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A young mans first DQ


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Yesterday at our monthly Rifle match there was a stage that required half the targets be engaged while shooting the rifle with the support shoulder. A young man of 13 who has been shooting these competitions for about a year, stepped to the line, made ready, and after the buzzer, as he was in the process of shouldering the rifle to the support side, touched the trigger and AD'd a round downrange into the berm. His safety mindedness is excellent and he imediately stopped and looked at the RO, as he knew it was not right. The look on his face was that of surprise and embarresment and he asked to continue. He is my son and I was the RO. I said, "no, you are DQ'd" and instructed him to unload and show clear. I don't know which of us felt worse at that moment, but I am sure it was me. He took it well, though I could see his disapointment. And at the end of the day he still had the courage and dignity to shake hands and say good by to our fellow shooters.No excusses. No complaints. No arguments. Many adults I have seen DQ'd could take a lesson from him. Myself included.

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How many people are going to chime in and say he shouldn't have stopped until the RO told him to?

Not me. The kid knew he'd done wrong. But what's great is how he handled himself afterward. My hat's off to him and to you, mpeltier -- great example for some other shooters who wouldn't have taken DQ's as gracefully.

Edited by SeaTact
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Didn't realize this happened yesterday...everyone learns. Tell Junior he handled himself well, and he can shoot on my squad ANY time. :cheers:

I let dalton read these posts as I think they are good to help him understand how import it was for us both to have handled it the way we did.


Your response means a lot to Dalton as he was a little embarrased. I did not mention it to you then, as I did not at the time want to add insult to injury until I got to talk to him about it on the ride home. :cheers:

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Thats awesome.. I just started to shoot with my dad this year and I have no doubt in my mind he would do the same. I know at 26 I would be hurt if my Dad DQ'd me and for a 13yo to handle it like he did puts most grown men I know to shame. From experience he will remember it forever and be a great memory (even if it seems like kind of a downer at the time) and when he is shooting with his kid years down the line he will be able to instill that same sense of respect and maturity to them. Good on ya to both of you. :bow:

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hats off to the OP.

I had to DQ my 13 YO shooter at our local match in march for a 180 violation (clearing a jam *on the line*). I DQ'd him on the spot(as palm RO). He was embarassed, but it was a learning episode. I hope I take my DQ as gracefully when my day comes.

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Was this a USPSA rules match? If so, what rule did you use to DQ him?

No, thankfully it is not a USPSA match. At our range, any un aimed shot is a DQ, and it is announced in every match briefing prior to walk thru. We are in an area where there are hunters and out doors enthusiasts walking around and the club officers are concerned about rounds leaving the range. So this is where they draw the line so to speak. Lets not turn this into a rules discussion.

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Good on both of you for handling it well. I recently brought a new shooter to his first match. I avoided ROing him because I didn't want the temptation to let anything slide. He shot very safely and had a great time and is definitely hooked now.

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Was this a USPSA rules match? If so, what rule did you use to DQ him?

No, thankfully it is not a USPSA match. At our range, any un aimed shot is a DQ, and it is announced in every match briefing prior to walk thru. We are in an area where there are hunters and out doors enthusiasts walking around and the club officers are concerned about rounds leaving the range. So this is where they draw the line so to speak. Lets not turn this into a rules discussion.

Cool B)

(you know us rules junkies are always lurking... :P )

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