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Anyone skipping the USPSA 3 Gun Nationals

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I figure if I'm going to fly all the way down to Vegas, I might as well shoot both matches. I have a gun bearer driving down to the match (thanks Bill and Scott) so I will be taking 5 guns to shoot Open at Nationals and Tac Op at 3GN. I thought about just shooting Tac Op at both matches, but I like shooting Open plus my chance of winning the 3GN match is pretty small so I'm going to go and have fun!


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Just to be clear I am shooting the USPSA 3Gun Nationals and while I love the feedback about who is going

I can glean that information from the USPSA squad list.

I was just curious about the people who are not signed up for the USPSA match who I believe will be in the 3G Nation Match.

Thanks all


Edited by P.E. Kelley
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I'm only going to the 3GNation finals. I went to the USPSA Nationals last year and although it was an extremely well-run match I can recreate nearly all of the stages at my home club. If I'm going to travel to a 3-gun match I want unique stuff; things I can't do at home. I want zip-lines and caves and natural terrain. Action bays I have plenty of at home :)

I realize that Nationals is a different kind of match. Fewer props to make it more "fair". More about the competition and who is "better" but I like going to matches that are fun. Nationals just wasn't fun (at least for an upper mid-pack shooter like myself).

So most likely the wife and I are flying in Friday night and spending Saturday and Sunday together in Vegas. She'll head back to work Monday morning and I'll shoot the 3GNation finals, returning home late Monday or Tuesday morning.

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Just to be clear I am shooting the USPSA 3Gun Nationals and while I love the feedback about who is going

I can gleen that information from the USPSA squad list.

I was just curious about the people who are not signed up for the USPSA match who I believe will be in the 3G National Match.

Thanks all


Hi Patrick,

You can glean information that is at least 2 weeks out-of-date from the USPSA squad list. I have email messages from 9 people who sent applications (and some have already had checks cashed) but are not yet on the list. I know of 2 who are still in USPSA's last file, but have indicated they will not be shooting, and there are 5 more who have indicated they are attending, but have not got the application to USPSA yet.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2010 USPSA MG Nationals Statistician

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Just to be clear I am shooting the USPSA 3Gun Nationals and while I love the feedback about who is going

I can gleen that information from the USPSA squad list.

I was just curious about the people who are not signed up for the USPSA match who I believe will be in the 3G National Match.

Thanks all


Hi Patrick,

You can glean information that is at least 2 weeks out-of-date from the USPSA squad list. I have email messages from 9 people who sent applications (and some have already had checks cashed) but are not yet on the list. I know of 2 who are still in USPSA's last file, but have indicated they will not be shooting, and there are 5 more who have indicated they are attending, but have not got the application to USPSA yet.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2010 USPSA MG Nationals Statistician

Hello yourself,

It is eze 2 glean frum yur post that you r a beter spellar than I. :roflol:

I beat u gramr ez betr 2.


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I'll be at the shoot off but not shooting the nationals, but always enjoy shooting with you, hopefully we can be on the same squad in the shoot off stages thingy :cheers:


That would suit me very well indeed.

You make for fine company my friend.


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I sure considered it. I'm currently signed up for Tac-ops, but I want to shoot HM optics. But, not sure if enough people will be in HM optics to recognize the division, and that would require bringing along an extra rifle and shipping extra ammo, etc... So, then I thought I would just drive, but the length of that drive is a big negative. After all of this decision process, I considered just coming in for the 3 Gun Nation shoot-offs.

Still thinking of options!

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