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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


Steve Moneypenny

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Recently SOMEONE, no names, but has the same name as a big black bird has been posting a bunch of stupid smiley faces and one word worthless responses to peoples posts.

For those of us who check the New replies and are on DIALUP (another thing i hate but can't get anything else in this place.. do have a range in the back yard so i live with it) use up or valuable shooting time looking at a bunch of damn stupid pointless smileys!!!

Rant off/on hold.

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If you read the posts you should realize this is a junior shooter.  Instead of spouting off in the Hate forum under a heading of MORONS, you could have sent him an E-mail in private suggesting more appropriate forum etiquette.  There are plenty of forum regulars who post a fair number of insubstantial replies.

It is easy to call someone a moron over the internet, I wonder if you would do it to his face for something this trivial.  To me, calling kids names is low.

Raven, welcome aboard, shooting is a great sport.

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It is annoying, no doubt.  My point is that there are civilized ways to chide people, and the public flogging of people we should be actively supporting and encouraging is just poor form.  I think age 16 is probably a good cut off for the kid age.  If someone corrected my kid (and I have two) for a breach of proper behavior, great.  When they start using language like stupid, pointless, worthless, and moron...I just think a reminder to be cool is in order.

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Fair enough. I don't really think it's that big of a deal mainly because if someone that is going into high school can't take a little bit of name calling, they have a looonnnnnggggg four years ahead of them. Sure it isn't necessary to call him a moron, it's also not necessary to have the extent of your posts be a ":)" either. I say we get Raven's take on this before it turns into a flame war.;)

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Talk about society getting soft, it's not like i went into a complete degredation of his character, OR used profanity.

Those who know me can testify, i will say anything to the persons face that i would say on a forum, and i tend to air my opinion unless there is a very good reason not to.

Ron/Sig Lady.. funny

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You would be correct if Smoney posted his pieve in anything other than the "Hate" forum.   Smoney posted it in the forum that was intended for it.

And cut him a little slack, too.  I've you read around, he's building a new open gun, so he's prob. in a bad mood, pulling his hair out, etc.

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Don't solutions to problems like this (the no-content post) fall under the auspices of the Moderators? The young person involved is in a hurry to be a "great shooter" and is probably also in a hurry to be posted as a "Man of Knowledge".

(Edited by George D at 7:52 am on Nov. 18, 2002)

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I was thinking the same thing, but I also remember what a PITA ( not the animal people) I was at 14.  I know that I have respect for most on the people on this board and it doesnt take people long to change after hanging around such great people.

Plus he cant help it he is an IDPA shooter.  ;)

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Ultimately all posters post at their own risk. If given enough rope someone here might hang himself... all by himself. Maybe. If the BEing that's overseeing this generous Website Forum is displeased with a poster's behavior, I'm sure a said poster will get a scorching from the BEing. If it's warranted. It's out of MY jurisdiction, so I'm just going to WATCH.

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This is from a Power Point presentation about Netiquette that I gave at the Wyoming Inter-Disciplinary Conference some time ago. The source is the widely accepted, and often cited book,  "Netiquette" by Virginia Shea.

"Everyone was a network newbie once. And not everyone has had the benefit of reading this book. So when someone makes a mistake -- whether it's a spelling error or a spelling flame, a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer -- be kind about it. If it's a minor error, you may not need to say anything. Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before reacting. Having good manners yourself doesn't give you license to correct everyone else."

"If you do decide to inform someone of a mistake, point it out politely, and preferably by private email rather than in public. Give people the benefit of the doubt; assume they just don't know any better. And never be arrogant or self-righteous about it. Just as it's a law of nature that spelling flames always contain spelling errors, notes pointing out Netiquette violations are often examples of poor Netiquette."

Obviously Ms. Shea hasn't spent much time surfing the Hate Forum.

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How does one mis-spell a smiley face?

I think it comes back to Steve's comment that the splashing of smiley faces (only) over a large number of posts is annoying to those who spend time retrieving those posts.

Perhaps the Powers that BE have already intervened.

(Edited by George D at 9:03 am on Nov. 19, 2002)

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George, it doesn't have a darn thing to do with mis-spelling a smiley face, it has to do with how we treat each other. That was the point behind John's post. The quotes from the book have to do with Netiquette in general and how to go about treating one another.

I agree with Steve that the smiley faces are a pain. I teach school and the last thing I need is to put up with even more adolescent behavior after a day of dealing with kids. Still, there are effective ways of communicating without losing site of how to behave appropriately.

Your question of, "How does one mis-spell a smiley face?" Is a good example of what I am talking about. Questions such as that usually provoke the person on the other side of your monitor. We call it trolling...

I think Brian had a good idea with this forum, but perhaps the original intent has been lost.

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Please accept my apologies if you found my remark to be provoking. I assure you that no offense was intended. The remark was intended to be in a humourous vein, but that may have been an error in judgement on my part. You have given me a great deal of valueable advice and the last thing I would wish to do is to show you (or any other forum members) any dis-respect.

(Edited by George D at 11:05 am on Nov. 19, 2002)

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Give the kid some credit; he's obviously a genius hacker. He must have defeated the forum flood control and implemented a devious auto-reply script. Because nobody in his right mind would wait minutes between each reply just to post a smiley in the hope of moving from Gatherer to Hunter.

I think this calls for a benos-implemented custom name caption, like mine or shred's or Phil's or ShooterGrrls.

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,

By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,

"Though they crest be shorn and shaven, thou," I said, "art sure no craven,

Ghastly, grim, and ancient Raven, wandering from the Nightly shore.

Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!"

Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."

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Isn't the "smiley" just a form of non-verbal communication?  If so it would be the conversational equivalent of an actual smile, or a knowing wink, or.... well you get the idea.  Is it really all that different from a well placed "lol!" or "rotflmao!"?  If the forum is a community do all member have to participate in the same fashion to be accepted?

Then again this is the hate forum, so screw 'em!  


Hate away and you will be the better for it.  Didn't our host state that the inspiration for the Hate forum came from Leatham stating "I hate everything" during a conversation?  Your hate is real.  It is valid.  It may even be healthy.

with hateful respect,


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