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The Winter Storm of 2011

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bout 7" 10" on the ground this morning. but the ice under is the problem. got stuck in the driveway and and home from work for the time being. maybe i can get shoveled out and make it work today.

2/3 of the driveway is done, now i need the city to come plow my street

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High at my house was -1F today. Low was -15F. About 6 inches of snow so far, whiteout snowing right now. But my driveway is clear and dry :ph34r: oh how I love my snowmelt! Kids were home today, school tomorrow.

We have the same temperatures, but it's been blue skies, clear and sunny, no winds.. very nice winter days..

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I love it! Two days off work with pay, all because of a little ice on the roads? Alright, if you say so! :cheers:

Do you have power? I know about 50000 people who will show up with extension chords.

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Sure Luke, we got power. I know half of Kettering lost power last night around 730pm, due to that transformer blowing up, but I was one of the lucky ones. :)

What about you?

No power since 10pm.

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-7F last night and this morning in Erie, CO

Just a trickle of water from the cold water tap this morning... Whipped the hair dryer over the pipes in the garage and the flow returned to normal... I think I just dodged a bullet (which makes a change from Sunday when a ricochet hit me)

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Well, we've been skirted by several of the storms and have gotten less than nearby areas, knock on wood. But it's still been --ing ugly at times. The snow last week was about 8" of dense wet gunk followed by night time temps around 10°. For whatever reason, the city didn't get the plows out in time except for the main streets and all the side streets quickly turned to ice.

The past couple days, it's gotten a bit warmer and we've had a drizzle off and on which turns to ice at night. Walking to the office in the morning is an exercise in remaining upright with both feet pointing in the same general direction.

I don't know which is worse, living somewhere that's prepared to cope with snow and getting dumped on or just getting enough to be annoying but that lingers because nothing is done about it. I'm just thankful I have a Subaru Forster with some ground clearance and all wheel drive. Now what I need are some crampons for my shoes.

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I just had to google "Snow." So you're telling me that ice just falls from the sky?

It's pretty chilly here in Starkville, but that's the extent of it. If I get out of class before dark I may go to the range.

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Got 8-10" here from late yesterday to now. I LOVE having a plow on my truck. I get all 100yds of my driveway done in all of 5min. I do have to use the snow thrower to get the 35yds of circle off the main driveway, but we can get by without doing that. :cheers:

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Got 8-10" here from late yesterday to now. I LOVE having a plow on my truck. I get all 100yds of my driveway done in all of 5min. I do have to use the snow thrower to get the 35yds of circle off the main driveway, but we can get by without doing that. :cheers:

We could've used your help out here this morning when we shovelled approx 200 ft of our driveway.

We're going to buy something to make it easy to clean for next time!

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A bit of luck for us

My Friend came down today...and was able to stop on the way and get me a new pump :cheers:

Thawed out the pump house, replaced some pipe and the pump

couple hours with new heat tape....bingo we have water again :rolleyes:

I will leave a faucet dripping tonight...we had a high of 5 degrees ...its back below zero now <_<


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From 10pm last nite to 7am this morning, we got 2' of snow, had wind gust of 50 MPH to boot. The drifts were 6' deep in places. Took me 12 hours to get my driveway, my

Moms, Motherinlaws, and Aunts drives all clear today. We had snowmobiles stuck in the ditches around here because the snow was so deep. There are still roads by my house that have not been plowed yet by the town. Why do I live here.....

Go Packers :cheers:

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We had 18 inches of snow and large drifts. I80 was shut down and we were parking trucks on every empty lot. I got stuck sitting on a highway telling people the road was closed. Most people want to argue, what do I know? I'm just the guy with the flashing lights on my car.

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