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Please help! bullet frag to my eyeball!

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I have had a few injuries to my right eye. It has been removed 3 times to cut steel out of it. I had a problem a few months ago with it. Went to a good eye doctor and with the right meds. I now have 20-20 back in that eye. So what I am saying is dont give up hope. It can get better with time.


It would be great if the OP posts the exact circumstance in a different part of the forum as many people are extremely curious about it. I'm very sorry you got hit with a ricochet in the worst possible place!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I have only one eye now; injury when 10 years old. Hombre is scaring me. I shoot steel matchs. What other than polycarbonate glasses do I need?

much obliged,


I second this. Despite the odds, I want to add some layer of protection to protect against this.

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Sorry to hear about the accident, but I promise it's no big deal shooting with the offhand eye, I've always done so and use tape to help with it. It could be a serious pain for rifle or shotgun but as far as handguns go I think you're in the clear. A bit of training to get your brain to accept that you only get the sight picture one way now is in order, and you should be able to knock that out quickly.

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I'm left eye dominant and right handed. When I cut over to shooting a rifle left handed, my scores went up almost immediately. I still shot a pistol right handed for awhile. But then I decided to shoot everything left handed, and it wasn't to long before I was better than before. So I say maybe be a little more open minded about what might work and what won't work. It seems you never really know until you give it a good honest try.

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In 1976 I was in my early twenties, and took chip of metal in my right eye. It was an industrial accident, and I wasn't wearing any safety glasses. The injury left me blind in the right eye. I had just started shooting and did not shoot competitively, so I wasn't particularly focused on changing my shooting mechanics after the injury. The injury forced me to learn to shoot a rifle left handed, but I continue to shoot handguns right handed, using my left eye. I did this due to a very strong right handed dominance in everything I do, plus I can still use my stronger right hand to help steady and support the rifle. Medicine has evolved quite a bit since my injury, and hopefully you will regain your sight in that eye. If not, don't get crazy over the situation. You body will compensate for the injury, as you go through your day to day routines, you will adjust without having to make conscious decisions about how to do things differently. Sorry I can't offer any specific advice as to how to cope with this injury, it's been such a long time that I can't remember any specifics about the recovery process. Please feel free to PM me any time, even if you just want to talk to someone in the same situation.

Edited by cuzinvinny
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  • 4 weeks later...

I am right handed/right eye dominate but developed a vision problem in my right eye which causes a blind spot right where my front sight is. I had to start shooting with the left eye and what I did was simply take a target repair paster and put it on the right lens of my glasses which forced me to use the other eye. Did not take long before it was automatic. This is not legal in PPC matches, but I think it is for most others.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So it has been a rough week. I was voulenteering as an RO for a very large charity match (300+) and long story short I took a bullet fragment hit to my right eye.... all precautions in place, eye pro!... excellent set up great match I have nothing bad to say about anyone or anything regarding the match, just some realllllyyyy BAD luck! took a hit to my cornea, got a grarley hematoma and one of the worst intact lens injuries the er physician had ever seen to my conrea. It is unlikely i will ever regain good visual acuity in my right eye. I have always been left eye dominant but do everything right handed. I am a pretty good limited class shooter and this is really breaking my heart cause i dont wanna suck ass trying to relearn how to shoot left handed. I been doin this for 25 years.

Anyone out there who shoots right handed but indexes the gun to sight picture with the left eye?

I welcome some thoughts, ideas and experiences!

I'm right handed and left eye dominant. I shoot everything right handed, but I can shoot rifles left handed too without any performance difference. For a handgun, it's not really an issue. Once you hit the range you'll see that your body will adapt fairly quickly to using your left eye. For me, I end up turning my head just slightly to the right so my left eye comes into alignment with the sights. I've heard people say to not do this, to move the gun instead. However this works for me.

I don't have any experience with losing vision in one eye, so I can't help you with that, and I imagine it is going to mentally affect your shooting for a while. But don't give up! You'll overcome this if you want to.

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i would look at your safety glasses and really scrutinize the design and rating.

most- and i mean the MAJORITY of safety glasses and shooting glasses are only rated to Z87.1-2003 spec.

this rating is a 1/4" steel ball that is shot at the lens @ 150 FPS. you would think that is a pretty decent safety factor!

*BUT* you can get WAY better spec'ed glasses.

look for MIL-PRF-31013. these glasses are rated for a cylindrical shape and an angled face (think= bullet) projectile that is .15 caliber and travels at 650 FPS.

think about that.

Z87.1 = 1/4" round ball at 150 FPS.

MIL-31013 = .15 caliber (3/20") at 650 FPS.

the choice (excuse the pun) is clear. I ONLY WANT MIL-31013 GLASSES!

personally, after finding this tidbit of information, i quickly stopped using my z87.1 glasses and switched ALL of my glasses to MIL-31013 glasses.

i ordered mine from safteyglassesusa.com. they are cheap insurance! like the cheapest MIL-31013 is like 3 bucks!

i bought about 15 pair- and next time i go out to shoot pigs im going to bring my old glasses along with a few new ones for the sake of science and see how they do against some common caliber bullets.....

hopefully this puts (dang you puns!) some sight into your glasses :)

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Brian is right on.

I teach a lot of new shooters and it seems now more then ever i come across shooters who are cross dominate. Just move the gun over and if needed cover the eye you don't want to use. It may take some time to become totally comfortable but it will come.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

i would look at your safety glasses and really scrutinize the design and rating.

most- and i mean the MAJORITY of safety glasses and shooting glasses are only rated to Z87.1-2003 spec.

this rating is a 1/4" steel ball that is shot at the lens @ 150 FPS. you would think that is a pretty decent safety factor!

*BUT* you can get WAY better spec'ed glasses.

look for MIL-PRF-31013. these glasses are rated for a cylindrical shape and an angled face (think= bullet) projectile that is .15 caliber and travels at 650 FPS.

think about that.

Z87.1 = 1/4" round ball at 150 FPS.

MIL-31013 = .15 caliber (3/20") at 650 FPS.

the choice (excuse the pun) is clear. I ONLY WANT MIL-31013 GLASSES!

personally, after finding this tidbit of information, i quickly stopped using my z87.1 glasses and switched ALL of my glasses to MIL-31013 glasses.

i ordered mine from safteyglassesusa.com. they are cheap insurance! like the cheapest MIL-31013 is like 3 bucks!

i bought about 15 pair- and next time i go out to shoot pigs im going to bring my old glasses along with a few new ones for the sake of science and see how they do against some common caliber bullets.....

hopefully this puts (dang you puns!) some sight into your glasses :)

Hey - thanks for posting this info!

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