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Stealthy, perhaps my use of the term "designed to" was improper, Manuf. spec is one thing, actual performance is another, the very nature of the technology used to register hits on that target lends itself to inaccurate readings. Way too many people place faith in technology to allow less hands on activity,......electronics, computers and such are not infallible.

Manuf. claims generally do not live up to actual use, simple is more reliable than complicated in the long run.

as for the Buckshot stage, I agree BS is used quite a lot in practical SG, however IPSC uses backers to avoid wads from creating scoring issues and they will also use A4 targets that can simply be removed and a new target used for each shooter to avoid taping issues. Use these to make for a better stage next year, and if you have 2 of them you won't get any complaints from me, I like PSG.


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If you're going to have a buckshot stage...you NEED to have SLUG tape!!!!

Taping those wad holes with strips of tape...and on my rounds, one piece of slug tape could've taped the whole target!!!


Thanks for the good time at the match! And thanks for not slinging me in that harness with a wall at my back. I actually had fun on that stage this year!

Thanks to our squad! A bunch of new people for me to shoot with...some of them figured out why they call me the "swearing school teacher", but I really did $%%^*%^*&-up the first stage I shot! Everyone worked hard and helped each other, and the ones that already know I have a potty mouth put up with me, too! Thanks all!


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Stage 8 <_< I liked the challenge, and I understood the "Game way" to score well. I made the choice to shoot, and got good shots at all the targets. my biggest problem was sliding down the ramp.

my thought was that I may never get the opportunity to test my self on reactive targets again. and I was very happy with my ability to get my shots in.

I ended the stage very happy with 138 seconds and all the hits. Tilting that to facing the fact after I shot with knowing it was not being Smart. And knowing that over the years being hard headed has cost me allot. Some of my hard headed ideas shape me as me and I will not change for the sake of a score.

Some of my friends thought I was 'Mad' about the stage. I was not Mad just (in thought) of how Success is measured.


I did not like seeing the stage get thrown out, And explain to me real slow what the "problem" is with buck shot?

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I got to go to Dairy Queen on my last stage. Stage 3 had pistol, rifle, shotgun. You shoot the pistol, ditch the pistol in a carpeted box in the trunk of the car, retrieve the rifle, etc... I ran pretty solid on everything except rifle. Went back to the trunk to make clear on rifle and pistol when the RO told me the safety on the pistol was off. I knew right then the outcome. I know for a fact the safety was on when I ditched it, but in the end that doesn't matter. Heard from one of the stage RO's that it had happened to 3 or 4 other shooters throughout the match. I can't fault them for it, but at the same time it is unfortunate that the box caused DQ's for multiple shooters. Too bad my Glock 34 didn't arrive until today...

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I got to go to Dairy Queen on my last stage. Stage 3 had pistol, rifle, shotgun. You shoot the pistol, ditch the pistol in a carpeted box in the trunk of the car, retrieve the rifle, etc... I ran pretty solid on everything except rifle. Went back to the trunk to make clear on rifle and pistol when the RO told me the safety on the pistol was off. I knew right then the outcome. I know for a fact the safety was on when I ditched it, but in the end that doesn't matter. Heard from one of the stage RO's that it had happened to 3 or 4 other shooters throughout the match. I can't fault them for it, but at the same time it is unfortunate that the box caused DQ's for multiple shooters. Too bad my Glock 34 didn't arrive until today...

The box caused nothing, it's and inanimate object, you made a choice that has been discussed ad nauseum and it bit you. The risks and benefits are clear anytime you are abandoning a weapon with respect to either emptying it or relying on the safety. Having made the wrong decision before I don't do it anymore.

To those sitting in judgement from The Ivory Tower of Stage Intent with all of their "integrity" intact. Consider the following.

Stage Design, Match Rules/Scoring, and Safety all create a triangle that determines how a stage may be shot. Think of shooter skill and stage knowledge being a continuum from the big fat crayons down to very fine line markers. Just because your crayon can't color all the way into corners of the triangle, try not to be so openly judgmental of those who choose to use their markers and still stay within the lines. After all none of them have made a single comment with respect to your scribbling. :devil:

To the RO's and Stage crew at SMM3G. Please accept a very large thank you for the very evident hard work that gets put into this match. Please keep up the great efforts. I think it speaks volumes that you can have 30-40 + of the most competitive, envelope pushing, edge running, limit crushing, and talented 3 gunners in the country shoot the match and there is only one stage to debate. Excellent job!

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I like what my friend Smokshwn has to say about the match. I think I found every RO to tell them that the 1,000 mile drive is always worth wile to shoot a fair match.

Every time attend an event at this range I walk away a better shooter.

ON Stage 8 if I was shooting for a team score I would have shot it "The Smart way".

I think the main problem was requiring 3 hits on a target and scoring the same penalty for one hit or two hits, the penalty was 5 seconds. the shooter with two hits on a target got five seconds added , the shooter with only one hit got 5 seconds added.

I still like having stage point worth more for the degree of complication.

a stage with all three guns should be worth at least 150 point

But a stage that has just the shotgun with Slugs mixed in with close steel that can get the shooter a high penalty should be worth at least 125 points.

Or a rifle stage with long range and close fast targets mixed in make it worth more points.

Jamie Foote

Edited by AlamoShooter
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Oh, and shotshell ammo in pistols is an excellent idea - I'll look into it :roflol: .

I knew you would and that's why I brought it up. ;)

So how many guys ended up getting the good guys with buck shot? Giving people the option to use slugs (either 1-A or 2 hits anywhere) might spice things up.

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From an RO (Stage 2) to all the shooters, thanks from all the assistance keeping our stage running and safe. Late in the day when you are tired and sore it really helps when the squad shakes your hand and thanks you for working, it helps you remember why you signed up to work a stage.

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OK, not all shooters are aces. The buckshot stage was ok. Yeah, it could have been harder, but a few of shooters in my squad had some issues. I like that it is introduced now to SMM3G and would like to see it again. Knowing your shotgun and patterns is part of the game. If you make it extremely difficult, the bottom half of the draw has a miserable time. And learns nothing from it. If it's easy for you go really fast.

SMM3G is a great match. great directors, great Polle. Super cool range. Best RO's of any 3 Gun match. Lots of good shooting on stages, amazing number of great shooters in the match.

(I would love to see a challenge match sometime. Put up 5K, winner takes all. 30 shooters. 10 difficult stages. So much talking here about stuff......)

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From an RO (Stage 2) to all the shooters, thanks from all the assistance keeping our stage running and safe. Late in the day when you are tired and sore it really helps when the squad shakes your hand and thanks you for working, it helps you remember why you signed up to work a stage.

You guys did great. Slow start, but you all remained patient and got caught up...well done.

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Myself & Ty gentry are the "ones" who gamed the stage 8. I ask what the rules were & stayed inside them. I cannot read intent. It is a game with a scorecard.

Ty and Benny had the plan figured out and shared it with the squad , when the question was asked to the Range officers we found out it had already been gamed like that.

They made an effort to talk some sense in to me , But I am hard headed :huh:

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Myself & Ty gentry are the "ones" who gamed the stage 8. I ask what the rules were & stayed inside them. I cannot read intent. It is a game with a scorecard.

Ty and Benny had the plan figured out and shared it with the squad , when the question was asked to the Range officers we found out it had already been gamed like that.

They made an effort to talk some sense in to me , But I am hard headed :huh:

Our squad was the 3rd on the stage Friday morning. The RO's were a bit perplexed when our first "gamer" stopped after the first exposure of all 9. I think they thought he was having a jam or something but when he stood up and showed clear they knew something was up. When the other 5 of us did it they knew the math was against them.

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Larger penalties does not FIX poor stage design, good stage design does.

What I'm saying is that the penalty system IS part of the stage design. There are going to be situations where the two are inseparable. For instance, at the Pala monthly matches, there are frequently MGM spinners that have to be spun 360-degrees. The penalty for not doing so is +60 seconds--larger than the total time it would take to run the rest of the stage.

If the FTN penalty were, say, only +5 sec, it would make perfect sense for gamers to take one shot at the spinner and then hightail it out of there. No amount of "stage design" could fix this short of removing the spinner entirely, as it simply takes longer than +5 sec to flip it, even with full-power buckshot (which takes most shooters 2-3 hits to spin it with from a safe distance of about 15 yds).

Considering that we like to shoot the MGM spinner, we're happy to have the higher-than-standard penalty there to make sure we stay within the intent of the stage designers.

Edited by dchang0
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They dropped stage 8 before I got to shoot it (our last stage on day 2, what luck)......how was it different than 2010 SMM3G...same targets and format..right? I do not remember many issues with it last year. I used Federal Personal Defense 00 w/flight control wad...on stage 10...patterns were very tight to the point where the R/O's were looking for pellet marks on the edge of the wad hole. Hitting a no shoot was not a problem.

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I used Federal Personal Defense 00 w/flight control wad...on stage 10...patterns were very tight to the point where the R/O's were looking for pellet marks on the edge of the wad hole. Hitting a no shoot was not a problem.

Flight control buck left contiguous holes about 1" to 4" in diameter. It was a royal pain to tape with just the 1/2" strips (up to 8 strips side-by-side per target), and the RO's were mildly annoyed at having to try to determine whether the 1" holes were wad holes or the entire load.

After seeing that, I ran the stage with regular low recoil buck. Easier to tape and score. The no-shoots weren't so close that flight control buck would've been required. In fact, some of the guys who did run it used regular buck for the last swinger to get the wider pattern to ensure a hit.

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Congratulations to Keith Garcia on winning another big check from some great 3GN sponsors. Reading the article on www.3gnation.com it looks like the shoot-off has changed some. Did they only change the engagement sequence?

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Congratulations to Keith Garcia on winning another big check from some great 3GN sponsors. Reading the article on www.3gnation.com it looks like the shoot-off has changed some. Did they only change the engagement sequence?

The order and firearms used changed. The order went shotgun >> rifle >> pistol.

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Move with out my toe on our last stage , I was looking for a brite spot

I love that Vortex optic = I could see my hit on the second and third target before the RO called 'Hit'!

my Buddy Doug Ripping it up on stage 2

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