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Starship Troopers

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Starship Troopers the book was great. If you're a Heinlein fan - and I am - Starship Troopers was interesting on a couple of levels. For one, it really was Heinlein's transitional novel between the juveniles he'd written before and the adult novels to come. The book can be enjoyed on several levels; on the surface it's a cracking good battle yarn of the Space Marines, but underneath that it's really a meditation on political systems. Good stuff.

Watching Aliens in the theater, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that Jame Cameron had read - and loved - Starship Troopers. The Space Marines, the drop ships, it all came straight out of that novel. I've since learned that I was right, Cameron gave the actors on Aliens copied of Starship Troopers and told them to read it.

Starship Troopers the movie sucked - just a horrible, horrible betrayal of Heinlein's vision.

Since you are a Heinlein fan, how much would you like a movie to be made from "Friday" or "Stranger in a Strange Land"? My question though, who would play Friday? :blink:

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Starship Troopers the book was great. If you're a Heinlein fan - and I am - Starship Troopers was interesting on a couple of levels. For one, it really was Heinlein's transitional novel between the juveniles he'd written before and the adult novels to come. The book can be enjoyed on several levels; on the surface it's a cracking good battle yarn of the Space Marines, but underneath that it's really a meditation on political systems. Good stuff.

Watching Aliens in the theater, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that Jame Cameron had read - and loved - Starship Troopers. The Space Marines, the drop ships, it all came straight out of that novel. I've since learned that I was right, Cameron gave the actors on Aliens copied of Starship Troopers and told them to read it.

Starship Troopers the movie sucked - just a horrible, horrible betrayal of Heinlein's vision.

Since you are a Heinlein fan, how much would you like a movie to be made from "Friday" or "Stranger in a Strange Land"? My question though, who would play Friday? blink.gif

I really love the universe Heinlein created towards the end of his career. "Job," "The cat who walks through walls" and "Time enough for love" are also great contributions.

It's probably a bit cliche, but how about Milla Jovovich as Friday?

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Starship Troopers the book was great. If you're a Heinlein fan - and I am - Starship Troopers was interesting on a couple of levels. For one, it really was Heinlein's transitional novel between the juveniles he'd written before and the adult novels to come. The book can be enjoyed on several levels; on the surface it's a cracking good battle yarn of the Space Marines, but underneath that it's really a meditation on political systems. Good stuff.

Watching Aliens in the theater, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that Jame Cameron had read - and loved - Starship Troopers. The Space Marines, the drop ships, it all came straight out of that novel. I've since learned that I was right, Cameron gave the actors on Aliens copied of Starship Troopers and told them to read it.

Starship Troopers the movie sucked - just a horrible, horrible betrayal of Heinlein's vision.

Since you are a Heinlein fan, how much would you like a movie to be made from "Friday" or "Stranger in a Strange Land"? My question though, who would play Friday? blink.gif

I really love the universe Heinlein created towards the end of his career. "Job," "The cat who walks through walls" and "Time enough for love" are also great contributions.

It's probably a bit cliche, but how about Milla Jovovich as Friday?

Jeri Ryan? http://bocktherobber.com/uploads/2009/03/JeriRyan-2.jpg

Or Megan Fox? http://www.celebrityrush.com/celebrity-pictures/Megan-Fox-1238753002.jpg

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Jeri Ryan could do it. She has the beauty, she has the figure, she has the intelligence and charisma. I can't see Megan Fox in the role. I like Megan Fox as an actress but I don't think she could pull off Friday's I.Q. Katee Sackoff is an amazing actress, she just doesn't have the huge amounts of overt sex appeal it would take to be Friday.

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Since you are a Heinlein fan, how much would you like a movie to be made from "Friday" or "Stranger in a Strange Land"?

The problem with making movies of some of Heinlein's best fiction is that his ideas were so far out there - and I say this with awe and respect - they're essentially unfilmable, at least as far as anything that mainstream Hollywood would go for. I mean really, even almost 50 years after its initial publication, can you imagine a faithful adaptation of Strainger in a Strange Land? "Nests" of lovers? The whole anti-religious aspect of it? The main characters all engaging in cannabalism as part of their belief system? Still WAY too high octane for Hollywood, I think.

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I have to agree with Duane on this one. I think much of Heinlein's work, while more than capable of standing on its own merits, would not translate into comercially viable movies. However, Starship Troopers would have and look how badly they mangled it. The Starship Trooper movie family (2 is worse than 1, and 3 is bad bad low budget crud) should be forced to change their name.

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Since you are a Heinlein fan, how much would you like a movie to be made from "Friday" or "Stranger in a Strange Land"?

The problem with making movies of some of Heinlein's best fiction is that his ideas were so far out there - and I say this with awe and respect - they're essentially unfilmable, at least as far as anything that mainstream Hollywood would go for. I mean really, even almost 50 years after its initial publication, can you imagine a faithful adaptation of Strainger in a Strange Land? "Nests" of lovers? The whole anti-religious aspect of it? The main characters all engaging in cannabalism as part of their belief system? Still WAY too high octane for Hollywood, I think.

I agree with Stranger in a Strange Land not being filmable. But surely Friday could be. Just look at Avatar, Blade Runner, etc. Someone should do a movie of that, if they could do it faithfully to the book. Maybe Peter Jackson, isn't he the guy who did LOTR?

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Since you are a Heinlein fan, how much would you like a movie to be made from "Friday" or "Stranger in a Strange Land"?

The problem with making movies of some of Heinlein's best fiction is that his ideas were so far out there - and I say this with awe and respect - they're essentially unfilmable, at least as far as anything that mainstream Hollywood would go for. I mean really, even almost 50 years after its initial publication, can you imagine a faithful adaptation of Strainger in a Strange Land? "Nests" of lovers? The whole anti-religious aspect of it? The main characters all engaging in cannabalism as part of their belief system? Still WAY too high octane for Hollywood, I think.

Who says it has to be a hollywood blockbuster? There's a lot of great work coming out of independent film makers these days, and they deal with all kinds of subjects that aren't for the mainstream. I haven't read SIASL in years, but I don't remember it requiring a whole lot of special effects.

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Since you are a Heinlein fan, how much would you like a movie to be made from "Friday" or "Stranger in a Strange Land"?

The problem with making movies of some of Heinlein's best fiction is that his ideas were so far out there - and I say this with awe and respect - they're essentially unfilmable, at least as far as anything that mainstream Hollywood would go for. I mean really, even almost 50 years after its initial publication, can you imagine a faithful adaptation of Strainger in a Strange Land? "Nests" of lovers? The whole anti-religious aspect of it? The main characters all engaging in cannabalism as part of their belief system? Still WAY too high octane for Hollywood, I think.

Who says it has to be a hollywood blockbuster? There's a lot of great work coming out of independent film makers these days, and they deal with all kinds of subjects that aren't for the mainstream. I haven't read SIASL in years, but I don't remember it requiring a whole lot of special effects.

It wouldn't be the special effects, but if it were done "by the book" there would be a ton of nudity, sex, etc...

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I'm going to dig up my old copy out of the garage and read it now. When I was in 3rd grade we had this bookshelf just packed with paperbacks. It was filled with everything written by the likes of Asimov, Heinlein, Hooker, L' Amour, and A.D Foster. I read them all by the time I hit 5th grade. I was reading way beyond 12th grade level when tested in 4th. Some of these books I later learned had been to S.E.Asia with pop. That is where he became the reader/crossword puzzle junkie he is today.

I Remember my 4th grade teacher questioning my parents because she found Time Enough For Love, and MASH Goes To Maine in my books on my desk. My parents may have been religious, and never allowed profanity and bad table manners in our house, but you could read just about what you wanted.

Yeah Duane, I think Cameron would have to do it. I just fell in love with the visions of the suit from the book. And how they were trained to sleep on command. Good stuff.

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Leave out the polygamy aspect, and you could film The Moon is a Harsh Mistress right now... Of course, in times like these, who would want to film a pro-2nd Amendment, pro-revolutionary story? :lol:

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Michael Whelan, who painted the cover to the paperback edition of Friday, stated that not even halfway through the book he had an almost photographic image in his mind of what this character looked like. The amazing thing is that his image exactly matches mine, as well. Here is what Friday should look like.



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Starship Troopers the book was great. If you're a Heinlein fan - and I am - Starship Troopers was interesting on a couple of levels. For one, it really was Heinlein's transitional novel between the juveniles he'd written before and the adult novels to come. The book can be enjoyed on several levels; on the surface it's a cracking good battle yarn of the Space Marines, but underneath that it's really a meditation on political systems. Good stuff.

Watching Aliens in the theater, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that Jame Cameron had read - and loved - Starship Troopers. The Space Marines, the drop ships, it all came straight out of that novel. I've since learned that I was right, Cameron gave the actors on Aliens copied of Starship Troopers and told them to read it.

Starship Troopers the movie sucked - just a horrible, horrible betrayal of Heinlein's vision.

Since you are a Heinlein fan, how much would you like a movie to be made from "Friday" or "Stranger in a Strange Land"? My question though, who would play Friday? :blink:

Scarlett Johanssen

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I'd be happy with a movie that strung together a few chapters of "Time Enough for Love"...and primarily the chapters devoted to Lazarus Long's reminiscing, like "The Tale of The Adopted Daughter." Of course, his traveling back through time to romance his mom might be a little too "high octane" for H-wood.

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Okay.. one of the worst movies I've ever seen, if not the worst, was the second installment in what is now the Starship Troopers trilogy. I actually couldn't watch it to the end. I wasn't even aware that there was a third one out until I did a Google search just now. I haven't read any reviews of the third one.. but if it's as bad or worse than the second one, they should have to pay me to watch it! :sick:



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