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The Walking Dead


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I saw it, looks like it will be a good series. I even like when the deputy took his Glock off safe with an audible click at the start of the show. :rolleyes:

Yeah, he did a nice sweep of the slide release for visual effect.

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I liked it. I liked the portrayal of sympathy for the zombies and the despair of the living. I didn't like the coming out of a coma thing, it was stolen from 28 Days Later and was not as effective in this show. We'll see where they go from here.

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I saw it, looks like it will be a good series. I even like when the deputy took his Glock off safe with an audible click at the start of the show. :rolleyes:

I saw it, looks like it will be a good series. I even like when the deputy took his Glock off safe with an audible click at the start of the show. :rolleyes:

Yeah, he did a nice sweep of the slide release for visual effect.

Turning the glock safety off will go down as a classic blunder. But overall, I enjoyed the show and look forward to where it may lead.

just so happened i was dry firing with my glock when that scene was on..i tryed it and didnt get any "click".. :roflol: .but i thought i was cool to see some revolvers back in the mix...

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I have never gotten into the Zombie thing :surprise: , but this was pretty cool. I too like the torment of the living. The preview looks as if the "old partners" might have a tiff on the way :sight: . I just wonder how long can this series last. I also think this just proves....you can't have too much ammo :ph34r: .

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Just for the sake of argument, I own a Glock with a safety. Its a Cominolli manual thumb saftey and was installed after market. Its my understanding that Glock has offered this option factory installed to some LE agencies as well? It even makes a light click when disengaged. :)

And I bet the Tank was out of ammo and gas, before it was overwhelmed by zombies.

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Just for the sake of argument, I own a Glock with a safety. Its a Cominolli manual thumb saftey and was installed after market. Its my understanding that Glock has offered this option factory installed to some LE agencies as well? It even makes a light click when disengaged. :)

And I bet the Tank was out of ammo and gas, before it was overwhelmed by zombies.

The novel "World War Z" has an interesting point about the zombie horde versus modern military. There is a interesting scene described in the book how Bradleys and M1s with Paladin fire support take on the zombie horde. However, the firepower just got absorbed because you have to get the head shot. Thought to ponder in the zombie genre.

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I liked it. Except for the dad shooting his rifle out the window at the zombies. That was dumb.

Come on!!!! Don't you get it? He was trying to lure his wife to the house so he could put her out of her misery. Then he was unable to follow through on her.

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Just for the sake of argument, I own a Glock with a safety. Its a Cominolli manual thumb saftey and was installed after market. Its my understanding that Glock has offered this option factory installed to some LE agencies as well? It even makes a light click when disengaged. :)

And I bet the Tank was out of ammo and gas, before it was overwhelmed by zombies.

Just for sake of argument you got the humor in the whole "driving and firing the tank at the same time" joke right?


I don't really care if they make Glocks with safeties. I have never seen one and it is universally accepted that a "typical" Glock does not have one.

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I don't really care if they make Glocks with safeties. I have never seen one and it is universally accepted that a "typical" Glock does not have one.

Yet we accept the concept of hoards of zombies roaming the streets of Georgia in search of human flesh... :ph34r:

J/K :roflol:

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I liked it. Except for the dad shooting his rifle out the window at the zombies. That was dumb.

Come on!!!! Don't you get it? He was trying to lure his wife to the house so he could put her out of her misery. Then he was unable to follow through on her.

Yeah I knew what he was doing. But he's an idio and should have thought it through a little more before he started blasting zombies outside his house with his kid downstairs. Lol

I know it's jus a show but some of the things that these characters do are just dumb.

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I don't really care if they make Glocks with safeties. I have never seen one and it is universally accepted that a "typical" Glock does not have one.

Yet we accept the concept of hoards of zombies roaming the streets of Georgia in search of human flesh... :ph34r:

J/K :roflol:

You know what? That's funny.:cheers:

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Yeah, don't these characters ever watch Zombie movies? The main character especially seems a little slow on the uptake. I mean, heck he got shot by the THIRD guy to jump out of the wrecked car, and surprise them..... seems they would have figured out to search the car after the second unexpected guy jumped out. :rolleyes:

As to Glocks with safeties, yes it is my pet peeve in movies as well, even though I own one. But I was throwing that out there to nit pick that they do exist, if not common. Like average Zombie movie fans -

I don't really care if they make them with brains. I have never seen one and it is universally accepted that a "typical" fan does not have one. :sight:

Edited by sfinney
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