have plans in the works for a feature like this. I was under the impression that the thought was that only the RM (and possibly his delegates) would have the "unlock" code so that a score could be corrected or a reshoot be done.

As long as there is an unlock code, the system would work.

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We were playing around with different stylii for the our club's brand spanking new Kindle Fire HD's. I let them sync an old match that we had scored electronically a few months ago. In the process of trying to scroll through the "Score Targets" screen of a shooter who has already shot, we had a few instances of somebody erasing a row of scores ...

On a screen that large, you really shouldn't need styluses; it was designed to be used with fat fingers. Hell, you can score a match on an iphone with fat fingers.

Beyond that, how do you like the KF's? (Kindle Fires) Battery life? Bright sunlight? Can you put on in a screen-covering case and it still works? There's still a part of me that would rather not use rooted nooks.

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We haven't pushed the batteries yet for a full match, but with a stated 11 hour battery life for "normal" use, we figured that our typical 5-6 hour match it should be safe. Our first match with it will be in 3 weeks. Unfortunately, I won't be around to experience it first hand. The plan is if the 4 devices we picked up perform well, then the club will pick up some more to give full coverage + backups.

The bare screen had some glare in bright sunlight, but applying the screen protector helped a lot. And just standing or holding the screen at a slight angle so the sun doesn't bounce directly back is good. The backlight will also help once our gloomy weather returns.

Getting PractiScore on the devices requires some finesse, but not as much hard work as rooting a Nook. Since there is no Play Store on the KF's, you've gotta push the PractiScore .APK to the device somehow and install it. Although DropBox would have been an option, WiFi Explorer was used instead of AirDroid.

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Different people have different dexterity - the only stylus I've seen at our matches was a guy with an iPhone and he said it was nice.

The dexterity can change with gloves or if the device is stuck in a rain proof bag too.

But having a fat hand in the way versus a pencil stick in theory when you have to scroll or other things could allow you to see an inadvertent change.

Styli are about a buck each in bulk from Amazon and they work - they may get lost or in the way before they are useful . . .

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Well you can't wear gloves unless you get those special gloves that continue to work with the screens on iOS and similar devices. (Nooks on the other hand, because of the type of screen they have, I think you could manipulate with a stick scraped up off the ground.)

Two things about styluses. $1 each means very, VERY cheap and you need to look at the business end of it to make sure it isn't scratching up the screen. If it's just bare plastic rather than a soft rounded head, you're ruining your screen, so watch out. Cheap is NOT good. Second, it needs to be real pen or pencil sized in length and diameter, or your hand is going to cramp up, as would happen to me when I tried to use the tiny little stylus that came with those "Palm" things.

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We were playing around with different stylii for the our club's brand spanking new Kindle Fire HD's. I let them sync an old match that we had scored electronically a few months ago. In the process of trying to scroll through the "Score Targets" screen of a shooter who has already shot, we had a few instances of somebody erasing a row of scores (if they were scrolling by swiping on the left side of the screen), or adding N/S or M's (if they were swiping on the right side of the screen). Using plain old fat fingers didn't initiate the accidental delete or added penalties, but clean small fingers, and/or the finer tips of a stylus seemed able to induce the accidental inputs.

Having a "lockout" feature would be great once the RO and shooter "sign" an electronic score for a stage. I think that Ken and Josh have plans in the works for a feature like this. I was under the impression that the thought was that only the RM (and possibly his delegates) would have the "unlock" code so that a score could be corrected or a reshoot be done.

How did you install practiscore on the kindle fire? My understanding is that you don't have the regular real adroid/google market available and instead have to get everything through amazon.

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Plugging in the USB cable into a computer let us copy the PractiScore.APK to the device. (Or we could have also just written it the .APK straight to the the SD card, and then plugged in the card.)

The Amazon Store let us install/run the free version of WiFi Explorer. The explorer let us find the .APK and click on it. The Kindle recognized the file and launched it for installation. :) Infinitely easier than rooting a Nook, but not as straight forward as having a real device that supports the Play Store.

On the other hand, we actually like this feature of having to manually side load Practiscore. That way we know exactly what version we will be dealing with come Sunday and not be at the mercy of a new update coming in on Friday or Saturday and not have a chance to test things out with the new version.

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KMC--- if you are looking for Practiscore advice... JC Wren is the man! always willing to provide advice and help... he has videos and stuff he can share and lots of experience.. he has run 2 or 3 GA state sectionals on Practiscore.... see what you have in your budget before embarking though......

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Our club is looking to implement electronic scoring this year. Is there any FAQs or Do's/Don'ts out here that could get us started?

Read through the Match Scoring section. There's a ton of information about electronic scoring there.

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Scrolled through the first couple of pages and didn't notice if anyone else remembers. We (Shasta Shooters Redding, Califonia) started in 1988,before computers, with paper scoring. 30 shooters and three stages means 900 separate calculations. Even when I brought my adding machine (I'm 10-key proficient) that would take an hour and a half. Now with electronic scoring we have results before the stages are broken down. We usually have 5 or more stages. Much better for all involved.

Edited by dons
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