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What Sights Would You Choose?


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Ok I think I'm finally ready to move on from my factory rear (G35) and Hi-Viz front to something a little better. I am tossing between the "race-cut" Heinies from CGR and the Dawsons. Would like to hear what you would prefer and why. Note: Bifocalism hit me this year, eyes are going south.

And, what's the best way to change out the rear? Haven't done this one yet.

I know this has been discussed before, trying to take a little different slant on it.

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IMO, the Dawson adjustables are the best there is. I think the only thing easier to shoot than those would be a dot sight like the C-More. Of course, that would throw you into open if you aren't there already.

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I've got middle age eyes as well and have had good luck on my G34 with a Heinie rear that has had the notch opened to .160" and a Dawson FO front. The trick seems to be the daylight in the rear notch in conjunction with the bright front sight.

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Here's what I did for sights on my G23:

Put on a plain black MMC rear made for the Glock and a Dawson Precision Fiber Optical front made for the Novak rear. The front sight is .160 high. I opened up the MMC rear a little with a file and Dremel.

Looks like a small combat rear sight and it's adjustable. The front sight is very low.

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Changing sights is like treating a symptom instead of the disease.

Consider the following:

Multi-focal contact lens in your dominant eye, standard distance correction in other eye. You'll give up a little distance acuity, but your focus is supposed to be on the front sight anyway. Take your pistol into your eye doc's office and experiment until you have the right lens. If you shoot with both eyes open, so much the better. I see my plain old black target sights like a twenty year old with this set up.

If contacts make you squeamish, go by your local dive shop and pick up a stick on lens that skin divers use to read their gauges and dive computers. Trim and place in middle of your shooting lens, dominant eye.

I've experimented with all kinds of sights, but the sights are not the problem. Presbyopia is the culprit.

Now about those arthritis pains............ :)


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Another nice thing about the Dawson set is all the tools needed are included with the sight kit. The driver for the front sight nut, and a drift punch for the rear sight are included. If you're leaning towards a plain rear, I also like an opened rear with a very thin front. With the fiber set I'm aligning the green fiber in the rear sight with the red fiber in the front sight, so the width of the notch is irrelevant to me.

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Take your pistol into your eye doc's office. ...

Take your DISABLED pistol (unless you have a CCW) to your eye doc, only after asking first. He/she and the office staff will appreciate the courtesy, and you will stay on good terms with all.

I took the bbl. out, left the slide on the receiver, brought the gun in a locked case.

My eye doc, a nonshooter, was cool with it, especially after I asked first. Some docs, especially it not given any advance warning, will be more than a little upset.

Save yourself the grief.

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Can somebody translate "CGR" for the new guy? :huh:

I've seen the Dawson's in Frontsite and they look pretty nice. I like to find a fairly wide slot in the rear with narrow front. Duplicating the Bomar set up on my old Para, but adding fiber optic in the front.

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Hey Chris, take a look at the sixth post in this thread. ;)

If that doesn't help: CGR.

I really like the depth of the Heinie rear. I'd go with that hogged out a bit and a narrowed Dawson FO front... unless you've got some dough to spend, then it's time for a low-mounted Bo-Mar/Wilson, etc. and a Dawson FO front.

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Spent enough on this one, except for some better sights.

Jim T, thanks, my eyes are 20/600, that's twenty/six hundred, and then along came middle age. I guess Lasic surgery would be the best address to the problem if I had the courage and dough. I wear contacts as you described daily now, but for shooting I prefer glasses as the contacts seem to shift in my eyes after about three shots and I lose focus. I did discuss the shooting thing with my eye doc, holding out my hands etc. She didn't act too weirded out.

A fellow shooter at the local match today had a shaved top Heinie rear with a FO front sight of his own design. He said he liked low sights. I'm not that talented.

It looks like CPTY1 is going to hook me up with a .100 Dawson front, still waiting to hear from Matt at Custom Glock Racing (CGR, Chris) about a widened Heinie rear. I sent you a PM, I figure you're probably shooting.

I already have the front sight tool, I guess the Brownell's sight pusher tool is the way to go for the rear?

Flex, I know you must be biting your tongue. Go ahead and say what's on your mind.


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Out of the combinations talked bout here and the pictures I've seen on the web the CGR Henie with a narrow Dawson FO front would be "perfect" for me. Nice wide slot in the rear with nothing distracting (rear FO) the eye from the FO front. You could just fly the dot in the slot! :D

Matt - I didn't see the Dawson FO on your web site. Do you offer them, one stop shopping would be nice. :)

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