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It has come to our attention that this year's point system, aimed at giving competitors interested in qualifying for the 3GN Championship the freedom to switch divisions as they please, has some unintended consequences. So we are reviewing the process, with input from competitors, and will revise the rules accordingly.

Our goal is to get the most deserving competitors into the 3GN Championship.


Chad Adams

3-Gun Nation


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It has come to our attention that this year's point system, aimed at giving competitors interested in qualifying for the 3GN Championship the freedom to switch divisions as they please, has some unintended consequences. So we are reviewing the process, with input from competitors, and will revise the rules accordingly.

Our goal is to get the most deserving competitors into the 3GN Championship.


Chad Adams

3-Gun Nation

Outstanding. Im glad you guys are open to change we can believe in!!!! :cheers:

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It has come to our attention that this year's point system, aimed at giving competitors interested in qualifying for the 3GN Championship the freedom to switch divisions as they please, has some unintended consequences. So we are reviewing the process, with input from competitors, and will revise the rules accordingly.

Our goal is to get the most deserving competitors into the 3GN Championship.


Chad Adams

3-Gun Nation

sweet, I'm sure theres gonna be alot of "stats" people who will be chiming in with their great ideas how to work it.

Personally I could see something like what was done at RM3G Prize table using a 300point system working well

Edited by DocMedic
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Rufdog, I appreciate the fact that you do not think I understand what you are saying. Unfortunately I do understand the point that you are trying to get across. I am sorry that I have not communicated my points clearer, I will attempt to do a better job. I did not have any input in the rules of 3 gun nation or would I expect to. The decision makers at three gun nation picked this method on their own, and for their own reasons that I would not even care to guess about. If you want to play the game you play by the rules that they have set, if you don't like them, lobby them to change the rules, or don't play. Even with these rule changes I seriously question if many (if any) people will jump on the heavy metal or limited bandwagon to gain a shot at the finals. If someone can jump divisions and take first place and get a shot at the shoot off then they deserve to be there. Who worked harder or trained harder has no bearing on this discussion, it does not even matter who is a better shooter. You seem upset that T.O. shooters will somehow get the raw end of the deal, while this is noble I feel it is misguided. Under your example the guy that comes in 10th in heavy metal at three or more matches may very well get enough points to qualify for the finals, but how many people who would finish 10th in heavy metal will even attend three major matches? And how many of those would attend nationals, and the finals? Even with this equality of the divisions method of qualifying for the finals, the probability of some schmuck heavy metal shooter like me sneaking into the finals is very low. The most likely way that this rule will be exploited is by a T.O. shooter jumping divisions to try and make the finals if he or she does not feel they could swing it in their own division. Is it fair to the 11th placed T.O. shooter? In the eyes of the people that made the rules it is fair, and in this case that is all that matters. The person that wins the finals will not be the competitor that came in 10th in H.M. no matter what division he or she original wanted to play in. If someone thinks they can do better in a less popular division then more power to them. In the end the skill of the shooter is what picks the winner of the match, jockeying from one division to another may get a person qualified who would not be able to make it in T.O., but it wont help them win. The opportunity to change to a lesser represented class is available to all shooters, and as such is fair. The question as to wether it is a good idea to score this way is separate from the question of fairness, and I frankly don't care if it is a good way to qualify or not. Look at the current top ten in the standings and tell me which one of them does not belong? It looks to me like the scoring system is working so far. I think that the attention 3 gun nation has brought to our sport has been good, I am happy that some shooters where able to win some extra cash, I don't even mind if some people decide to try H.M. to because of it.

What Chad A said....

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Crap. Now we are going to have to get back to arguing about target presentation, prize tables, and leveling the playing field.

Thanks alot, Chad!


I know it is off topic but I really liked your interview mister!

And thanks for the kind mention.

Best of luck to you this season! :cheers:


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two points:

1. What a great web site is this! Those in positons of power actually seek out feedback here.

2. This is only going to REALLY encourage the bitchin and moanin about all manner of things!

Break out the soapboxes ... a crowd is gathering!

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  • 1 month later...

So SMM3G has Open, TO, TI,HMI,HMO, all will more than likely have at least 10 competitors. How do the remaining 3 slots get chosen????

Or did I miss that in the text!


Edited by bigbrowndog
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"The amount of shoot-off spots available to a division at any qualifying match will be calculated based on participation. The relative percent difference of competitors will be calculated to allocate available spots to each recognized division."

I have no idea what this means...

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"The amount of shoot-off spots available to a division at any qualifying match will be calculated based on participation. The relative percent difference of competitors will be calculated to allocate available spots to each recognized division."

I have no idea what this means...

Probably like this - if 92% of people shoot TO & 2% shoot Open, Irons, HM, and HMTac - and there are 20 slots - 18 people selected will be TO shooters and the remaining two will be from one of the remaining divisions.

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Just guessing- they will pull each division winner, then looking at combined results give the remaining three or four slots to the top remaining shooters. Only 8 shooters are in the shoot-off, Dyno, not 20. Unless that changes too.

Edited by Bryan 45
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It has come to our attention that this year's point system, aimed at giving competitors interested in qualifying for the 3GN Championship the freedom to switch divisions as they please, has some unintended consequences. So we are reviewing the process, with input from competitors, and will revise the rules accordingly.

Our goal is to get the most deserving competitors into the 3GN Championship.


Chad Adams

3-Gun Nation

Chad, with 50 posts now you can sell stuff in the classifieds.

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