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Fireball on my compensator

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Just been shooting 2nd match now and fireball comes out on top

of my compensator, doesnt burn my cmore so I guess its ok. Its a hoot

specially shooting at night! post pic if you have one. Its what separates

us OPEN shooters from everyone else and I think its cool!

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want fireballs? try Power Pistol ;)

Tried that....Loaded up 8.0 grains with a 115 JHP in 38S, had my range owner friend turn out the lights in the range one night, looked like lightning and camera flashes going off, lighting up the whole indoor range... :surprise:

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been using copious amounts of 3n37 in a first gen limcat w old school turbocomp and do i ever get FIRE....yeah...at a match up in oregon some yrs ago some silly person had tight shots thru ports made with hay bales!!!!! yeah you getthe idea, by the time i got finished they were re-thinking their wisdom of materials forthose ports because yes,each and every one had caught fire hehehe was kinda cool, now i dont even pay attention to the fireball i make, tho i've been told its pretty cool from the side and back

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Blue Dot used with 125 JHP in a 357 magnum revolver ALWAYS produced very nice fireballs.. Slow powder, heavy charges of high nitro powder = impressive fireballs.. unfortunately it also produced gas cutting of top straps and forcing cones on light framed 357 revolvers..

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