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Todays Kids Are Weak

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Thats the mental toughness that many of our young seem to have lost (7th SF so I can say been there done that).

Not to mention when most of us were growing up there were 3 TV channels, no video games and most importantly no pedophiles.

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It's easy to blame video games, TV and society. I blame parenting and giving our kids a good kick in the ass once in a while, most of the people that read and post on this forum have the same values as I do. So I don't think that we are the problem. I grew up with some video games and a lot of TV call me weak and you would regret it. My two sons play video games and watch a lot of TV and they are strong very strong, it must be the good genes that I passed to them. NOT!! :roflol: I just can't get them to keep their pants pulled up, but that is another subject.

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When I was at school there was about 3 hours of Physical Activity per week. During the summer vacations, every kid was outside playing all day long. I never had much talent at sports but every one of that generation was fit.

What you are seeing now, is the results of the 'PlayStation Generation'.

Yes, and Big Gulps!


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The difference is you had the balls and backbone to getoff your ass and do something.

I have a Playstation here at home. I can tell you theexact date it was used last. Feb 8th, 11year olds birthday party.

Some kids just sit on the things.

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Apparently the Army has noticed the "weak" kids as well. Here is a link to an AP artcile talking about changing basic training. One army general even said "We just have to take the soldier who's used to sitting on the couch playing video games and get them out there to do it,"

Army changes basic training

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The current school system is far from what it was when I was in school that is for sure. My wife is a teacher at our local grade school so I see first hand what goes on. I do have to say though that after meeting many of the parents of kids just as described above, the old saying of "The apple does not fall far from the tree" really holds true. I think that those that are weeker have always been there, its just that they seem to be more noticed now, and seemingly in larger numbers. The information superhighway (Internet) brings this stuff into our lives much more redily than even 10 yrs ago. I know many kids who are as strong or stronger than I remember from my childhood.

Do not take the Army's training changes out of context. When I went thru basic in 1981 there were plenty of "Couch potatoes" in my platoon. That is nothing new. The primary motivation from what I understand was due to the need to build core muscle strength, from lessons learned in the middle east as well as removing the archaic practice of bayonet training. We did extensive bayonet training in 1981, and never saw another bayonet anywhere I was stationed. Kudos to the Army for making long needed changes.

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Apparently the Army has noticed the "weak" kids as well. Here is a link to an AP artcile talking about changing basic training. One army general even said "We just have to take the soldier who's used to sitting on the couch playing video games and get them out there to do it,"

Army changes basic training

I just read an article and saw a video of this same thing. It seems that current Army training is trying to help makeup for the lack of school PE and "normal" exercise that current young people are not getting. They are trying to give them a "pre" boot camp. The current emphasis on our special ops guys is also seeing them run several early "pre" courses to try to decrease the wash-out rate. It is such a shame that this is necessary when just "active play" can help diminish this state.

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When I was a little girl in Tampico, I had to walk ten miles to school, every day.

Barefoot through the snow and uphill, both ways. That was after milking our twenty cows and cooking breakfast for the family.

I had a great childhood. :closedeyes:

Seriously now, I notice that most kids lack the common knowledge things, how to cook, hang a picture, how to eat with fork and knive, offer an elderly person their seat, how to do fractions (math). It is as if many parents just steered clear of the part where they're supposed to turn their offspring into future adults.

Little bit off topic, I hope this was not rude in any way - just my very own opinion.

I s'ppose I should say something that actually contributes to the subject.

What absolutely gets me are those little 5-6 year old kids with guts hanging over their pants.

The idea that having found a way to keep kids quiet (XBox etc) constitutes good parenting.

The concept of "showing up deserves a plaque".

The ideology of developing a pride in breathing, i.e. feeling "special" for doing nothing.

One "specialler" than the next, for getting out of bed in the morning (if they even do).

OK, I'll stop now.

Edited by Team Amish 1
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What I find sad is that people don't know what they are missing when they don't get outside and keep in shape. And even sadder, that those of us who do take care of ourselves will in some way or another have to pay for their open-heart surgery.

It's not just the kids either:

I worked at a ski resort teaching skiing/snowboarding for a month over the holidays and was amazed that completely sedentary, overweight people thought they could be taught how to ski/snowboard when it was apparent to me that they were physically incapable of whichever task they has chosen to attempt. It's almost comical how people would show up thinking that a somewhat physically demanding sport would be lots of fun right away, like they were going tobogganing or something.

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Never mind that KIDS don't have the Basics of Life down pat... neither do a lot of adults! God, I'm given bizarre sidelong glances if I so much as mention some law of physics (or obvious mechanical solution) that might apply to some simple-ass situation at the office or in Life. For God's sake, didn't they grow up with ANY concept of mechanical engineering or the operation of the world around them?? It's LOGIC, folks. The mechanical obviousness of things seem to be fully absent in some people's minds!!

The trophies on my desk at home? I EARNED them with hours and hours of practice and the discipline of shooting good matches eight weeks in a row. I didn't get them for "just showing up", no way.

The plaques on my wall at home? They were EARNED with countless hours (and years) of willingly-given, unpaid labor to rebuild systems of critical service here in town that paid off in satisfaction, not money, and which added nicely to my skill bank. I did not receive the plaques for "just showing up."

I do not consider myself "special." I'm simply a responsible member of my community who knows how to contribute to it. And what was mind-blowing was that when the awards actually came, I was blown away and humbled beyond words. Sometimes life is awesome.

But you have to earn it. And what's so bad about THAT...?

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"People are fat because there is no drive anymore. Kids are taught that they are enititled. Everyone makes the team....everyone gets to play. Not the people who work the hardest. Hell, when I was in highschool I didn't make it on to the freakin' golf team. THE GOLF TEAM.

It's okay to be fat nowadays. "Your perfect the way you are...blah....blah....blah." Becoming fit develops drive....drive develops the will to succeed...and success (and even failures in the attempt to succeed) develops confidence. There is no confidence anymore and I think it's sad. When I was a kid I was never taught to be strong, to be confident. I think that is where the problem really lies. We need to teach drive and the want to be better, both for ourselves and others. Without it, this country will even more become what it is already on the path to....a country full of fat, "i'm entitled", puss's."

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I run a personal training school. I routinely kick the crap out of my 22-27 year-old students in fitness testing, and I'm 39!

The ONLY guys in my school who can beat their "old" instructor... are former Special Forces guys. Rangers, SEALs... The 22 year old FITNESS NUTS, are softer than my average HS buddy. In fact, the guy who won our push-up contest in my October graduating class... was a 61 year-old former Ranger.

These "kids" are aspiring fitness professionals, NOT the "fat kids". It's frightening to me.


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I agree with the Lion's share of the posts on this thread. However, there a little part of my brain that thinks that the Ancient Egyptians were saying this about their kids when the chariot came into being. :P

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I worked at a ski resort teaching skiing/snowboarding for a month over the holidays and was amazed that completely sedentary, overweight people thought they could be taught how to ski/snowboard when it was apparent to me that they were physically incapable of whichever task they has chosen to attempt. It's almost comical how people would show up thinking that a somewhat physically demanding sport would be lots of fun right away, like they were going tobogganing or something.

How about scuba students who don't know how to swim. Seriously, alot of them. Like that little detail should be taken care of by someone else LOL.

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Interesting topic. No one seems to have looked at industrial food though. The classic American farm is down the road. It's about agribusiness and cost/profit ratios. Our foods are loaded with antibiotics, toxins of incredible sorts and hormones to accelerate growth. I have posted "rants" here about biofilms which I wonder if anyone can even conceptualize as regards the effect they have on our nervous systems. We consume enormous quantities of simple sugars (corn sweeteners) and artificial sweeteners that have been shown in the lab to have toxic effects on our nervous systems. These food components feed the flora (microorganisms) we carry around with us, selectively. Sadly what we are feeding are the toxin producing ones, not the most beneficial ones.

We are reliving the lost lessons of Sinclair Lewis in "The Jungle" brought into the future by regulatory agencies that are essentially run by the corporations they were instituted to regulate.

You are literally what you eat. If you eat CRAP all the time what do you think will happen in the long run???

Feed your children clean food, clean water and simple healthy snacks. All dis-ease is traceable to imbalance on one or another of the continua of the experience of existence. Activity vs inactivity. flexibility vs strength, on and on and on.

DO not eat packaged convenience foods! Learn to cook. Garden. Most of the really functional pharmacopoeia we have in inventory of tools for health care is rooted in traditional herbal remedies and STILL works perfectly AND YOU CAN UNDERSTAND how to use it if you make the effort to educate yourself.

Industrial medicine is about sickness, not health and wellness. Quit giving your power away to institutions that treat you the way a parasite would. To them you and your family and all your hopes and dreams are "cash flow". Use the technology if you have to but get away from it as fast as you can.

If you are stupid, too bad nothing can be done. Tragic but there is no remedy. If you are ignorant, especially by choice or thru allowing yourself to be manipulated by fear....then you have exactly what you deserve!

We live in a quantum universe..no s**t! The implications are staggering. We have been given free will. Such a simple gift. If we figure out what to do with it we have the entire universe as a toy. If not we die. America's top model ....bullshit! Collectively, we are making all this up.

A physicist once said to me " There is an uncertain relationship between the manifestation of physical reality and consciousness".

Think it over!

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How long before we actually see/feel the approaching "train wreck" of our American Society standards to the fullest extent..???? vs. Other industrialized nations with better work ethics and structure that begin in the 'youth' years......It's not a question of 'if' but 'when' we get crushed. And how long (generations) will it take to turn it around......With Social Networking keeping everyone 'connected', i'm amazed at how many young people constantly complain about 'this' and 'that' (job relate) stuff. Hell, i was too busy bust'n my ass to get the basics: house, car's,career, etc. I didn't have time or give a sh*t about complaining(ers). It will still come down to the "10% of the people doing 90% of the work" scenario.........That might even get lean'd out some....!!!!! Ya, times are going to get reeaaalllyy interesting here soon.

I could go on for days here as could everyone else......but i wont..!!!

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