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Minimum Age for ROs

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But really, is this another one of our famous internet problems?

It is until someone ends up being shot while a underage RO is in charge.

there's no such thing as an underage RO under the current rules.

If you have a problem with younger person RO'ing, you can always request a different RO, or stop going to matches, or give up shooting, or complain a bunch on the internet.

Without more specific knowledge, I'm going to have to trust the judgement of the person that certified him. Everyone in this sport seems prett serious about safety, so I'd be very very surprised if it was an unsafe decision.

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Look at all the butt hurt over a hypothetical kid RO and people super imposing "their kid" into it.

Not hypothetical, someone signed an eleven year old off in my state to be an RO which is why I asked the original question in this thread. I would not sign an eleven year old off to mow my lawn let alone be an RO no matter whose kid it was.

To each their own. Performance, knowledge and skill matter more to me than age. If an 11-year old does the job correctly, fine. If a 25-year old (or more) doesn't do the job correctly, I'll take an 11-year old who does.

I suppose maturity doesn't count much in your book. NO 11 year old has the maturity to do an adults job, pointing out failing adults to justify allowing a child to do an adult's job is wrong in itself.

Making absolute statements that NO 11 yr old has the maturity to be an RO is wrong in itself. If you have a complaint with NROI for making an 11-yr old an RO, take it up with them.

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How would a child RO deal with a belligerent competitor? A grownup would have to swoop in.

Hopefully the same way I would.... politely ask the competitor to take it up with RM or MD.

Heck, a previous poster thinks a woman would be equally unable to RO without grownup male assistance. Obviously that poster hasn't seen my wife deal with belligerent people. :surprise::sight:

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Hopefully the same way I would.... politely ask the competitor to take it up with RM or MD.

OK that's a good point. I guess I was a little concerned about a kid being verbally abused by a grown-up. But a kid in a constructive environment surrounded by healthy adults would learn strong internal boundaries and good techniques for dealing with a verbally abusive person.

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Hopefully the same way I would.... politely ask the competitor to take it up with RM or MD.

OK that's a good point. I guess I was a little concerned about a kid being verbally abused by a grown-up. But a kid in a constructive environment surrounded by healthy adults would learn strong internal boundaries and good techniques for dealing with a verbally abusive person.

If any group of shooters allowed that to happen (a competitor becoming belligerent towards the RO) - to a kid or a woman or any RO, then shame on them. No place for that type of behavior by a competitor, or allowing it to be enabled by a squad.

Edited by vluc
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If any group of shooters allowed that to happen (a competitor becoming belligerent towards the RO) - to a kid or a woman or any RO, then shame on them. No place for that type of behavior by a competitor, or allowing it to be enabled by a squad.

You would hope, but I have seen it happen twice; once at a section match and once at an area match. No use getting upset over it...just let them vent and let it go.

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WOW. I have been watching the posts accumulate over the past week and finally decided to see what all the hooplah is about.

Let the kid RO. He will either cut it or he/she won't.

As for abusive behavior not being defined I think it easily fits into unsportsmanlike conduct. I have never personally been on a squad that would let a shooter Fu(# with an RO. Not saying it doesn't happen but I don't think it would happen within my local shooting community.

New shooters scare me a whole lot more than new RO's.

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As long as the kid knows exactly what they're doing, I think it's fine. But, I can see how some will argue about a 5th grader having the mental capacity to be running around RO'ing. But hey, like I said, if the kid is competent enough, kudos to him and there isn't a problem with him being a RO.

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How would a child RO deal with a belligerent competitor? A grownup would have to swoop in.

The same way any other RO would? Calmly explain the facts, and escalate up the chain of command......

Getting belligerent yourself isn't going to help resolve the situation.....

And for what it's worth -- in a decade of playing the game with some pretty hardcore folks, I haven't seen more than a handful of upset folks. In all of those cases, they managed to refrain from doing something unsafe. Also in all of those cases, their friends -- shooting with them -- managed to get them to calm down again.....

We've got a pretty good bunch of people playing this sport. There's simply not a lot of B.S. on the range, now on the 'net...... :devil: :devil:

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There are things children should not do.

IMO, SUPERVISING people running with loaded firearms and shooting at multiple targets is one of them.

Everyday I see "ADULTS" with more money than smarts doing things a hell of a lot more dangerous than running with a loaded firearm. If you think a 12yr old RO is dangerous then I'd suggest you not drive on most US city streets.

It's been stated before in this thread and is the absolute bottom line. The fool holding the gun is absolutely and always responsible for what happens when those bullets leave the muzzle.

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