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Professional Law Enforcement Officers


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I took my family to Disney World for vacation this week. We stayed on the property, gated hotel, security patrols in the parking lot, everything so you don't have to worry about driving or leaving your vehicle. I parked my wife's Expedition under a light after we unloaded our luggage on Monday, locked it up and left it. It rained on us bad Wednesday with more on the way Thursday, so Thursday morning I went to the truck to get a rain jacket out of it. Someone had busted the keylock in the driver door, trashed the inside of the truck looking for stuff, stole a toolbag I had in the back, and my wife's pistol that was in the console. I notified Hotel security and asked for Orange County to come make a report. The Security was very nice to us, and the Orange County Deputy that came was very professional. He was concerned because he had just worked a vehicle break in on an F250 that was done the same way. After working my break in, he walked two rows over to a Lincoln Navigator, sure enough, they had hit it the same way, owners didn't even know yet. The Deputy was seamingly thorough in what he did, he gathered items that we knew were moved in the truck and sent them to forensics, he said they would have a better chance of lifting prints than his kit. This Deputy sets a good example for his department.


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If you have the Deputy's name and badge number, send a letter to his Precinct Commander. This will mean more to the Deputy. And with some agencies this letter will go into his personnel file. When promotions come up and they check his file the atta-boy letters will help him on the promotion process.


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As a teenager I had a slight aversion to cops. Maybe because I was up to no good. Probably. Okay definitely up to no good.

I have realized as an adult that a truly good and professional police officer is even rarer than ever. I would send the letter.

This is in no way meant to insult or offend any officers here, I do not envy your job and am grateful there are men and women willing to perform it. Just like any other job, there are people who are good at what they do and there are people that are Great at what they do. Sounds like you came across the latter.

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If you have the Deputy's name and badge number, send a letter to his Precinct Commander. This will mean more to the Deputy. And with some agencies this letter will go into his personnel file. When promotions come up and they check his file the atta-boy letters will help him on the promotion process.



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Just like any other job, there are people who are good at what they do and there are people that are Great at what they do.

Hmmm.... I have ran into cops who were neither good nor great at what they do. Admittedly, not many. But they are out there.

I'm glad the OP had a pleasant experience. And I hope he gets his stuff back.cheers.gif

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I had a great run-in with a Game Warden way back in the boonies in the Idaho Wilderness. I found the email for the "Chief of Wardens"? :roflol: and told him all about the great contact I had. He emailed back thanking me for taking the time and said that they rarely hear anything good and said he appreciated me for doing that and that he would pass it down to the Warden I came in contact with.

Email his chief.


If you have the Deputy's name and badge number, send a letter to his Precinct Commander. This will mean more to the Deputy. And with some agencies this letter will go into his personnel file. When promotions come up and they check his file the atta-boy letters will help him on the promotion process.


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I too had an aversion to the police when I was a teenager, Niot that I did anything real bad, I was just a typical PITA to our local officers. then, after a few years in the Marines and a few more overhauling nuvl;ear submarines, I got hired by the local police department. That was in 1982 and I still love it.

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I too had an aversion to the police when I was a teenager, Niot that I did anything real bad, I was just a typical PITA to our local officers. then, after a few years in the Marines and a few more overhauling nuvl;ear submarines, I got hired by the local police department. That was in 1982 and I still love it.

I used to hate you guys who joined after being a PITA to the cops. Us new PITAs couldn't get away with anything. :( You knew all our tricks. :D

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positive letters thanking the officer for a job well done are indeed rare; it balances out all of the negative crap that the public and LE administrations dish out to patrol officers on a daily basis. the public, media and police administrations are too busy focusing on the negative and very rarely recognize good work. dont ask how I know this...

definitely send a letter to the officer's chief. for every letter of thanks there are about 100 or more complaints. those letters do mean a lot to the recepient.

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As an officer it is hard to explain how much a good letter can mean. I have had terrible weeks where I went into roll call and had one of those letters in my mailbox. It makes the low pay, terrible hours, and bulls*#t disappear just for a moment.


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As an officer it is hard to explain how much a good letter can mean. I have had terrible weeks where I went into roll call and had one of those letters in my mailbox. It makes the low pay, terrible hours, and bulls*#t disappear just for a moment.


Oh so true but we used to say 1000 Ataboys makes you a man among men but one OH Sh-- wipes out 1000 ataboys :devil:

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I contacted the Orange County Sherrif's Office. They have an email account set up for such things. I sent a message to the Serrif's Office commending the actions of the investigating Deputy.


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  • 2 weeks later...

That is cool. I am friends with a guy who was wild in school, and is now a deputy. He is one of the greatest people I know. Good dad, and fun to boot. There are good guys out there who wear the badge. I don't know if the per capita of good guys in their profession is any more or less than any other male-dominated profession. It's just that being in their position, being just a little off your game means so much more to all those around you. I do not envy nor relish their profession. I thank them too for their service.


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  • 2 months later...

Update, The Orange County Sheriff's Office has recovered my gun and tools. Same lowlife had them after two months. I just received my recovered tools and the evidence items that were taken by the Deputy. The gun will come later, at least it is off of the street. I never would have believed that I would see any of my stuff again.


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Update, The Orange County Sheriff's Office has recovered my gun and tools. Same lowlife had them after two months. I just received my recovered tools and the evidence items that were taken by the Deputy. The gun will come later, at least it is off of the street. I never would have believed that I would see any of my stuff again.



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Update, The Orange County Sheriff's Office has recovered my gun and tools. Same lowlife had them after two months. I just received my recovered tools and the evidence items that were taken by the Deputy. The gun will come later, at least it is off of the street. I never would have believed that I would see any of my stuff again.


Good job OCSO........

At least you got or will get your property back. Usually you don't hear things like this.

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