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Getting fragged


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I hate frag from steel shooting.

On Sunday I was shooting the last stage of the semi-local USPSA match (44 round stage with 2 Texas Stars and 2 Plate Racks, plus etc !) and on the last plate rack caught a bit of random frag in my stomach, little sting, but enough to make me stop shooting and look at my belly for holes - looked good so I finished. After clearing, I looked closer and had about an 8mm razor like vertical slit in my 2 shirts, and belly, which was now bleeding.

I was shooting PMC 115 grain FMJ out of a Glock.

So off to the stat shack to get patched up, had help from another forum member making sure it looked superficial, and slapped some neosporin and a bandaid on it, and drove home. Was feeling a little "off" but I chalked that up to sight of blood, etc. Did not think anything penetrated deeply.

It started stinging pretty good after about 30 mins but was manageable.

After a couple days, the slit is healed up to a scab, but the dang thing is getting more uncomfortable... I can push on it and get a pretty sharp pain, and seems like its getting sorer. No bruising to speak of, just the laceration.

Its still just uncomfortable, unless I touch it, then OUCH. Then this morning getting my 3 year old's socks on he kicked me right in the wound and I nearly dropped to the ground, seeing stars. Ok, there must be something in there, so off to the doc in the box I go around lunch time.

A few hours laters, xrays confirm I have about a child's fingernail size "foreign object" in my belly, under the fat, laying against the muscle. I guess based on the entry wound that its a good size peice of the jacket? It appears to be about 1/2 + inch into the tissue, more or less.

So Doc numbs me up with a local, and starts digging, and after about 15 minutes of tugging and pushing and digging, no joy, can't find it. Doesn't want to go any deeper.

Says to go to a surgeon and get it cut out, and prescribed me some antibiotics.

So, I have to decide to see how it heals, maybe just leave it, or go ahead and get cut.

Here's what it looked like this morning before going to the doc. Doesn't look to bad, does it? If I get a post-op or pic of the fragment, if I go that route, I'll put those up later.

Moral of the story - frag sucks.


Edited by sfinney
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I feel your pain. I was hit in the chin by a 38 Super jacket while RO'ing years ago. It hit really hard and knocked my teeth together. As soon as I was hit I grabbed my chin and my hand was literally covered with blood. I yelled stop and asked to clipboard guy to clear clear the shooter so I could go take care of it. Lots of water, blood clotting spray and a big bandage got it under control. All the blood on my shirt made it look like I was in a car accident. I never went to a doctor, I didn't want to explain what happended for fear of police reports of some such nonsense.

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TMC, yeah, when I checked in I was very clear to the nurse and doc that I had "metal fragment" in me, a piece of copper, not a bullet. Not a shooting. Luckily the doc got it, did not make a bid deal about it, he asked me if I had seen the Youtube of the guy shooting his .50 at 1000yds and getting his muffs knocked off by a bounce back. :P

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Get it cut out or it'll be a pain in the ass when you finally decide to.

(I had a piece of glass lodged in my finger for about 8 months until I decided to self-medicate with a Gerber knife :roflol:)

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Ouch! Sorry man. The only good frag is........... well, actually no, there is no good frag. I've been hit a couple times shooting Tuesday Night Steel and it has always put a big damper on the evening.

Sharp metal shards in the body never become comfortable. See the surgeon.

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There is a match here that i have been fraged twice; once in the forehead and once in the chest. I don't shoot it any longer as the steel was pretty beat up. Steel plates with craters will do that.

Glad it was not more serious. A good reminder to all about the necessity of safety glasses and not just seeing glasses.

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I've seen this done in a movie. Find somewthing to bite down on, pour some whiskey or other form of alcohol on the area, cut the wound open with a pocket knife, dig around with your fingers or a pair of pliers until you find it, grab hold and yank it out...you'll be figthting good in no time!

Seriously though, go get it removed, its not worth the potential problems you could have by leaving it in.

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Had a similar thing happen to me, but much shallower - I've notice less frag since switching to HAP bullets, rather than Zeros - but I've also been shooting at a different location. For the heck of it, I shot a zero and a HAP into water jugs - the HAP holds together, the Zero shatters completely. I think it might be safer to use a JHP which holds together for steel. I never liked shooting steel w. FMJ.

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Check the condition of the steel! Pocked and pitted steel send frags back smooth steel has the bullet shatter.

I too have been hit, had blood brawn, but nothing like what you all are talking about. I did get hit once with a full slug from a .44 at a range. I was at one side of the line,the other shooter was at the other. I got hit in my jean pocket where it is probably three layers thick. Drew blood! First second I thought I was shot. had some blood and a good bruise, no penetration though.

Hey be thankful it didn't hit a little lower.

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Check the condition of the steel! Pocked and pitted steel send frags back smooth steel has the bullet shatter.

I too have been hit, had blood brawn, but nothing like what you all are talking about. I did get hit once with a full slug from a .44 at a range. I was at one side of the line,the other shooter was at the other. I got hit in my jean pocket where it is probably three layers thick. Drew blood! First second I thought I was shot. had some blood and a good bruise, no penetration though.

Hey be thankful it didn't hit a little lower.

+1 to this. Concave nature of the steel creates the "bounce-back" which is why our glad has the steel angled downward in a fairly obvious way.

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