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You know your boss really appreciates you when...


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I am not tellin! ;)

We just changed Internet providers here at the office and I spent a *lot* of time planning it out and making "test runs" to make sure everything went smoothly on the changeover date. The actual changeover only took us from 7 PM till 10:30 PM. My Boss' told me they wanted me to know that they appreciated a smooth changeover with no downtime on our major websites.

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Nice! Wish I could get a tv from my bosses.

I guess I'll have to live with my having my match fees, gas, and hotels paid for :)

My boss once gave me a SWEET mountain bike for my 40th bday which was also my 10 years aniversery of my employment!!

Getting to work on time during blizzards and working hard does pay off.....sometimes it pays to be patient!

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"Good employers are hard to find."

Never truer words were spoken.

For the last few years, my employer has been giving me a bonus at XMAS and end of year. Each year they go up by at least 50% with the admonition, that "We could not have done it without you." That feels good and the cash feels even better.

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Lucky man, their "token of appreciation for all my hard work" scoring in the top 3 in every category for our 8 our 9 state area out of like 125+ people was a mini mag light in a plastic case not the typical walmart rack pack . Wannna trade lol. The only thing I could think of was Clarks Jelly of the month club rant from xmas vacation

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If it makes you guy feel better my GF's mother worked for the same employer for 37 years. Never called in sick one single time and when it came time to retire they gave her a small basket of candied almonds, and company logo'ed pen, and the opportunity to sell back her 2.5 years of accumulated sick time at a 35% rate.

Needless to say she left the almonds and pen and called in sick for the next 2 years.

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My long-term employer just told me (in writing, by numerical ranking if not directly) that my current duties made me effectively unemployable and (in their considered opinion) worthless, despite my direct boss and ('branch office') heaping me with awards and accolades as 'indispensable' and 'essential.' Go figure.

My new goal is to snag as much cash as possible out of their education budget, earn degree number eight (and possibly nine) before dumping them like last week's leftover Chinese food and then sucking up that sweet, sweet retirement check every month for as long as I can keep breathing :D


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I worked for 32 years for the local telephone company here in Albuquerque before I retired. My very basic thought regarding the job was an hours pay for an hours work. I was happy with that. In that 32 years I had two managers who would thank me for jobs well done. One of the two would give me gifts that the company would usually only bestow on managers. Needless to say when either of these gentleman would call in the middle of the night I would go. The majority of the other managers couldn't even manage a "thank you". Needless to say I would pick and choose when I would take a middle of the night call and then only when the weather was nice and I needed the $$. The managers early on in my career were "bell heads" who came up through the blue collar ranks and understood the job and how to treat the folks who really kept their huevos from dangling in the hot sand. For about the last ten years of my career there was a parade of idiot managers who had NO clue as to how a field telephone crew was run. Then the company decided to hire retired military officers as managers. That's when it got interesting. Needless to say the treatment of folks went straight down hill. That's also when their huevos were sitting in the hot sand and staying there. They would come and go rather quickly.

I realize that this problem is not unique to the telecom industry but is now ingrained in corporate America. At an impromptu exit interview that I arranged I mentioned the benefits of a simple thank you. My manager nicknamed "the moron" didn't get it. He went down the road shortly after I did. The difference was that I had a retirement and he had his pink slip.


Edited by Pat Miles
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Cool! I think that it is great to treat others and be treated by others with respect and appreciation. Congrats there. You made life easy for them, and they knew you enough to know what you'd really appreciate in return. Can't really ask for much more than that. :)

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