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Mississippi State 3 Gun Match

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I can't imagine the groppies would be enough to distract me from seeing you "sneekin" up on me. You are about as subtle as a 16# hammer :D . I guess Glen and I are going to pick up Trapper and head out there on friday early enough to get out to the range and do a bit of a recon! You up for that??

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With a week to go we have:

11 open :)

8 limited <_<

20 tactical :lol:

At the TN Tactial match the Army team told me they intended to come ( 4 more) and I have had several calls and e-mails last week so we may get 50 :D:D

Every one drive carefully, and see ya'll Friday sometime for some and Saturday for all.

And before I forget, THANK YOU ALL !!!!!!!


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Well let's get it on then, a shotgun hosenfesten I am up for, let the games begin, look forward to seeing you again Benny. Kurt, maybe we can all be in the same squad, who buys the beer and drinks at this match? B) See ya'll Friday night, has anyone got any spreaders I can borrow?

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I am bringing about 2 1/2 gallons of home brew, maybe some apple cider, and bigbrowndog, just to humble those that think they can shoot a pistol!! I am also bringing Glen Harrison, so if the Harleys break we are covered :D . Figured we would have a few in the rooms and then stumble for something to eat! We plan to get there around 15:00 and jet to the range. I will leave room number for you at the front.!! KURTM OH by the way I will call you tomorrow!

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To Freshen up Shooter Grrls memory,

Limited HOA Travis Tomasie

Open HOA Malcome Davis

Tactical HOA Erik Lund

Mississippi Section Champions ( ALL FROM CRSSA (host club))

Limited: David Littman

Open: Nathan Hendrix

Tactical: Chad "Cover Model" Lofton

For all who came, A very big THANK YOU

We gave the Red Cross a check for $1,500

To the Range Staff, 12 Thank yous' we had 5 questions all weekend, IMHO

50 shooters x 13 stages not too bad.

Full results will be posted on our website www.crssa.com sometime this week( if I haven't worked the webmaster into the grond.

ONE more note. Benny Hill donated 3 AR comps to be raffled off, 2/3 is to go to the Red Cross and 1/3 to the JR. shooter program. I/we will get out more info on that soon (after I recouperate) the drawing will be held in a few months to allow those who want their names in the pot to get them there.

THANKS BENNY !!!!!! ;)

Sam Keen

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My congratulations go out to Sam Keen, Nathan Hendrix, the stats crew, and their families for putting on a successful 3-Gun section championship match their first time out. I've never seen so much accomplished by so few through sheer hard work. I was there and I'm still trying to figure out how you did it.

John Heiter

Stage 2

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John's being modest as he work as hard as anyone at the match. John, Bryant Chaffin and Bryant's fiancee Jamie helped run stage two pretty much flawlessly. Very smooth and fast running because of their efforts.

Hat's off to Match Director Sam Keen (Hopalong) for all his hard work. For Mississippi's first 3-gun section match, I think it went pretty well. Good job Sam-I-Am. :D

Benny Hill showed up and donated three of his comps to raise money for the Red Cross and the host club's junior program. I thought this was very first class and is greatly appreciated.

Chad Lofton

Stage 2

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Shooter Grrl, You are NOT Stoopid, Just a little delerious from the heat ;)

John, Thanks for the Kind words but the real deal is I put it on the ground with some help, then you guys make it work, and ya'll did a Jam up job.

Chad, ( one of the stage designers) see the above to John.

Benny, Thanks for the kind words, I know we have room for improvement and as of now we intend to try this thing again. I will keep you updated on the Comps, many thanks.


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I wanted to take a moment and give a very well deserved "Thank you" to Sam & the whole crew who took on the monumental task of putting on an extremely fun and very challenging 3-gun match. Considering the range only had one bay that could possibly stretch the rifle shots out to 100 yards, I felt the overall match successfully combined accuracy and speed in all three disciplines. I especially liked seeing the Classic targets used on the rifle stages (even with a scope, it's still a pretty small "A" zone at 50 yards), I wished all the rifle stages had the classic targets. It really slows down the hozers as you can drop a bunch of points very fast. The straight up shotguns stages placed the emphasis on shooting and not reloading, where it belongs. The pistol stages had a very nice blend of wide open free fire zones with a lot of shooting on the move and some pretty tough 40 yard targets (which very few people got through without any misses). Did I mention the slug stage with 60 yard target? Not to tough you say, try it prone! Slugs from the prone? My shoulder is still sore, no rolling with the recoil on that one. Although, it was worth the pain as I discovered I shoot about 1 foot high at 60 yards in the prone. Good to know for future reference. I also had the opportunity to shoot with some of the best 3 gunners in the country. It was an honor to shoot with Kurt Miller, Jeff Cramblit, Benny Hill, and Trapr Swanson, to name a few. I learned a lot from just watching these guys. I really enjoyed watching Benny. If you ever get the chance to see him shoot, take a minute and watch. It's not natural for someone Benny's age to shoot and move as fast as he does. It will inspire you to suck up your little bit of old age pain and practice harder. Good show Benny.

To all of you who decided to pass on this match, you missed a good one. I would recommend you fit it into next years schedule, you won't be disappointed. To Sam and his hard working crew, excellent job, I look forward to next year. Although there is one thing. Sam, lets talk about switching the prize table to order of finish for next years match. Jeff got my Springfield XD and he won't give it back. :D

Opps, almost forgot. Kurt, where should I send that pistol grip? Your AR is beggin' for it. :lol:


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Erik, it was good to meet you, again say hi to fat skinny guy for me. you're right about the match it was definetly worth 14 to 15 hrs on the road, i look forward to going again.

you folks that missed it, missed some really good shooters and some eye opening displays shooting, it was also good to see the really good ones screw up occassionally. it makes you realize, you don't have to be perfect, just consistent.

congrats to the RO/Staff, and the winners. it was a pleasure to finally meet shooter grrl. trapr

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One more attaboy to Sam and the match organizers from another one of Stage 2's RO's. When we headed north from Jackson Thursday, I don't think I really knew what to expect not having seen the range or even really shot much 3-gun. I have worked several state level pistol matches and will probably have a big role in this year's MS State Championship in October, but this was all pretty new to me.

I'll admit after Friday I had some worries, but Saturday and Sunday ran extremely well. I learned a lot, not just about 3-gun but about match organization as well. Sam, you did a helluva job. Chad, it was great to work with you on Stage 2 as well as shoot with you. Hope we can convince both of you to at least consider coming down and working the state pistol match. We can never have too much good help, and although I know Chad could have shot better, he did prove that you can win while working. Congrats on the section championship in Tactical. I've got a lot of work to do before I can challenge you on that one. . . Now how do you say that again? "Se-ven Steeeeel", "Seven? Steel?", or "Seven Steel?"

Congrats to all of the winners. Too many to mention all by name, but several that frequent here (Travis, Erik, David, Chad and others I am sure I am forgetting). Thanks to the sponsors and supporters, and to the competitors that helped paste and set and make everything run smoothly. Hope to see some of you at the 2004 MS Classic Section Championship in October.

Bryant Chaffin

Stage 2

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Hats off to the whole crew, it was a great match lots of shooting, socializing and a good time had by all, along with a good prize table, just shows I would rather be lucky than good, enjoyed it, and anyone who didn't come just missed out. Sam you and all you folks come on down to the shotgun match in Sept, would love to have you guys around. Great to make new friends and see some who haven't crossed paths lately.

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this is funny.

i was ROing stage 3, Bagdad Escape (pistol), when the army team comes through. i wasn't paying attention to whom i was ro'ing. i watching the shooter, gun etc. when the shooter does his reload, i went wow, that was great. after the end of the run, i say, "it looks like someone has been watching the TT reloading video." hmm and it was TT :o:blink:

p.s. it was as good as the video.

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