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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Favorite Cocking Serrations


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I have a gun with the rounded bottom cuts like scooters, I found them to be way to slippery. I prefer the flat bottomed cuts. They seem to have more bite on the skin than the rounded ones. Mine are on a 6" gun and I had a lot of real estate there so I just added grip tape on the sides and on the flat top an I can grip it with even the loosest of grips. Sure, a 2500 gun shouldn't need grip tape but I bought it used and other than the cocking serrations I is by far the most awesomest gun I have ever held. The tape doesn't bother me in the least. if I was havin a custom gun built I would go for something like the cuts on an m&p or on a Kimber raptor. I grip from the front and on top of the slide though.

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